Spiritual Experiences

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I've noted that many of the threads are more about debate or complicated questions, so wanted to lighten the tone and ask if people had any really striking spiritual experiences that they could share.

I'm not talking about simply feeling the spirit when you read the scriptures etc, because I expect this is common, but the more significant experiences that are just statistically impossible without divine intervention, i.e. resurrection, unquestioned and verifiable healings etc.

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I've got several, though it would take a book to describe how all the instances are interwoven w/each other and how they have brought me to where I am now :) One of my favorites is when I first laid eyes on my husband and the moment I saw him, a voice told me that he was the one to whom I would marry. Yeah, an actual, literal voice, spoken "internally" (I'm not really sure how to describe it since it's very hard to describe how I heard it). God has truly guided me in some of the most remarkable ways for most of my life, the first time I remember a distinct calling was when I was about 12 years old. But my absolute favorite was when I was given the greatest grace of all, to be in the presence of Jesus, and to actually FEEL Him with me, and He was focused on ME! Absolutely amazing, the love I felt was far greater than anything I have ever experienced. It only lasted for maybe a minute or two, but it was more than enough, I know God exists and that what we have waiting for us after this life is far greater than we could possibly imagine. His love was so great, it felt as though waves were washing over me...very hard to describe! All I could do was just cry in utter amazement at the blessing I was given. Seriously, I was on my knees just sobbing, it was so overwhelming. We all know we are loved, but it's something else entirely when the King of kings and Lord of lords personally lets you know just how much you're loved. Someday, I will feel that love again and it will be for eternity!!

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I'd venture a guess that many or most of such experiences are going to be held too close to the chest to be shared on a public forum. Usually those things are held sacred and shared rarely if at all, in situations that call for it.

I've had some experiences surrounding the recent death of my beloved grandma that I won't get into specifically, but suffice it to say that the veil is truly thin in birth and in death.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

I appreciate your effort so elevate the conversation, but I agree with Eowyn. Yes, I have those experiences...things that even I in my most skeptical, questioning moments could not write off as coincidence. In fact I made a list of them in my journal with a new motto-- remember and believe-- it has been very helpful! But yeah, as Eowyn said those things are too personal to share on a public forum.

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Agreed. Too personal and spiritual. I may have shared certain experiences with close family, but it was only after I felt it was pertinent. And, unless I feel inspired to do so, I wouldn't want to share on a public forum.

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I think there's a lot of uplifting experiences to be shared in between the poles of "I feel good when I read the scriptures" and "Oh my gosh, weren't you just dead three minutes ago??"

I just shared one over in another thread. It was powerful to me:

I attended a bar mitzvah about a year ago. It took place during a Shabbat service at the synagogue. It was my first time inside a Jewish synagogue (or temple), and my first time in a large group of Jewish people, as opposed to conversation with one or two, here or there. As I sat in the service, I had the most powerful spiritual experience that I had had in a very long time (like, years). I listened to the Hebrew, and I watched the members of the congregation reach out and reverently touch the scriptures and the ark with their wrap/scarf (the word is escaping me now) as they were carried throughout the chapel. I was touched by the humility and faithfulness. I was struck by the tradition and the ancient nature of it. I was humbled that they would invite me to join them in such sacred rituals. And I felt an overwhelming confirmation that I was sitting among God's truly chosen people, and that it was a privilege to be there.

It changed my thinking somewhat. It was an experience I don't think I will ever forget.

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I listened to the Hebrew, and I watched the members of the congregation reach out and reverently touch the scriptures and the ark with their wrap/scarf (the word is escaping me now)


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Reading through this thread my first thought was to agree Eowyn and some other posters concerning the sacredness of what I would call "Spiritual Manifestations" rather than "Spiritual Experiences". I initially discarded this thread thinking that enough had been said. Obviously, since I am now posting my mind has been somewhat changed.

