Global warming trend now in 6th year of "hiatus"


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One of the main focuses of comments on this topic was, that the focus shouldn't be on the debate over climate change or global warming.
Well, the main focus of your comments have surely been along those lines. I continue to believe that since agendas are being pushed on local, state, national, and global levels that can impact all of us, it is indeed wise to spend time looking at and participating in the debate.

It doesn't have to be an 'either-or' thing, you know raven2. One can be both desirous to be a wise and righteous steward, AND participate in the debate over climate change.

Approaches to the environment must be prudent, realistic, balanced and consistent with the needs of the earth and of current and future generations, rather than pursuing the immediate vindication of personal desires or avowed rights.
Here's a counterbalancing comment for you to chew on:

"Approaches to the environment must be prudent, realistic, balanced and consistent with the needs of the earth and of current and future generations, rather than pursuing the ideologies of humans who wish to push their agendas of power and control over individuals, corporations, and nations."

"The state of the human soul and the environment are interconnected, with each affecting and influencing the other."

Environmental Stewardship and Conservation

Well, this quote is coming from an anonymous source working out of the church newsroom, so it's hardly "thus saith the Lord" quality material. That said, I'm not even sure what it means. Do people who clean septic tanks have a lower-quality soul than people who hike the Rockies and listen to John Denver music?
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One of the main focuses of comments on this topic was, that the focus shouldn't be on the debate over climate change or global warming. Its on our responsibilities to care for and have stewardship over the earth and what the prophets and leaders have to say on this subject.

"The earth and all things on it should be used responsibly to sustain the human family. However, all are stewards — not owners — over this earth and its bounty and will be accountable before God for what they do with His creations.

Approaches to the environment must be prudent, realistic, balanced and consistent with the needs of the earth and of current and future generations, rather than pursuing the immediate vindication of personal desires or avowed rights.

The state of the human soul and the environment are interconnected, with each affecting and influencing the other."

Environmental Stewardship and Conservation

I wonder what the earth's needs are? I assumed it was just a star to orbit and perhaps the occasional asteroid collision.

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Well, the main focus of your comments have surely been along those lines. I continue to believe that since agendas are being pushed on local, state, national, and global levels that can impact all of us, it is indeed wise to spend time looking at and participating in the debate.

I think everyone is welcomed to their opinion and can debate whatever issues they would like. My opinion was that, focusing on the political aspect of a topic very seldom results in a balanced and thoughtful discussion on a subject matter. It just ends up with one side posting their opinion and some data and the other side doing the same thing. (Which is what happens most of the time on the topic of Global Warming/Climate Change.) This frequently ends up with both sides missing what the prophets and the Savior had to say.

My feelings on this are pretty simple, this subject has more value and deserves more than a republican or democrat debate. I just find it sad when a political viewpoint becomes the focus of an individual’s thought process. (Which happens a lot on these types of subjects.)

It doesn't have to be an 'either-or' thing, you know raven2. One can be both desirous to be a wise and righteous steward, AND participate in the debate over climate change.

I never said there shouldn't be a balance with this topic (and most topics).

Here's a counterbalancing comment for you to chew on:

"Approaches to the environment must be prudent, realistic, balanced and consistent with the needs of the earth and of current and future generations, rather than pursuing the ideologies of humans who wish to push their agendas of power and control over individuals, corporations, and nations."

I think many leaders of the church have made enough statements to show that we are currently not in balance, as a nation and world, when it comes to our environment. (Thus all the posts from propehts and leaders of the church.)

Well, this quote is coming from an anonymous source working out of the church newsroom, so it's hardly "thus saith the Lord" quality material. That said, I'm not even sure what it means. Do people who clean septic tanks have a lower-quality soul than people who hike the Rockies and listen to John Denver music?

You are welcome to believe or discredit whatever you would like.

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I notice you didn't answer my question there, raven2. It wasn't rhetorical. What do you think that statement from the LDS newsroom means? Exactly how does the state of an inner-city sewer worker's soul differ from that of an outdoor loving hiker?

I thought I answered number one. There needs to be a balance, but I do believe were are out of balance. I have posted serveral quotes as well on that subject, here is one of them again.

"Thus, when God gave unto man “dominion over the fish of the sea, and over fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth,”[22] it was not without boundaries or limits. He intends man’s dominion to be a righteous dominion, meaning one that is guided, curbed, and enlightened by the doctrine of His gospel—a gospel defined by God’s love for us and our love for Him and his works. The unbridled, voracious consumer is not consistent with God’s plan of happiness, which calls for humility, gratitude, and mutual respect.

In other words, as stewards over the earth and all life thereon, we are to gratefully make use of that which the Lord has provided, avoid wasting life and resources, and use the bounty of the earth to care for the poor." Elder Marcus B. Nash, 18th Annual Stegner Center Symposium, Friday, April 12, 2013

You other question, I don't understand it.

With that said, I think I have taken enough time to try and respond to you. You have yet to post much past your opinion, a few political articles and a few unanswerable questions.

Not trying to be rude, but I just feel like I have done enough to support my original statement and connected it with quotes/comments from the church, prophets and leaders.

I did appreciate the opportunity to discuss this topic. Thanks

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This thread was an interesting read through. But the debate within didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Everyone seems to basically agree and yet there's still this battle going on. I've been guilty of the same, of course. But it seems a bit strange. What, exactly, is the contention here? Is anyone arguing that we should be out nuking the whales? :) What's this really about here? I'm sinning if I don't recycle?

Just my observations.

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This thread was an interesting read through. But the debate within didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Everyone seems to basically agree and yet there's still this battle going on. I've been guilty of the same, of course. But it seems a bit strange. What, exactly, is the contention here? Is anyone arguing that we should be out nuking the whales? :) What's this really about here? I'm sinning if I don't recycle?

Just my observations.

I think you may be right on several of your observations.

I think each person ultimately must decide what it means to have stewardship over the earth. I think the church has posted several ways to do that (including recycling). But whether or not a person feels or will be held accountable for certain things is a tough one (with really no direct answer). We know we have stewardship, we have been told we will be held accountable, but that could very for each person and their sphere of influence. The one thing I got out of this is, the idea of ‘eat, drink and be merry’ - might not be good one and we should strive to leave it better than how we received it. I think these quotes from Ezra Taft Benson are pretty good on this subject.

Ezra Taft Benson - "In fact, we are morally obligated to turn this land over to those who succeed us — not drained of its fertility but improved in quality, in productivity, and in usefulness for future generations.”

Ezra Taft Benson - "Pollution of one's environment and moral impurity both rest on a life-style which partakes of a philosophy of ‘eat, drink, and be merry’ — gouge and grab now, without regard to the consequences. Both violate the spirit of stewardship for which we will stand accountable.”

Edited by raven2
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I wonder what the earth's needs are? I assumed it was just a star to orbit and perhaps the occasional asteroid collision.

Earth is a giant spaceship speeding around the sun. The dinosaurs did their best to see it stocked with carbon fuel. We act like oil and natural gas are nonrenewable, but the ancients knew better. We MUST ACT NOW!!! We need to fill the Grand Canyon with rhinoceros, elephants, pandas, - anything we can get our hands on really - cows that vegans aren't using anyway.

What, exactly, is the contention here? Is anyone arguing that we should be out nuking the whales? :) What's this really about here?

Nuking?! Don't be absurd!

But whales, you say..... [begins stroking chin] .........

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