Jesus The Christ


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I don't think this topic is taboo but it deffenitly isn't talked about. From what I gather there are many worlds with human life on them. The Prophet Larenzo Snow once said some thing to the effect We are now as G-d once was, and if we are righteous we will become as G-d is now.

I have heard this quote more from the hostile forces apposed to the church then I have from people in the church.

The answer I get most to questions about this concept is "you need to go to the temple!"

well I choose not to go b/c I don't consider myself worthy. I maintain a current temple recommend b/c my bishop says that if I answered his questions truthfully I should have one, but for personal reason I choose not to go.

My big question is: is the above statement is correct LDS doctrine? If so is Jesus the Christ of only our world or all of them? Then on these other said worlds do the "key mortal players" maintain their names or could lets say the first male on one of these other worlds have another name besides Michael, Israel or Abraham?

I'm just trying to understand to finer points of LDS doctrine it just seems odd I can't find many answers. I mean yeah a lot of things that are unique to Mormons are considered sacred, but for other points where ever the LDS church goes it doesn't seem to mind our beliefs are not always crowd pleasing and have tendency to upset the town folk.

So here is my poll:

A ) Is this a topic better left alone?

B ) Am I crazy?

C ) Will the LDS HQ dispatch men in suits all with the name Elder Smith to come get me in the night?

D ) There is an answer out there


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The Pearl of Price really gives me greater understanding here.

I think a huge problem comes in with our mortal tendancies and comprehensions. Its hard to see God opening His kingdom and giving all and yet God still remaining a God that we will respect and honor. To even think about that seems to put limits on God. To even think of God once being a man can be a stumbling block.

God will always be God to us though . Just as our parents will always be our parents even when we become one ourselves.

God has promised and given us much. We are to be one with Him even as Christ is one. The possibilities of what God offers is more than we can understand in this life and still live. I think the reason people don't discuss the finer points is that theres enough to do down here on earth now to follow Christ and His gospel. Dwelving into some of the more techical aspects can lead us off track. Our minds have enough handling the basic gospel principals. The questions like you asked are going to probably be important to us one day. But for now just knowing and following that which we should do is important.

I can appreciate what you are doing not going to the temple. But some questions to ask yourself-Will you ever be fully worthy? What is holding you back? I think that saying that we are are own worst critics may apply here in your case. Think about it and pray about it. Heavenly Father knows we all fall short of what He wants of us. That is why repentance is so important-even to temple mormons:) Could you be sinning by not going? What about your ancestors who maybe waiting for someone to give them a chance? You may be keeping them waiting. Also maybe you need to be able to experience the closeness to God that you may find at the temple. Will you rob yourself and others?

This is all between you and God of course. Maybe your not worthy but then again....

In my experience the one who acknowledges their unworthiness in the manner you have is sometimes the more worthy. They do not take sacred things lightly.

I don't think this topic is taboo but it deffenitly isn't talked about. From what I gather there are many worlds with human life on them. The Prophet Larenzo Snow once said some thing to the effect We are now as G-d once was, and if we are righteous we will become as G-d is now.

I have heard this quote more from the hostile forces apposed to the church then I have from people in the church.

The answer I get most to questions about this concept is "you need to go to the temple!"

well I choose not to go b/c I don't consider myself worthy. I maintain a current temple recommend b/c my bishop says that if I answered his questions truthfully I should have one, but for personal reason I choose not to go.

My big question is: is the above statement is correct LDS doctrine? If so is Jesus the Christ of only our world or all of them? Then on these other said worlds do the "key mortal players" maintain their names or could lets say the first male on one of these other worlds have another name besides Michael, Israel or Abraham?

I'm just trying to understand to finer points of LDS doctrine it just seems odd I can't find many answers. I mean yeah a lot of things that are unique to Mormons are considered sacred, but for other points where ever the LDS church goes it doesn't seem to mind our beliefs are not always crowd pleasing and have tendency to upset the town folk.

So here is my poll:

A ) Is this a topic better left alone?

B ) Am I crazy?

C ) Will the LDS HQ dispatch men in suits all with the name Elder Smith to come get me in the night?

