32 Killed At Va Tech


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I am betting it has something to do with the end of the school year. Perhaps this kid was flunking out.

We have also set schools up for this to happen. When you try to ban guns, only people with bad intentions have them and by the time the police can get there, it is too late. If teachers and law abiding students carried, then this and more school shootings would not happen or be way less common than they are becoming.

Full Disclosure, I carried in college.

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This story is just insane. What in the world causes someone to snap like that? I feel so bad for the families of the victims... they sent their children off to school and trusted they would be safe.


What a senseless tragedy :( So many lives destroyed.

:banghead: What are we coming to that such evil acts are becoming so frequent? That people value life with so little regard. Morals and values slipping away. People using violence as their means of communication :(

This really hits home. There have been a few random senseless acts that have cost great loss and touch my life and the lives of people I care about. Its really hard to cope with. Even with all the gospel truths we have and the hope we're given. These are the last days but..........


such little regard for one another, so little value of life, so much hate


:banghead: again


moment of silence


Dearest Heavenly Father,

Grant us peace and faith O Lord to make it through these difficult times. Help us to endure to the end. This mortal existance brings us lots of pain at times. May we see the hope that comes from the gospel and grant us the strength to get through lifes most challenging times.

Help us to be faithful, to CTR, and be a positive influence. Change begins with us.

Be with the families, friends and associates who are dealing with this awful tragedy or other loss. May they be drawn closer to you and find the peace they need to make it through each new day. May they sense the care that others have for them and be bouyed up

This is my humble Prayer in the name of Jesus Christ Amen

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I'm actually surprised there isn't more of this going on in our country.

It's ridiculously tragic, I'm sorry for the families.

I'm just waiting for the intellectual analysts and wanna-be-expert bozo's to blame lax gun laws for this tragedy.

Guns don't kill people. People kill people. We should ban people, not guns!

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I'm actually surprised there isn't more of this going on in our country.

It's ridiculously tragic, I'm sorry for the families.

I'm just waiting for the intellectual analysts and wanna-be-expert bozo's to blame lax gun laws for this tragedy.

Guns don't kill people. People kill people. We should ban people, not guns!

It's already started, CK! As if this guy would not have been able to get a gun! 'Bad guys' aren't affected by gun control. It's the decent, law-abiding citizens who are affected. Don't get me wrong, I'm for SOME gun control, but the answer is NOT to take away access of guns from the population. It's scary to think that only the bad guys have guns and the decent people can't protect themselves or their families.

I'm thinking in the other direction. Perhaps they should designate faculty to have access to firearms, go through the safety training, etc. This could have been stopped if that were the case.

My husband just completed his concealed training and will soon be able to carry.

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I'm actually surprised there isn't more of this going on in our country.

It's ridiculously tragic, I'm sorry for the families.

I'm just waiting for the intellectual analysts and wanna-be-expert bozo's to blame lax gun laws for this tragedy.

Guns don't kill people. People kill people. We should ban people, not guns!

It's already started, CK! As if this guy would not have been able to get a gun! 'Bad guys' aren't affected by gun control. It's the decent, law-abiding citizens who are affected. Don't get me wrong, I'm for SOME gun control, but the answer is NOT to take away access of guns from the population. It's scary to think that only the bad guys have guns and the decent people can't protect themselves or their families.

I'm thinking in the other direction. Perhaps they should designate faculty to have access to firearms, go through the safety training, etc. This could have been stopped if that were the case.

My husband just completed his concealed training and will soon be able to carry.

It is the law abiding citizens who had to go into that class room unarmed and face this demon. The gun debate is so frustrating because no matter how many facts you can prove and how much logic and common sense there is to support gun rights everywhere, there are still a lot of idiots who go 110% emotion and refuse the facts.

If ANY of the students or teachers had been armed, this horrible incident would have been much smaller or not even happend at all.

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As I think we can all agree, this is just another sign that Christ gave us to let us know it is the last days: "The love of many shall wax cold".

I'm sure that this guy felt that somehow he had been wronged, or whatever, and decided that if he couldn't be happy, then he'd take out as many as he could. Kind of reminds you of King Herod, doesn't it. He knew that no one would mourn his death, so he had his palace staff killed, as well as others, when he died, to ensure that there would be mourning.