I still agree that spiritual manifestations need to be kept sacred - and yet such things need not be kept secret or hidden. I believe it is possible to offer "spiritual insights" without having to go into detail - allowing the spirit to express needful or useful thoughts to spiritually complete understanding. We can share enough that readers understand that spiritual manifestations are not all the rare among the saints - and others not yet converted to the restoration. In this time of restoration and in preparing for Christ - It is my belief that there is a great deal of spiritual knowledge being manifested throughout the world - and that this spiritual trend should be made known.

I will share some of one of my experiences - and perhaps more later. When the Seattle temple was being built I was living in the Seattle area (Brown's Point / North East Tacoma - near Federal Way - not far from where fellow poster PrisonChaplain now lives). I was asked to sing in the choir for a dedication of the temple. Attending the practices was very difficult at this time of my life as my family responsibilities included several young children coupled with work pressures and church callings. My wife felt more than me that I should accept the choir invitation - and yet most of the inconvenience would be placed directly on her - her sacrifice for this was greater than mine.

One of the songs we were to sing had particular spiritual significance for me because of other spiritual manifestations I had previously witnessed. When the dedication took place the choir was seated in the Celestial room of the temple with the President and a few other general authorities. During the performance of the particular song I was made aware (saw, heard and physically felt) of a spiritual manifestation taking place. Some others (but not many) that were singing in the choir experienced what I was experiencing and some experienced more.

Of particular significance for me was to be made known of things spoken of in the Book of Mormon concerning "words" that are spoken and heard that cannot be written or repeated. With every temple dedication I have attended since - it seems that the spirit whispers softly to me that there are a few others seeing, hearing and physically feeling for themselves - great spiritual manifestations.

The Traveler

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I don't understand the "keeping it secret because it is sacred" part.

I thought that's what we do when we stand up to that podium on Testimony Sunday - share our Spiritual Experiences. What's different about that and this thread?

I sure hope that this is not the reason we're getting Travelogues and Dramalogues on Testimony Sunday instead of Testimonies - because people don't want to share their Spiritual Experiences that strengthen their knowledge of the truth of the gospel of Christ.

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I don't understand the "keeping it secret because it is sacred" part.

It comes from talks such as this: https://www.lds.org/ensign/1983/01/the-candle-of-the-lord?lang=eng

Pertinent section:

I have come to believe also that it is not wise to continually talk of unusual spiritual experiences. They are to be guarded with care and shared only when the Spirit itself prompts you to use them to the blessing of others. I am ever mindful of Alma’s words:

“It is given unto many to know the mysteries of God; nevertheless they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men, according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him.” (Alma 12:9.)

I heard President Marion G. Romney once counsel mission presidents and their wives in Geneva, “I do not tell all I know; I have never told my wife all I know, for I found out that if I talked too lightly of sacred things, thereafter the Lord would not trust me.”

We are, I believe, to keep these things and ponder them in our hearts, as Luke said Mary did of the supernal events that surrounded the birth of Jesus. (See Luke 2:19.)

Your particular application of this counsel may differ, but it isn't coming from nowhere. Personally, if I have an unusual and powerful spiritual experience I'm not going to just post it to the internet where pretty much anyone with an internet connection can, but most likely won't, swing by and read it baring the spirit prompting me to do so. In addition to the talk mentioned above there is also a pearls before swine aspect, while the individual members and lurkers of this board may not qualify as swine for these purpose I daresay there are enough who do when considering the internet as a whole to make me pause and consider if I just want to toss highly powerful and sacred experiences onto the internet for all the world to see. What I post here is not just put before individuals seeking edification who understand the sacredness of what I might share, it is put before anyone who visits, either intentionally or via stumbling across, this thread. And yes, there are spiritual experiences I'm not inclined to share from the pulpit on Fast Sunday baring a spiritual prompting to do so, or even one on one.

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I think there's a lot of uplifting experiences to be shared in between the poles of "I feel good when I read the scriptures" and "Oh my gosh, weren't you just dead three minutes ago??"