D ) There is an answer out there


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I'm just trying to understand to finer points of LDS doctrine it just seems odd I can't find many answers.

There's a reason for that: the doctrine is not necessary for our salvation. Is this question really going to make or break your activity in the gospel?

The Lord has clearly said there is much more doctrine than we currently know. There is a way to learn this doctrine, which is to live the gospel, receive the saving ordinances, and endure to the end. Then, and only then, will we learn the mysteries of heaven.

If you are waiting to learn this doctrine before you begin to live the gospel then I'm afraid the train to the celestial kingdom will pass you by. "For ye receive no witness until AFTER the trial of your faith," not the other way around.

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In the book of Moses (PoGP) God shows Moses numberless worlds that He had created. There are certainly other worlds with God's children living on them.

Jesus Christ atoned for all of them and for the countless worlds which will no doubt roll into existence in the future as part of God's plan for His unborn spirit children.

See D&C 88 (specifically vv. 51-61) for an interesting little parable about this topic.

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The saying that 'as man is, God once was, and as God is man may become' is scriptural and true. Jesus of Nazereth is God, He went through the same temporal probation we do and ascended to the Throne of the Father. The New Testament is full of this.

We, like Him, are going through our temporal probation and when we have finished our work, if we overcome all things, we will sit with Christ in His throne, even as He also overcame, and is set down with His Father in His throne. (Rev. 3:21)

As far as other worlds are concerned, the issue is sealed.

The LORD said to Moses: 'And worlds without number have I created; and I also created them for mine own purpose; and by the Son I created them, which is mine Only Begotten. And the first man of all men have I called Adam, which is many. But only an account of this earth, and the inhabitants thereof, give I unto you. For behold, there are many worlds that have passed away by the word of my power. And there are many that now stand, and innumerable are they unto man; but all things are numbered unto me, for they are mine and I know them.' (Moses 1:33-35)

He later told Moses: 'I will speak unto thee concerning this earth upon which thou standest; and thou shalt write the things which I shall speak.' (Moses 1:40)

We honestly do NOT know concerning the names of people on other worlds anymore than what we can gather from the above statement. Many interpret this to mean that 'Adam' or some equivilant is the name of the first man on every world created. Some say this is more a Title, a Calling, a Priesthood Position, than a name.

What we DO KNOW is that these innumerable worlds are Created by the Only Begotten (Jesus), and that His Atoning Sacrifice is 'infinite' (Alma 34:10-14).

If there be 'Abraham's and 'Israel's on these worlds, we are not told. We just don't know.

And as far as Temple Attendence, remember that we are commanded to go. If you are unworthy, then get worthy! You don't have to be flawless, just meet the minimum requirements for the Temple. You are missing important Blessings and Knowledge with which the LORD is desirous to bless you.

God Bless


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Ok LT had to bring the temple again.

You are of the house of Levi-correct?

Don't you belong at the temple? :)

You are looking for answers-correct?

Where have you been encouraged to go? ( To the temple that you might find them there).

You have expressed an unworthiness to go.

How can you get worthy to get to the temple or are you actually there?

What or who is keeping you?

Would God really want to keep you from there?

Where might God reveal more indepth doctrinal things to you?

:dontknow: I'd think in the presence of people who strongly believe the same things. :hmmm:

Where in the LDS might you be able to talk freely about the most sacred of things?

The temple maybe?

I'm seeing a word come to my mind for you. It starts with a T. Let me think E M P L E :) TEMPLE :excl: . (just had to have a little fun here- please don't get upset over this or take the above part too seriously. I have thought the same way as you until someone had the sense to show me differently and I really considered both sides and the costs of going or not)

I also heard a very staggering statistic. I really don't know how accurate it is but it was something like less than 25 percent of the church membership holds a current temple recommend. Thats a hard number for me to take in if true. ( I really hope I heard incorrectly) I wonder how many feel themselves unworthy unnecessarily. Or those who maybe have fallen into some kind of sin and just hopelessly give up altogether . Maybe they should check in with God and see what he thinks. What is the cost for not doing the work? Of not being a temple going people? What impact might that have on the individual member and others?

