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Personally, I'd say it all depends on the context. A friendly game of bingo with prizes among friends or with kids is likely fine. Going to a bingo hall and paying to play for the privilege to try to win is another thing altogether.

I guess a better way of wording this might be to say that it is only gambling if something is on the line; Kind of like cards, you can play for fun just to see who wins or you can make wagers in which case it becomes gambling.

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Sorry, should have given context:

It is a game where you go to a club and pay $3 to enter.

It is usually a bunch of old ladies and gents, have a chat between games, whinge about losing, making old people jokes and someone usually brings home made cake/biscuits.

School holidays they bring their kids/grandkids for a game.

For some it is the social highlight of their week.

There are prizes of shopping gift cards for each game. So yes - you do pay money with a chance of winning something.

Up until recently, I hadn't considered it gambling as I was going along with a friend and assisting older ladies where I could. However, I won - which was not expected!

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I admit to being a Bingo junkie. My friends and I would go like every weekend and play in Mesquite NV. The most I've won was about $300 but I never put much into playing - ever - so it isn't a gamble for me if I lose a couple bucks.

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I worked in a care home some time back and the little old ladies had a bingo once a week I used to pay a pound or two to join in. Think I might have a won some shampoo or something which I might have given to one of the old ladies.

In a sense it is gambling as I was paying but I didn't look too deeply into it as I just saw as it as I was paying to join in.

I think (and I could be wrong) the reason we're told not to gamble is that we should work for our money. Also gambling can and does become addictive and we should avoid things that can take away our freedom.

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I used to spend literally hours on the internet and computer games.

A test was done on rats by some scientists. The rats had to press a button and randomly a treat would be dispensed but not always only randomly. So the rats just stood there pressing the button repeatedly till they got their treat.

Makes me think A LOT of slot machines or even bashing away on a computer game. We got to be careful ;)!

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I can't imagine Bingo becoming addictive :)

After reading here, I think the token payment of $3 is more of a participation/entry fee and the prizes are just a bonus.

If I look at the reason why I am there, it is not to win, it is a community event.

Tosca and Bini - I agree that games is probably becoming a bigger problem these days. I waste a lot of time on the internet that should be put to better use. Maybe I should help out at bingo more often :)

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I too agree there are many places that time is wasted... social media anyone. Time waste is not something only done by men.

No one said that it was.

To clarify my comment, I was stating that video games are a bad addiction for many, and typically the audience for that is the male population. If someone has statistics that differ from what I've observed, I'd be willing to accept that my opinion on this particular subject was misguided.

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I can't imagine Bingo becoming addictive :)

After reading here, I think the token payment of $3 is more of a participation/entry fee and the prizes are just a bonus.

If I look at the reason why I am there, it is not to win, it is a community event.

Tosca and Bini - I agree that games is probably becoming a bigger problem these days. I waste a lot of time on the internet that should be put to better use. Maybe I should help out at bingo more often :)

Stop into a casino or two that offers bingo and you can see how addictive it can become.

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