I agree, and I think focusing on that latter loses a lot. Not just from people being reluctant to simply share such things with anyone and everyone who might visit this thread, but because I think the middle ground experiences are often much more applicable. I feel prompted to discuss my feeling the spirit at a Catholic Mass to those who may argue that we believe all Christians are devoid of truth (or more often when a member is having a flair-up of anti-Catholicism) a lot more often than some other experiences that are on the latter end of the spectrum.

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:) Like I said in my first post, I've had several, and I briefly touched on two that held great significance for me, yet I won't be able to fully share everything I've experienced throughout the years and how their meanings have touched me and moved me. Spiritual experiences are sacred, and most people close to me don't even know what I've shared here on my first post. Not even my husband knows all that has happened, and all the things I have felt, heard and "known"!!! But that doesn't mean we should keep every experience private, it is important to share what we think is appropriate to one another, with those faith-filled people who are willing to receive such experiences with grace, and through special shared experiences, help one another build on our faith and fully realize just how blessed we truly are. Many of my friends have their own experiences, I don't ask them about them, if they choose to share then we both feel the spirit and it's wonderful to have that confirmation in our hearts and souls. There are so many great Saints who had some truly jaw-dropping spiritual experiences and only shared them b/c they were asked to do so by their superior. I LOVE to read their writings, and their great witness helps me to stay on the path to God, and desire His Holy Word. God bless you all!!

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:) Like I said in my first post, I've had several, and I briefly touched on two that held great significance for me, yet I won't be able to fully share everything I've experienced throughout the years and how their meanings have touched me and moved me. Spiritual experiences are sacred, and most people close to me don't even know what I've shared here on my first post. Not even my husband knows all that has happened, and all the things I have felt, heard and "known"!!! But that doesn't mean we should keep every experience private, it is important to share what we think is appropriate to one another, with those faith-filled people who are willing to receive such experiences with grace, and through special shared experiences, help one another build on our faith and fully realize just how blessed we truly are. Many of my friends have their own experiences, I don't ask them about them, if they choose to share then we both feel the spirit and it's wonderful to have that confirmation in our hearts and souls. There are so many great Saints who had some truly jaw-dropping spiritual experiences and only shared them b/c they were asked to do so by their superior. I LOVE to read their writings, and their great witness helps me to stay on the path to God, and desire His Holy Word. God bless you all!!

I'm not disagreeing with you at all and I think most wouldn't disagree. But you have to choose who you want to share them with when they are extremely personal.

That's much different than sharing them on an internet forum with a bunch of random people that you don't know.

But I appreciate your comment. :)

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I'm not disagreeing with you at all and I think most wouldn't disagree. But you have to choose who you want to share them with when they are extremely personal.

That's much different than sharing them on an internet forum with a bunch of random people that you don't know.

But I appreciate your comment. :)

Yes I know! I'm not disagreeing w/anyone either, lol, all of you are very much entitled to whether or not you want to share sacred and special experiences! :) In my own small way, I believe that sometimes we're called to share experiences w/complete strangers, as the Spirit promts, b/c you never know which kind word can help someone in their day, or help them w/a personal, silent struggle. A few months ago, I heard on the radio that many people who considered suicide decided against it when a stranger smiled at them just in passing, it made them feel more loved, like someone cared. And there have been many times in my own experiences, where God gave me signal graces (outward sign or word, helping me figure out a prayer request) through other people w/o them even being aware of it :) God works in beautiful and mysterious ways...and yes, even on internet forums w/complete strangers ;)

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First a few scriptures. Here are some spiritual experiences in the scriptures.

Alma the younger and the sons of mosiah testifies of the angels he and those with him had seen to testify of Jesus Christ to the members who were not there. Including later to the wicked lamanites.

11: behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto them; and he descended as it were in a cloud...