A ) Is this a topic better left alone? I don't know can you handle it? Can you handle not having a perfect knowledge right now? Can you handle recieving greater understandings line upon line while not forsaking the gospel basics?

B ) Am I crazy? We are all a strange and peculiar people:) :wacko:

C ) Will the LDS HQ dispatch men in suits all with the name Elder Smith to come get me in the night? YOu better watch out-they're coming for you :ph34r::wacko: lol They will finish their LDS brainwashing :rolleyes::D

D ) There is an answer out there- there is we just have to wait to see it and comprehend it. Be careful about going to graduate school before you hit all the grades beforehand:)

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D&C 76:23-24. (I can't believe a-train missed that one!! :hmmm: lol, teasing you a-train.)

Btw, human beings dwelling on other planets is not necessarily doctrine. It just is. If there is a man on that other planet wondering if someone else is out there (i.e. US over here) -- do you feel like doctrine? Of course you don't! You're just going along in life, going to work every day, enjoying the simple things. Many people in the Old Israel and Old World could not imagine another continent, and I suppose Jesus was 'forced' to present it as a mysterious doctrine (other sheep I have which are not of this fold), but in another sense that's ridiculous -- just get a boat, sail an ocean, and voila! the entire picture of the structure of the planet and other people living regular lives is all there. Just don't be surprised if the communication efforts of scientists is able to give or receive contact with other planetary civilizations WITHOUT a huge revelatory experience (although, of course, as lds, we are aware that the spirit of God moved upon Columbus). Not to mention that, I plan to colonize the moon, Mars, Venus, Pluto and any planets that are in the Pleaides; and on from there! DON'T YOU?!

My opinion, in general, of the extent of the Savior's redemption power, is that is does cover more than one earth -- all of them under the Father -- but that if we are willing to contemplate godly government more ancient than the Father or more 'future' than the Father, then there may be need of other Saviors. I just haven't studied it enough. So 'infinite' does it for me, although that word has a need of context and definition, that infinity may not necessarily only or even mainly, describe a timeline (past to future) progression, and perhaps neither a numerical (counting) infinity.

D&C 19 is another good one to go along with this kind of thought and study, verses 1 to 12. Which is interesting, because after that explanation, it does go right into a very perceptive description of the operation of the atonement (15 -20) and then thirdly, reminds us to embrace repentance as the center teaching -- the beginning and the end teaching, I would say (21 -28) And again, after giving Joseph Smith and friends a tiny taste of 'tenet', he reminds that that 'tenets' should not be the teaching, but to embrace joy (glad tiding), faith, repentance, baptism, and fire/ Holy Ghost and reminds us as Jason did here in this thread: "this shall suffice for thy daily walk, even unto the end of thy life" (29 -32) And then the section ends with more encouragement and instruction for deep and daily joy (33-41).

I will say, that I have never, ever had Heavenly Father turn my questions away about any 'tenet', and I have had so many answers, in fact, and this will sound stupid, but sometimes I 'hate' to open my scriptures, because even a quick perusal opens so many windows of light and knowledge that I can't contain it all, I can't even live by it all, and then I get even more upset!! That IS stupid. So I know that knowing these kinds of things are hardly 'off-limits', I think God would be more disappointed if we didn't care to ask. But there will never be anything more glorious than faith, repentance, baptism, Holy Ghost, prayer, freedom from debt and bondage, joy, etc. There ARE no greater mysteries than these, and I can promise you we haven't plumbed even the tip of the iceberg of them.

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Wow a lot of info to absorb here. It feels like drinking off the fire hose.


Thanks for the article its awesome, and no never been to the temple.


Your references are what first peeked my interest on this topic. I think the thing that made me most skittish about this topic was most people in my ward here were formerly Catholic. They all seem to be of the same opinion that the seeds of doubt were first placed when they had questions and no one had answers. I think your right that its not what the army would call "mission essential" information, but neither is reading the work and the glory books. They are just there as an auxiliary of recreational enjoyment that LDS members choose to partake in. I think the quantum macanics of church doctrine are more up my ally.

