Funny kid stories


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So I don't derail Backroad's thread too much....

What are some funny stories of you as a kid? Other than the fact that I was an angel, one story that gets told about me was when I was baptized as a baby. I was baptized in the Bulgarian Orthodox Church when I was around 6 months or so and my godfather (who was 14 y/o at the time) was holding me. He tells the tale by stating that I was an angel in his arms until he felt something warm and wet running down his front. I'm just lying there gazing around when he realized what it was. And as any 14 y/o would do, he shoves the baby (me, in this case) into his mom's arms (who is my godmother) and loudly whispers, "MOM! Take her..she's peeing!"

What are your stories?

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I had an imaginary bird when I was about 4 years old. It ate rocks. I would carry that bird around on my finger everywhere I went. I also had my mom form my jacket into a nest at night so that my bird would have a place to sleep.

Oh I forgot to mention. It changed colors constantly.

Edited by pam
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Not of me, but this is a good one from my son, who is now 27.

When my son was 3 he asked to play outside in the sprinkler. I went to work, leaving him with his grandma. Shortly after I left she heard water running in the kitchen, but it didn't sound like it was coming from the sink. She came up from the basement and found that he brought the sprinkler inside and turned it on. I obviously failed to tell him he couldn't play inside in the sprinkler. When my mom asked why he did that he said, "sorry, it was just a bad idea."

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My mom used cloth diapers. My sister changed my diaper once and pinned the diaper to my skin. I've never wanted to use cloth diapers....

Oh my. Do you still have scars to show this?

I do. I have a small scar on my right hip that I've had since I was about 6 months old. Over the years it's stretched, so that now it's a little bigger than a pencil eraser, but I have always had it for as long as I can remember.

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I was pretty stubborn about saying "please" and "thank you" when I was about 4 years old. My sister says she caught me saying "please" to the cat once, and then I looked around and added, "Don't tell anyone I said that."

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My dad just got done in the bathroom, a few minutes later my nephew walked in there and we heard "Grandpa, your fired!" so we asked him why dad was fired, he said "because you pooped on the floor!" our dog Spike had gone into the bathroom between my dad and my nephew and did his business as well, to bad the wrong guy got blamed!

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Well, there was this time in sacrament meeting. I was about three. I'm pretty sure someone was saying a prayer, but I don't know if it was the opening or closing. It may have even been a talk, I was a little fuzzy on what was a talk and what was a prayer at the time. Anyway. During the prayer, I smelled something. It was rank. I of course decided that my father had done it, and blurted out (in the middle of the prayer mind you) "DADDY FARTED." Of course to make matters worse, it wasn't him.

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I have one about my son. I took a CPR/AED/First Aid class and I had to take my son with me when he was about four. He watched the videos and stayed with me the whole time. When it came time to actually do the hands on exam, my son was right there. When it was my turn to be the person that called out the instructions I told my one of my classmates to call 911 and asked someone to get the AED. My son runs over to the other group and says "My daddy needs the AED". He came back and said they are using it daddy... LOL.. I miss him... He lives in another state with his mother now......... :(

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I was raised in a different era and guns were an integral part of our life. We hunted for much of our meat. We were taught how to use a gun at a very early age. I was about 5 and my brothers were about 8 and 9 when our parents left us at home alone - I do not recall where they had gone - perhaps to the temple. As we were alone we became concerned that someone may try to kidnap us.

It was after dark when there was a knock at the door - we were sure that no one should be about that late at night and that who ever it was was likely a criminal or kid napper. My brothers quickly got the shot gun and deer rifle and concealed themselves. I was sent to the door with the instructions that if there were bad guys at the door I was to hit the deck and my brothers would open fire.

It turned out that our home teachers were at the door. They had no idea what danger they were in.

The Traveler

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