dream interpretation?


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I'm one of those who normal do not remember my dreams. However, last night I had the most vivid dream; I was among all these doors and openings. I was trying to fit the right door to the right opening. No one else was there. I remember that there were doors I had to recalculate their sizes because I could not fit them into the openings. As I said, it is so unusual for me to remember dreams that I'm wondering if the Lord was trying to tell me something? I looked up doors in my scripture search tool, but did not find any specific scripture that stood out to me.

Anyone have any experience with dreams that might be a message from the Lord? Any suggestions on interpretation would be most welcomed.


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Anyone have any experience with dreams that might be a message from the Lord? Any suggestions on interpretation would be most welcomed.


Here is the best advice I received from my mission pertaining to dreams, and which is supported by scripture. If the dream is from the Lord, then ask for an interpretation. If the dream is from the Lord an interpretation will be provided.

As Joseph in Egypt said, "Do not interpretations belong to God? tell me them, I pray you."

Unless a person is inspired by the spirit of the Lord, the dream interpretation is merely an opinion.

Freudian dream interpretation is interesting to learn, however we are dealing with human knowledge seeking to understand what they know very little about.

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The popular/worldy interpretation is that doors represent opportunities. If that's applicable to your life (maybe getting opportunities and timing to line up, or having to choose which opportunity will fit your life best, etc.) maybe that helps. Or maybe you just ate chocolate before bed. That always makes my dreams vivid, but then I remember many of my dreams and definitely dream more vividly and more often when I'm trying to work something in my life out in my head.

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The popular/worldy interpretation is that doors represent opportunities. If that's applicable to your life (maybe getting opportunities and timing to line up, or having to choose which opportunity will fit your life best, etc.) maybe that helps. Or maybe you just ate chocolate before bed. That always makes my dreams vivid, but then I remember many of my dreams and definitely dream more vividly and more often when I'm trying to work something in my life out in my head.

it's also more specific to which way the door was opened

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In my dream, I was actually installing the doors. And I remember that measurements were critical..in fact there was one door I was having to remeasure to make it fit! So it seems more about constructing doors rather than going through one.

then perhaps you are seeking opportunities in your life? Or are trying to make opportunities within your life?

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Your aura is pulsing! Are you in the beyond???

If you mean the Outer Universe, then yes

as the Book of Kona says

"Before life, before the universe in which we live in, there was the fast nothingness. And there floated the Shapeless. Our universe awoke first. When the shapeless did awake, our universe had was copied. A strange, and yet perfect copy. The Shapeless had split, into three and those three drifted within their new creation.

Kaunis 1:1

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm one of those who normal do not remember my dreams. However, last night I had the most vivid dream; I was among all these doors and openings. I was trying to fit the right door to the right opening. No one else was there. I remember that there were doors I had to recalculate their sizes because I could not fit them into the openings. As I said, it is so unusual for me to remember dreams that I'm wondering if the Lord was trying to tell me something? I looked up doors in my scripture search tool, but did not find any specific scripture that stood out to me.

Anyone have any experience with dreams that might be a message from the Lord? Any suggestions on interpretation would be most welcomed.


Doors in dreams are often a symbol for opportunity or new phases. An event if your life that changes you if you decide to go with it. Are you having issues deciding whether or not to push ahead with something.

Try this link for more on dream symbolism for door.

Dream Bible Dream Dictionary - Dream Search Results

Edited by Rourke
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I dunno...last five significant dreams I tried to interpret...three turned out to be completely literal and creepily accurate. (Including details I couldn't possibly have known since they hadn't existed the last time I was in those places.) The other two were just as vivid and around the same time, so I'm just waiting to see.

Why can't the Lamborghini, mansion and Denise Richards dream fall into that category, though?

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