I think it makes perfect sense that G-d was in our shoes once. Wouldn't that explain the wrath he showed in the old testament and how over time he became more and more compasionate? To me I looked at that to mean our G-d was gaining experience is his current calling.


I understand its not like I said "mission essential" to our salvation. None the less G-d has made us a

curious animal. It was once explained to me by a professor from BYU like this, information regarding the gospel can be considered like a car. Some of us are more familiar with it, some us can change the oil, and the brake pads others just seem more comfortable with putting the key in and going and have no business under the hood. I'm not emplying your the later I just think I have a good basic understanding of why things are the way they are and just want to move on to the advanced course so to speak to keep my interest.


Alright riddle me this, did Christ have to die on every one of those worlds? Thanks for the reference.


I must of read what you posted a million times but it never jumped out at me the way it did when I read your post. As far as the temple goes my bishop stake pres. and I have come to the understanding that if I don't feel worthy or ready regardless of me having my temple recommend I shouldn't go yet, that maybe the lord will have me feel ready in his time.


I understand its "playful banter" (to quote the movie "The Increadables") I think what I wrote to A-train's response is fitting for your answer as well.


Thanks for the reference. I guess some times I fell like all the valleys, islands, desserts, plains and forests have been discovered so scripture and a greater understanding of G-d and his ways is the only frontier left. I have been to Alaska "the last frontier" state, got to tell you they got a Wal-mart so they got it all.

"Truth is a sphere" as the saying goes and all the facts that make up that sphere are connected. So if you have ever watched the TV show jeopardy they aren't answering random pieces of information they are over the course of many seasons of TV programming filling in the sphere. Does that make any sense? (I tend to ramble)


So if Christ is Jesus the Christ here (Earth) is he / could he be U-blar the Christ on another world?

Thanks for the input again. You'll teach me to ask any thing other than a yes or no answered question even if I have to type all my fingers off (he he). Now I'm going to wrap my brain around the reference material all y'all (no I'm not from the south I was in the Army) gave me, thanks again,


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Alright riddle me this, did Christ have to die on every one of those worlds? Thanks for the reference.

Not if you go by what Paul taught in Hebrews 9:25-26...

"Nor yet that [Christ] should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others;

"For then must [Christ] often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself."

So if Christ is Jesus the Christ here (Earth) is he / could he be U-blar the Christ on another world?

Actually, it'd be U-blar Ognak. Christ is a proper noun native to this planet. ;)

Seriously, sure, he could be known by any name conceivable really. Just depends on the language spoken by those who worship him. In our case, it all goes back to the Hebrew (which I love).

Hebrew Greek Latin English


Yeshwah Iesous Jesu Jesus/Joshua

Mashiakh Christos Christi Messiah/Christ

So since the words "Messiah" and "Christ" both come from the same Hebrew word "Mashiakh," we could as accurately call the Savior "Jesus Messiah" instead of "Jesus Christ." B)

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I can truly appreciate your curiousity and I'm sure Heavenly Father would not be upset that you want to know more about Him. I like to go in non mission essential areas too. As a concerned sister though let me urge as above caution when doing so. There are lots of traps in the less traveled areas. Its easy to get lost or distracted. I believe thats why anti's thrive in those areas. It might be possible to learn much on the non mission paths yet never really understand and complete the mission God would have. I also believe that some of the non mission paths may keep you going forever since all the answers you seek may not be readily available. If the answers were necessary to us at this time they would probably be made more clearer. This is not to say though that Heavenly Father will not answer your diligent asking in His time


Your references are what first peeked my interest on this topic. I think the thing that made me most skittish about this topic was most people in my ward here were formerly Catholic. They all seem to be of the same opinion that the seeds of doubt were first placed when they had questions and no one had answers. I think your right that its not what the army would call "mission essential" information, but neither is reading the work and the glory books. They are just there as an auxiliary of recreational enjoyment that LDS members choose to partake in. I think the quantum macanics of church doctrine are more up my ally.

