An Invitation To Dream Analysis


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A friend of mine mailed this to me recently and asked what I thought. She is sorta Christian and interested in the LDS Church and in college. So please give some imput.

To make a long story short: I dreamed of the future, the environment was very hostile and I was "off-road", there were people that was "in" the society and people left out. As an outsider, you were always hunted. "Can they see me?" I sort of ran around in this big world.

And suddenly I were in a different forest. It was another world, other creatures -- and I was NOT welcome there. Eventually I managed to get into "our" world where at least the vegetation was friendly. I did meet people. The thing is, the people "existing" in the society did not seem happy. Like it was very strict and you always lived on the verge, if you said something wrong or had bad opinions... Then you were in a bad situation...

The people left out seemed more happy, but staying off the roads all the time. But the feeling of always being haunted. By evil. Not that Satan had to do with this, only man, free will.

I tried to remember as much as possible. The dream was highly lucid -- seeming to be containing emotion as well as seeming more real than most dreams. I was frightened. It felt like a maze where there was no exit. I think part of my dream had some images from the USA. I don't know if I really felt safer but at least I wasn't scared when I was with the family in Utah I stayed with recently. But it is a bit confusing that there was this old world that had changed, and then there was another forest that was so different. I guess I kinda worry about the future since I start realizing that the world is eternally changing and I don't know how the future will be. I mean, tomorrow is always tomorrow.

I personally love dealing with archetypes but feel free to interpret any way you wish.

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I do not put much value into "dream interpretation" or, to a lesser degree, the concept of archetypes (no offense to you intended) Carl Jung, and the others are interesting but turning dreams into so much more then they really are is ridiculous to me. I'm very pragmatic when it comes to dreams. I see them as a bodily function where the brain "reorganizes" data from life experience. In your friends case, she probably hit it on the head when she said,

...I kinda worry about the future...

Ask her what else is happening in her life that might help explain her dream. That's as far as I would go with it.
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I think she is a very creative person, which makes her dream such detailed dreams and she's able to remember them. My daughter is the same type, dreams very vivid and colourful dreams and remembers every detail. She may have recently read or viewed something (on TV) that helped create her dream.


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I go along with Maureen and Dr.T's replies. I dream very vivid and sometimes frightening stuff, and can recall them quite clearly most of the time. When I do look into most of my disturbing dreams I do find that they correlate to something that I have either experienced or read about in the recent past, and then the images from those experiences get mixed up with other concerns I've been having. I feel more sane these days, from understanding where the dreams are coming from..I used to feel very afraid of dreaming.

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I think dreams can be, but not always, a form of revelation. I have had some really good ones that were very spiritual, and some even prophetic.

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I believe dreams are a very important part of us and that it is important to analyze your dreams. Why, you may ask? Because we dream about our past, the future, and the present. We plan, we think. We look at the world around us. Dreams can tell you what your life is like, or something that is happening. The Lord gave us to, dreams, for visions in the nighttime to increase our learning and understanding of the gospel. I can give my own personal thought on the dream, if you like. :)

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There was a radio talk show here in Utah years back that analyzed dreams as people called in. I found it very interesting that they seemed to be able to get so much insight into a persons being just by a dream. Okay so I'm being somewhat sarcastic in saying that. I too don't take a whole lot of stock in dream interpretation. As I sit and try to analyze any dreams I might have had...they always seem to be an exaggeration of something that happened that day or within days. Something I might have had on my mind when going to bed. Nothing more. If you are upset that you were scorned by will have a dream that that is the basis. Just my opinion. I've never studied psychology or dreams of the sort and don't confess to be an expert of any kind. Actually I would never confess to being an "expert" at anything. An "ex" is a has been and a "spert" (actually spurt) is a drip under pressure.


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