The talking heads are already saying that it is lax gun laws ("the State of Virginia has very lax gun laws" they claim). They just don't get it. The founding fathers knew that government was inherently evil, and that unless the gov't was afraid I had a weapon in my house nothing would keep them from coming in whenever they liked, kind of like the Gestapo during their reign of terror.

This tragedy will be twisted to meet someone's agenda, all in the name of compassion. I wouldn't be surprised to hear come out of some idiot's mouth that finals were coming up and it is too hard and we shouldn't pressure these young minds so much...

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As I think we can all agree, this is just another sign that Christ gave us to let us know it is the last days: "The love of many shall wax cold".

I don't agree with this. Horrible events have always happened, and will always happen. It's just that some people are so cowardly and have no self-restraint... or are seriously messed up in the head. I don't think God had anything to do with it.
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I keep going back to the thought that at one point we all knew the gospel was true. every single person ever on this earth knew it. How could so many fall so far? I understand it is how things are supposed to be but it leaves a lump deep in my heart that makes me so sad.

Living not far from this, yesterday was crazy as everyone around here franticly tried to get more information, especially for those who have family in that area. I can not imagin what those people who lost loved ones are going through.

As I think we can all agree, this is just another sign that Christ gave us to let us know it is the last days: "The love of many shall wax cold".

I think we have yet to see things really bad. I think we will see things 1000x worse than our worst nightmares when that day comes. I imagin a world destroyed where there are very few of us left of faith. As we have seen in the scriptures, these types of decay can happen fast, and I would figure even more so in these days with the potential of nuke weapons.

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I totally agree that we will see worse things, far worse. I pray for my kids and grandkids that they will remain faithful, because, quite literally, all hell is going to break loose as Satan sees his days of power coming to an end.

However, due to whatever circumstances, the love of many has waxed cold. There really is no sense of community or belonging anymore. The glorification of violence (and I don't mean the old war movies or westerns where people were shot, etc., and died on screen. I mean the crud like "Kill Bill" and other movies where killing someone isn't the point, but absolutely maiming them with blood and guts everywhere and then calling it art. How many people actually cheer when someone is particularly maimed because "they deserved it"?), the denigration of women (both by rappers and by women themselves, that act as predatory as any man ever did), the absolute lack of respect for anyone, to me, shows that people just don't give a darn anymore about anyone but themselves and their own pleasure.

The Savior taught the perfect remedy for this age old problem: love others, and serve others. That, however, isn't really taught anymore. It is to a degree, as long as you are helping mother earth, etc., but not really.

I fear the day is coming when we will be like the ancient Jaredites and Nephites, where war was everywhere and people couldn't get enough of it (Ether 15, Moroni 9).

We hear more about these incidents not only because of better news coverage, but because there are more people out there that are completely lost spiritually that have absolutely no qualms about spilling blood.

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I think society changes. You point out Kill Bill as horrible entertainment vs old westerns. I can point to the odl world where people were fed to lions for entertainment. Look at the Roman entertainment! Species went extenict!

Look at the scriptures at how barbaric and brutal things were at certain times. Kill Bill and such are horrible but it is not as bad when you put it into perspective that instead of movies, they just did the real thing back in the day... and in some places still today.

I think we are more likly at the start of the slope. And either it will degrade slowly overtime until few of us are left or one large event (world wide nuke war, famine, etc) will change things over night.

Who is to know. All we do know for sure is that we are in the final dispensation. The final hour of the final day. In our time that could be today, tomorrow, a year from now, 10 years from now, 100 years from now, or more. We have no way to know and all we can do is follow the teachings of the Church, follow our profet, and do our best to be prepared both physiclly and spiritually.

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I do blame video games and movies. I was thinking about this last night and since I was a kid when Atari came out, video games are 100% more violent than ever before. Now adays kids can shoot hookers, drug dealers and even cops and the more they kill the more they win. How does that sit in a developing brain year after year??? It desynthetizes them to what life is and what death is. They see no consequences for their killing only reward or fame. Heck, some kids think going to jail now is "cool" because they have a rap sheet to float around like somoe kind of honorary badge.