I think it makes perfect sense that G-d was in our shoes once. Wouldn't that explain the wrath he showed in the old testament and how over time he became more and more compasionate? To me I looked at that to mean our G-d was gaining experience is his current calling.


I understand its not like I said "mission essential" to our salvation. None the less G-d has made us a

curious animal. It was once explained to me by a professor from BYU like this, information regarding the gospel can be considered like a car. Some of us are more familiar with it, some us can change the oil, and the brake pads others just seem more comfortable with putting the key in and going and have no business under the hood. I'm not emplying your the later I just think I have a good basic understanding of why things are the way they are and just want to move on to the advanced course so to speak to keep my interest.


Alright riddle me this, did Christ have to die on every one of those worlds? Thanks for the reference.


I must of read what you posted a million times but it never jumped out at me the way it did when I read your post. As far as the temple goes my bishop stake pres. and I have come to the understanding that if I don't feel worthy or ready regardless of me having my temple recommend I shouldn't go yet, that maybe the lord will have me feel ready in his time.


I understand its "playful banter" (to quote the movie "The Increadables") I think what I wrote to A-train's response is fitting for your answer as well.

I'm sorry to lay pressure on you to go to the temple if you are not ready. The word temple worthy bothers me because its like who is? I didn't want you to miss another step in your progress because of it. It takes strength of character to say no I'm not ready when you're not for whatever reason. Its obvious to me now that you have weighed this heavily and recieved counsels regarding it. When you do go I'm certain you will be a stronger temple going mormon for it and will value your commitments all the more. Because you waited until you were ready.

I'm really am glad you took the last post as playful banter. That was the spirit that the first part was given in.


Thanks for the reference. I guess some times I fell like all the valleys, islands, desserts, plains and forests have been discovered so scripture and a greater understanding of G-d and his ways is the only frontier left. I have been to Alaska "the last frontier" state, got to tell you they got a Wal-mart so they got it all.

"Truth is a sphere" as the saying goes and all the facts that make up that sphere are connected. So if you have ever watched the TV show jeopardy they aren't answering random pieces of information they are over the course of many seasons of TV programming filling in the sphere. Does that make any sense? (I tend to ramble)

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While origionally created for entertainment purposes only and with no LDS religious base to my knowledge, I have found that episodes I've seen of SG-1 have broadened my capacities to understand some of more complex concepts and the endless possiblitities beyond our world and to allow the mind to ponder some scientific possiblities.

While it is obviously fiction only, some of the ideas it presents are really fascinating and spurs the mind to think of the world outside this own and how different worlds can be operating simutaneously. It puts the galaxies in a whole new light.

You might find it fascinating too. I've only seen a portion of them. But it is most enjoyable.

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Yeah I enjoy the sci-fi show "Stargate: SG-1" and I suppose it could have been the spark that started the interest I have in this topic. I enjoy finding sci-fi shows who teach the gospel in subliminal ways the new Battlestar Galactica is a good point for this all the robots believe in one G-d and all the humans believe in the pagan ancient Greek higherarcy.


I don't doubt the power of Christ having the ability to traverse any solar system. It was brought to my attention when G-d spoke to Moses and gave him a run down of how things work and how the cosmos come together and so on he said there are many worlds like this, and at the beginning of each there was Adam.

I made the suggestion of U-blar the Christ for two reasons. 1 ) In the book Jesus the Christ, Talmage explains the "Christ" is more of a title then a name hence Jesus THE Christ. If it were just a name Jesus Christ would suffice. 2 ) Some where down the post line some one said that the events that transpire on other worlds don't have the slightest impact on ours. So my reason for suggesting that Christ had to live and subsequently die on every world would be paramount to the salvation of every world for several reasons. The first would be to establish the priesthood. The second would be to establish the church. Third would be to give the inhabitants of that world a perfect example to follow. And the biggest reason would be so that when that world got to the stage when they found it a nessity to kill the savior, that world could have the same understanding we do of how Christ died for our sins. (not that we can ever fully understand but you get the point).