32 And now it came to pass that Alma began from this time forward to teach the people, and those who were with Alma at the time the angel appeared unto them, traveling round about through all the land, publishing to all the people the things which they had heard and seen, and preaching the word of God in much tribulation, being greatly persecuted by those who were unbelievers, being smitten by many of them.

The multitude who saw the angels descend when alma and amulek preached among the people testify what they had seen to testify of Jesus Christ to the people who were not there.

48 And now, when they heard this they cast up their eyes as if to behold from whence the voice came; and behold, they saw the heavens open; and angels came down out of heaven and ministered unto them. 49 And there were about three hundred souls who saw and heard these things; and they were bidden to go forth and marvel not, neither should they doubt. 50 And it came to pass that they did go forth, and did minister unto the people, declaring throughout all the regions round about all the things which they had heard and seen, insomuch that the more part of the Lamanites were convinced of them, because of the greatness of the evidences which they had received. (Helamen 5)

The multitude who saw Christ testify they have seen Him to the people who were not there.

...after that ye have seen me and know that I am.

2 And again, more blessed are they who shall believe in your words because that ye shall testify that ye have seen me, and that ye know that I am. Yea, blessed are they who shall believe in yourwords, and come down into the depths of humility and be baptized, for they shall be visited with fire and with the Holy Ghost, and shall receive a remission of their sins. (3 Nephi 12)

Christs disciples in Jerusalem testify they have seen Him.

"That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched...we proclaim to you what we have seen and heard" (1 John 1:1,3)

That which is forbidden.

3 Nephi 28:13 And behold, the heavens were opened, and they were caught up into heaven, and saw and heard unspeakable things.

14 And it was forbidden them that they should utter; neither was it given unto them power that they could utter the things which they saw and heard;

Things that are "received through the veil". Except at a proper place.

I will share a simple, short dream I have had. Probably won't mean too much to others but it was a direct answer to a question I had been praying about for months. So here is my testimony that we can ask for the gift of dreams and the Lord will bestow it. We also are asked to record them or we will usually forget them (if not done immeditately) or the talents will be taken away. I have had to relearn this gift because I have failed to do this in my life.

Dream Sep 9 2013

I saw like a bunch of books. Than after it focused on 4-5 of them. Than I heard something say, why do you have to pick and choose what to believe. Its either truth or it isn’t.

Many people feel that if we accept one thing we have to reject something else but that is not always the case. Or if we find out something is not true, the rest of it must be entirely false. Again not always the case. There are truths and false truths in everything in this world.

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Mary kept her encounter with an angel close to her heart. Joseph, on the other hand, displayed his dreams in rather garish fashion, for his already-jealous brothers to see. So, I get that some spiritual experiences are personal and private.

Like Anatess, though, I wonder why this is the overwhelming sentiment. Testimony is the time for God's people to share how they've been blessed. It's not bragging to say that God has brought me something good.

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Mary kept her encounter with an angel close to her heart. Joseph, on the other hand, displayed his dreams in rather garish fashion, for his already-jealous brothers to see. So, I get that some spiritual experiences are personal and private.

Like Anatess, though, I wonder why this is the overwhelming sentiment. Testimony is the time for God's people to share how they've been blessed. It's not bragging to say that God has brought me something good.

Because the OP is being perceived as specifically asking for highly unusual, personal, and/or powerful experiences. If the OP had simply asked for people to share personal experiences without nudging things in that direction I expect the response would have been quite different. It's one thing to ask of strangers in a public place, "Tell me the good God has brought into your life." it's another thing to ask, "Tell me and everyone here, or who may ever come here, your most personal and unusual spiritual experiences, experiences like being present for a resurrection." If the OP was simply asking for us to share our testimonies that is not how they are being perceived by the people you are referencing.

