Stunning Footage Shows North Carolina Condo Collapse From High Winds


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Still under construction. Looks like much of the plywood on the lower level was not yet put up. Such construction depends on the plywood sheeting to provide lateral stabilization. Don't know why so much plywood was put on up top but not at the bottom, but my guess is that that did the thing in. No lower plywood sheets + lots of plywood up top to catch the wind like a sail = news footage.

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Eighty-six mile per hour winds are high velocity, but not enough to do damage like this in my opinion. Something was not built right if the whole structure fell under these conditions.

It wasn't finished. Nothing in that structure was completed enough to live in let alone withstand weather conditions.

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My garbage can was blown over this morning. I was grossed out because I had to scoop half-frozen used dinner remnants up with my bare hands.

No video though, sorry. :)

LM's trash can --

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