That being said do you agree or disagree? If you agree is the Christ of our world the same Christ on other worlds? So would this make Christ an Avatar?

Its my opinion that the Christ here is the same Christ every where. Unfortunately for him its nessisary for him to live and die on every world. Thus his sacrifice is that much greater and gives him the additional title of "only begotten son" making his presence on every world unique, thus additionally raising his esteem. Now that I have explained my personal beliefs on the good guys lets explore the bad guys. I believe that Lucifer as he was called before his expulsion from heaven is THE bad guy. I don't believe that there is one for every world. So to some degree Christ and the former heavenly spirit known as Lucifer are equals and G-d himself is the moderator giving and taking power from each side as he sees fit contingent upon the dispensation the the world in question is at. I don't think Christ is an Avatar b/c by the meaning of the word when he died he would have to be reborn in a mortal form wile maintaining his immortal abilities.

So what do you guys / gals make of all this?


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Good questions LT. But boy does my head hurt now :wacko: . Brain cells are going pop pop :)

I have to say that some of these questions have come to mind before but the popping brain cells have stopped me from going to far. I have to save all the ones I have left :D

I'd hate to think that Jesus would have to go through the same thing on each planet and that God would have Him go through the same thing on the infinite number of planets created. I would hope one time would suffice as an example to all. That God could use it.

I have heard things, don't know of their validity and can't remember where it was heard, but that earth was one of the lesser planets. (even fits in with concepts on SG-1 :) ) Maybe Christ was sent here to be crucified here on this planet because the sinful state of this world. The people of Earth could actually kill him and perform that deed. Our technologies and knowledge may be different than other planets too. Maybe they are at a different or advanced level and would not have killed Christ and would respond to different teaching methods. They might not need to have Christ crucified on their planet to recognize His significance and be willing to follow. That being considered maybe he wouldn't have to die on every planet.

Maybe earth is the battle ground of Satan and Christ. Much like right now the middle east is the battleground of terrorism?

Plus if you believe there would be only one Satan , why not only one Christ?

These are of course just thoughts and ideas. No church doctrine here.

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The Son of God, whom we now name Jesus Christ, did not have a physical body until approximately two thousand years ago. The physical body he possesses now, he will never again be separated from. Any planet and its inhabitants that are being redeemed through the sacrifice that was effected in the Garden of Gethsemane and upon the cross of Calvary will hear about this through teaching, just as the inhabitants of Zarahemla et al did not need the Savior to live a mortal life with them and yet they heard the teaching of him being born 'at Jerusalem' and it was the same redemption. Just because we have no practical and immediate knowledge of other planets and their residents, doesn't mean that they don't know about us. Going back to the Nephites (plus) and their being taught about a Savior in another place, a lot of them actually had a problem with that (Helaman 16:17-20) but their inability to believe doesn't undo the reality of Christ's grace available for them as soon as they might soften their hearts enough to access it. no matter where the baby Jesus was born.

By the way, if you want to talk avatars, we should start another thread, because I am an avatar, in the definition that I understand.

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The Son of God, whom we now name Jesus Christ, did not have a physical body until approximately two thousand years ago. The physical body he possesses now, he will never again be separated from

Wouldn't the idea of Christ having to go through this again and again take away from the power of Christs life and sacrifice? The atonement would start to lose its value after awhile. I mean if Christ keeps coming to a planet, recieving mortal form, and resurrecting over and over again it would start losing its meaning. Plus how many bodies would it be that Christ have to get in that scenario. Once is enough.

Any planet and its inhabitants that are being redeemed through the sacrifice that was effected in the Garden of Gethsemane and upon the cross of Calvary will hear about this through teaching, just as the inhabitants of Zarahemla et al did not need the Savior to live a mortal life with them and yet they heard the teaching of him being born 'at Jerusalem' and it was the same redemption. Just because we have no practical and immediate knowledge of other planets and their residents, doesn't mean that they don't know about us. Going back to the Nephites (plus) and their being taught about a Savior in another place, a lot of them actually had a problem with that (Helaman 16:17-20) but their inability to believe doesn't undo the reality of Christ's grace available for them as soon as they might soften their hearts enough to access it. no matter where the baby Jesus was born.