And movies... well, nothing is left to the imaginaiton anymore. Just look at how many TV shows glorify murder on your average night?

It is sad. We have become a nation of glorifying death so much that what happened yesterday... someone is already planning to see if they get kill more people before they turn the gun on themselves. (sigh)

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If you're going to blame video games, how about the parents that aren't home to supervise what their kids are doing. :dontknow: I know this can't be the case for everyone, and I know that as long as it's out there kids will find a way to play those games. I see it time and time again where the parent buys the kids the game just to shut them up because they do not know how to be a parent. :dontknow: It's sad. I don't mean to offend anyone, this is my personal opinion. I have a 7 year old son who, like most 7 years olds, loves to play video games. I highly restrict the games he plays, and I usually play with him. This way I know what he is playing and for how long. It may seem cruel to some, but he is only allowed to play video games for 1 maybe 2 hours every weekend (Fri., Sat., Sun.)

Just my :twocents:

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I agree about some games, movies, music and all that. However also believe strongly in their right to make such things. The market needs to dictate how things go. Do not let the government step in and regulate it as it is not their role to do so.

So if you find a game, movie, music or whatever offensive... then do not support it in any way. If there are enough of us, the markets will change their product offerings. I can not wait for the day when you can filter out words and sceens from movies on your home system. The tech is there, one day it will be available to all.

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There really is no sense of community or belonging anymore.

Gosh, I don't agree with that. I have a sense of community and belonging, as does the rest of my family. And those I socialize with do as well.

The Savior taught the perfect remedy for this age old problem: love others, and serve others. That, however, isn't really taught anymore. It is to a degree, as long as you are helping mother earth, etc., but not really.

Once again, I have to disagree with you. This is taught and is practised... not by everyone, of course. But I can seriously say that I know a lot of people who teach their kids to love and serve others... and they lead by example.
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I agree completely that the gov't should not be stepping in out of some type of knee jerk reaction to make people feel better. However, as far as the ability to screen scenes out, words out, etc., the V chip helps some, but if you'll remember CleanFlicks did something along those lines (true they resold the movies) by blotting out the profanity and the sex and violence, and Hollyweird had a fit and made them stop, all in the name of "art".

The purveyors of filth and perversion do not want us to have a choice as to what we see or read (ala CleanFlicks) but rather what they think we should be seeing, reading, hearing, etc. True, just shut off the TV, don't patronize the movie, don't read the book, all of which are exercises in choice. The problem is that, as has been said time and time again, most "parents" don't want to be parents but rather best friends, and be liked. Guess what? There were times my kids hated me because I said no. But now my daughters tell me that they appreciate it (I know it sounds trite and very "Especially for Mormons" but it is true!), and that they will treat their kids the same. So when these "parents" breed, then they create perfect little monsters with no bearings, no sense of right/wrong, and a belief that everyone owes them everything because life is supposed to be all lollipops and flowers. And then it isn't, and they can't cope. And then these merchants of evil step in and fill those young minds of mush with those things that aren't meant to uplift, but to denigrate and tittilate, and we wonder why we have the problems we do.

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We hear more about these incidents not only because of better news coverage, but because there are more people out there that are completely lost spiritually that have absolutely no qualms about spilling blood.

We had this discussion here a few weeks back (I'll try to find the thread and will edit this post with it when I do). I strongly disagree that it's getting worse. Lets not forget about slavery, the crusades, women treated as property, and on and on and on...

Everyone has a choice to do right or to do wrong. Sometimes people choose to do wrong. A huge majority of the time, good wins out. IMO...

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My oh my, somehow I can't get you to agree with anything I say today!

I am making a general statement, but there are exceptions. Obviously you are aware of some. But I hold to the belief that there isn't a lot of sense of community anymore, and that most people are in it for themselves. Thankfully, I have a ward family that helps me "come out of my shell" and reach out, and I have had wonderful experiences because of that. When I lived in Japan with my wife and kids, it was the only place I didn't feel that I was an outsider.

Yes, people are friendly, for the most part, but I also believe, for the most part, that they really don't care. Maybe I'm too pessimistic? Perhaps...

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