Edit: One thing to keep in mind PC, is that every endowed member of this Church has covenanted to keep some things we learn in the temple sacred, to only be divulged in their proper time and place. That highly personal, powerful, and unusual spiritual experiences are not necessarily to be shared as a matter of course is something reinforced by not just the talks like the one I referenced above but also by the temple liturgy.

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I'm sure this is not what the OP is really about, yet I have found it useful to tally up my remembered spiritual experiences. Does the mention equate to 'sharing'? Perhaps it will be seen as boasting, though I really hope not. It's just what I recall of my experiences. As I said, pondering this has been a good experience in itself, for me.

1960s . feeling ....... always 'knew' the Church was true

1967 . inner(?) battle. before baptism heavily tempted to commit suicide

1968 . 'one' with God . upon confirmation rec'd _baptism of fire_ ............. ***

1971 .. visionary drm . prepubescent sex education

1975 .. agency forced . decision point on happiness

1978 .. attitude adj .. dream of mission field and my feelings

1981 still small voice. during mission, perfect recall of baptism of fire + msg

1985 . prompted ....... guided to speak out, re-activating old friend

1985 pure intelligence. discernment of brother-in-law's sister's condition

1993 . 'one' with God . immersion in _Love_ in last Sacrament meeting ......... ***

2000s .. dreams ....... many dreams; mechanism of dream recall;

....................... role of subconscious mind

2005 .feeling ......... rekindling of hope (Stake Conference - spiritual self-reliance topic)

2006 . 'one' with God . leaping heart pierced by _Joy_ w/ concurrent vision ... ***

....................... in Jordan River endowment room

2010 . agency prime ... decision point on Truth - sacrifice and gift

*** = This is why I sometimes describe myself as a mystic

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Because the OP is being perceived as specifically asking for highly unusual, personal, and/or powerful experiences. If the OP had simply asked for people to share personal experiences without nudging things in that direction I expect the response would have been quite different. It's one thing to ask of strangers in a public place, "Tell me the good God has brought into your life." it's another thing to ask, "Tell me and everyone here, or who may ever come here, your most personal and unusual spiritual experiences, experiences like being present for a resurrection." If the OP was simply asking for us to share our testimonies that is not how they are being perceived by the people you are referencing.

Edit: One thing to keep in mind PC, is that every endowed member of this Church has covenanted to keep some things we learn in the temple sacred, to only be divulged in their proper time and place. That highly personal, powerful, and unusual spiritual experiences are not necessarily to be shared as a matter of course is something reinforced by not just the talks like the one I referenced above but also by the temple liturgy.

So, the OP is perceived by several to by dancing (crossing?) on the line between that which is falls under those Temple vows, and that which might be appropriate for public testimony? I understand. :cool:

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So, the OP is perceived by several to by dancing (crossing?) on the line between that which is falls under those Temple vows, and that which might be appropriate for public testimony? I understand. :cool:

Not specifically, that is to say I don't think people think the OP is asking us to share aspects of the endowment ceremony which we explicitly covenant to keep sacred. In general though, yes, I think the OP is being perceived as asking for us to share a class of spiritual experiences that we're not comfortable sharing in a public forum, or even in more private circumstances, because they are sacred experiences intended for personal edification and strengthening and not necessarily for public dissemination unless prompted by the spirit (a very important qualification).

To be fair to the OP, I don't think that was necessarily what they were going for, but the i.e. provided kinda nudged it into that territory.

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I am grateful for those who have shared personal spiritual experiences in person and on the internet. They have been a great source of strength for me. Saying that, I only feel someone should share if they have been prompted to. I truly believe some are prompted to share those experiences on the internet and elsewhere, but I don't believe those type of experiences should just be cast out there for any old reason.

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So, I will share one I have had without being too specific. My wife and I attended the temple yesterday with some new converts so they could experience doing confirmations and baptisms. while I was performing an ordinance with one of the brothers that were there for the first time I received an overwhelming feeling of the Lord's love for him. I felt compelled to share this with him so, I did and he was glad to hear it.

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