Agree. Many people never lived at the time of Christ and yet look how many people know of Him and have devoted their life to His service. God could defineately communicate the news of christs sacrifice on our planet to HIs other creations
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Could that be why he has not yet returned? :dontknow: Maybe he is visiting these other worlds just as he visited the Nephites, and when is is finished teaching them he will return. If so, what will happen to those other worlds when the Second Coming does happen? :dontknow: Could it be happening on those other worlds at the moment? :dontknow: Interesting things to speculate on, but not dwell on. As I have heard quoted before "It doesn't matter which way the gates of Heaven open, as long as they open." I'm not sure who said it but it puts thing into perpective for me. :idea:

Have a great day :wow:

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Wouldn't the idea of Christ having to go through this again and again take away from the power of Christs life and sacrifice? The atonement would start to lose its value after awhile. I mean if Christ keeps coming to a planet, recieving mortal form, and resurrecting over and over again it would start losing its meaning. Plus how many bodies would it be that Christ have to get in that scenario. Once is enough.

Yes, just as discussing speculation and "what if" scenarios take away from what our true focus should be: that Christ atoned for our sins. Everything we need for salvation has already been revealed to us. Discussing those things that have not been revealed, when it comes to the Savior, is demeaning to Him and states that we care more about the unknown than what we already do know.

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Yes, just as discussing speculation and "what if" scenarios take away from what our true focus should be: that Christ atoned for our sins. Everything we need for salvation has already been revealed to us. Discussing those things that have not been revealed, when it comes to the Savior, is demeaning to Him and states that we care more about the unknown than what we already do know.

There is nothing more sacred then Christs atonement and salvation.

Is it really demeaning to want to inquire of the unknown or to speak of it? Isn't that how Joseph Smith found out much of his knowledge , by asking?

To personally find out things aren't we told to ask? That is how truth is revealed to us-by asking and seeking Sure maybe we are not ready for the answers but I'm sure we will come to know that. Should we make seeking after the unknown our primary goal. NO. There are plenty of other things to keep us busy. No one is stating here that we have all the answers on this matter and have made clear our ignorant curiosity on the matter. We are not handing out doctrine.

We are taught that there are many things yet to be revealed. That there are records for each of the twelve tribes. Why wouldn't there be such for other planets? Weren't we introduced to the concept of other worlds through scriptures themselves? Most noteably the Pearl of Great Price? Many prophets in the Bible were drawn to astronomy and shown many things. The average member has access to these things nowdays. Why would it be considered wrong to seek furthur in this area when God himself introduced these concepts to us?

Is it wrong to discuss possibilities shown to prophets throughout time? To prepare our hearts and minds for what is to come? One constant thing throughout church history is for people to be unable to handle "new" truths. Despite introduced truths from God. In OT times is was hard to comprehend Christ coming to the earth. When Christ was on earth most people did not recognize him for who he was. After Christs death there were those who could not handle his resurrection, having other sheep, and that he did not take his place as ruler. In these modern days there are many that cannot grasp the need for a restoration and an organization. With the restoration came gifts like the Pearl of Great Price to introduce us to more possiblities and the next step to come.

Those who really considered scriptures, what was introduced to them by prophets, and other things given to them were probably not surprised by the "new" things they saw. They were prepared for that new thing and ready for its revealing. It was not this strange and foreign thing.

We have been told there are other worlds. Why is it wrong to want to understand more if it is kept in check and to prepare ourselves for what is yet to come :dontknow:

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Could that be why he has not yet returned? :dontknow: Maybe he is visiting these other worlds just as he visited the Nephites, and when is is finished teaching them he will return.

Again, consult D&C 88:51-61 for a parable applicable to your question.

Christ was born once, lived as a mortal once, died for the sins of all of God's children once (regardless of what planet they live on), and was resurrected once.

He is not forever being born to a virgin on every planet under God's dominion.

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Is it really demeaning to want to inquire of the unknown or to speak of it? Isn't that how Joseph Smith found out much of his knowledge , by asking?

Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and asked such questions in order to fulfill his mission.

There is nothing wrong with obtaining knowledge. The problem lies with the manner in which knowledge is received. We've already been told that if we remain faithful and endure to the end all of the mysteries of God will be revealed to us. We cannot skip the "remain faithful and endure to the end" part of that and jump right into the mysteries. Right now, we are to learn about the atonement of Jesus Christ and use THAT knowledge to become perfect. The rest will be made known to us in the due time.

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Could that be why he has not yet returned? :dontknow: Maybe he is visiting these other worlds just as he visited the Nephites, and when is is finished teaching them he will return.

Again, consult D&C 88:51-61 for a parable applicable to your question.

Christ was born once, lived as a mortal once, died for the sins of all of God's children once (regardless of what planet they live on), and was resurrected once.

He is not forever being born to a virgin on every planet under God's dominion.

D&C 88 vs 57 Isn't this parable referring to our earth only? He will go to each kingdom and its inhabitants unto the 12th? We know he appeared in Jeruselem and to his "other sheep" the Nephites so the concept of him going to visit various people is not unreasonable. Is the the verse unto the 12th referring to the 12 tribes of Israel? Or are there parts of the tribes scattered over the various planets? :unsure::dontknow:

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Today, 01:07 PM Post #21

QUOTE(Canuck Mormon @ Apr 12 2007, 09:52 AM)

Could that be why he has not yet returned? Maybe he is visiting these other worlds just as he visited the Nephites, and when is is finished teaching them he will return.

Again, consult D&C 88:51-61 for a parable applicable to your question.

Christ was born once, lived as a mortal once, died for the sins of all of God's children once (regardless of what planet they live on), and was resurrected once.

He is not forever being born to a virgin on every planet under God's dominion.


~Your Brother In Christ,

one who serves The One (aka ApostleKnight)

Soli Deo Gloria!

I didn't mean to imply that he was being born again on other worlds. Just visiting them and teaching them as he did with the Nephites. Really all that matters is that he will return one day. :D

Please excuse the shoddy qoute. I haven't mastered that part yet.

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Wow this topic sure seems to have taken a life of its own. I glad I asked the question. OK you guys / gals make a good point that Christ shouldn't have to go through his suffering over and over again, I can see your point that it would take away from his sacrafice. The reason I side with you is b/c there had to be thousands of people before Christ initially came (in person) to our world.

I can't however, see what makes our world so "special" to have had Christ be born here.

As far as the point that was made about why it has taken so long for Christ to return and the theory about his visiting other worlds in the mean time I disagree. Here's my theory we know in the war in heaven that 1/3 of the hosts left to follow the "devil" (I use the term loosely b/c Christ has his disciples cast out devils in the plural form of the word suggesting there is more than one.) so we know there are 2/3 of the hosts of heaven left needing to be born (aka receive a body) I always thought that not all of our heavenly brothers and sisters are here yet look at how many babies are born every day, the day children stop being born I think thats when we move into the "end game" phase of life here on earth.

Another Gospel according to me theory:

I have a theory that G-d endorses polygamy the way he has commanded us to (to be a celestial people) and has multiple wives, oddly we only hear of one (rarely but we do hear about her [ aka our heavenly mother]) I have also heard of "eternal procreation" (sorry I don't spell well) I would assume that to mean children other then the ones we have here on (our) earth. What if according to the eternal procreation principle we the children of the earth are all products of our heavenly father and mother, and another world would all be our eternal half-brothers and half-sisters. Let me know what you folks think.

Thank you all for taking some of the heat about asking questions that the answers haven't been revealed yet. I just can't see why G-d made us so prone to ask why things are the way they are starting from a very young state, if he didn't want us to. Granted we have a duel nature but I don't think that applies here. We cover topics all the time at church that aren't essential to our salvation like 1 ) food storage, 2 ) word of wisdom (reguarding eating habits [moderation]) and I'm sure ther are many others I can't think of right now. If I don't have a year supply I can't see G-d casting me to hell for it.

I have enjoyed this debate very much thanks for you input,


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