What Does Jesus Look Like?


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I have heard many say that they have a personal relationship with Jesus - but I wonder if they could really pick him out in a crowd. When Jesus was on earth most scripture experts (Scribes and Pharisees) did not recognize him. I find it interesting that many do not know his real name or how to pronounce it - yet they say that they do things in his name.

So I ask - If you bumped into Jesus this week end - how do you think you would recognize him? What if he did not have his beard?

The Traveler

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I have heard many say that they have a personal relationship with Jesus - but I wonder if they could really pick him out in a crowd. When Jesus was on earth most scripture experts (Scribes and Pharisees) did not recognize him. I find it interesting that many do not know his real name or how to pronounce it - yet they say that they do things in his name.

So I ask - If you bumped into Jesus this week end - how do you think you would recognize him? What if he did not have his beard?

The Traveler

I always pictured him as he's seen in that one portrat of Him...i think i could reconize him, given that i was in the right state of mind (like not thinking bad about anyone), i think i could tell by some sort of feeling/vibs i'd get from him, y'know? If he shaves or cuts his hair or changes his appearance. But people that say that are usually the ones not to do what they thought they would....so eh. :mellow: i give my self 70-30 chance, 70 being i'd find Him ^_^

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I have heard many say that they have a personal relationship with Jesus - but I wonder if they could really pick him out in a crowd. When Jesus was on earth most scripture experts (Scribes and Pharisees) did not recognize him. I find it interesting that many do not know his real name or how to pronounce it - yet they say that they do things in his name.

So I ask - If you bumped into Jesus this week end - how do you think you would recognize him? What if he did not have his beard?

The Traveler

And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he ctalked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures? Luke 24:32

I know him by his will just like above

http://thumb5.webshots.net/s/thumb1/9/67/9...09HZHjKJ_th.jpg (see picture)

I have heard that the painting of Christ in the red robe was an inspired picture so if I saw him I think he would look like that. I am sure the spirit would bare witness to me if it was him also.

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about 200 lbs


beard thick and darker than hair

blue eyes

much rounder face than we see in all the paintings.

hair not too long, parted in the middle

when we see him, and we ALL will sooner or later, (Joseph Smith challenged us to make is SOONER) It is very possible..... we will either recognize him, because he is already our friend, or we will be wracked with guilt because we never knew him.

the key is true repentance.

(at least that is what someone in authority confirmed to me.)

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I was reading about after his resurrection and how the two men he walked with did not recognize him. That is interesting to me. I wonder what that was about?

that's interesting...maybe they didn't beleive he could be resurected or they didn't know him....? i haven't heard that before...
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Guest mamacat

Great question Traveler. I'd guess middle eastern looking with dark skin and nail marks and dark hair.

lol, with that description, he'd probly be placed on american terrorist lists. walkin' thorugh the airport might get him detained or even arrested. :huh:

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Guest the_big_picture

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Great question Traveler. I'd guess middle eastern looking with dark skin and nail marks and dark hair.

lol, with that description, he'd probly be placed on american terrorist lists. walkin' thorugh the airport might get him detained or even arrested. :huh:

I visited America before 9/11, now other middle easterners that have done that after, thats exactly what happend.

A friend of mine, was going to brazil on a weekation with his wife. The plane stoped in America for refueling. They took him and hes wife out of the plane, kept them for 24 hours, then on the way back home they kept them another 24 hours. :angry2:

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<div class='quotemain'>

Great question Traveler. I'd guess middle eastern looking with dark skin and nail marks and dark hair.

lol, with that description, he'd probly be placed on american terrorist lists. walkin' thorugh the airport might get him detained or even arrested. :huh:

Don't forget he'd have long hair and beard and be wearing a dress hmmmm..... probably be a bit smelly too by our current standards:)

TBH I don't know if I will recognise him - relying on him to want recognise me.


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Just a quick debunk of a mormon myth (sorry you warm-fuzzy addicts out there ;)).

Del Parson painted the popular picture of Jesus we in the LDS church are familiar with: brownish background, red robe over white shirt/robe, brownish hair, etc... Well, here it is:

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Some spread the rumor that when the prophet saw the painting he said it looked the more like Christ than any other picture he'd seen. Never happened.

Del Parson was the 2nd Counselor in my singles' ward in Cedar City. He gave a fireside about the painting, and pointed out that the prophet/apostles never said that, he never claimed that, it's a faith-promoting rumor (who needs faith in a painting?), etc... Actually, Bro. Parson said when he finished the painting he was so dissatisfied with it he wanted to chuck it into his fireplace and burn it but his wife convinced him to submit it to the Brethren who loved it.

My point? We don't know what Christ looks like based on any painting. Man, what I wouldn't give for a polaroid and one day back in 32 A.D. somewhere near Jerusalem. ;)

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Just a quick debunk of a mormon myth (sorry you warm-fuzzy addicts out there ;)).

Del Parson painted the popular picture of Jesus we in the LDS church are familiar with: brownish background, red robe over white shirt/robe, brownish hair, etc... Well, here it is:

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Some spread the rumor that when the prophet saw the painting he said it looked the more like Christ than any other picture he'd seen. Never happened.

Del Parson was the 2nd Counselor in my singles' ward in Cedar City. He gave a fireside about the painting, and pointed out that the prophet/apostles never said that, he never claimed that, it's a faith-promoting rumor (who needs faith in a painting?), etc... Actually, Bro. Parson said when he finished the painting he was so dissatisfied with it he wanted to chuck it into his fireplace and burn it but his wife convinced him to submit it to the Brethren who loved it.

My point? We don't know what Christ looks like based on any painting. Man, what I wouldn't give for a polaroid and one day back in 32 A.D. somewhere near Jerusalem. ;)

How many variations of that picture are there? I am surprised to hear a new story about it. Some members in our ward said that there was a model who set for the portrait. I chunked that idea after some aggravating thought. It just looks like a picture that was painted from inspiration.

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Guest mamacat

i don't think Jesus was western european looking either. i have a rendition of him that i like so much....i do have the thought though that he doesn't really look like this, perhaps a modern notion of a mellow caucasian hippie, but it captures his essence and intensity for me nonetheless ~

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and this painting (in the middle) is an interesting modern interpretation, entitled 'Jesus of the People' ~

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i really imagine that if Jesus were to show up among us these days that he would appear in modern dress, and in middle eastern fashion? perhaps wearing a turban and sunglasses. ;)

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Guest the_big_picture

Well Jesus might very well been "white" looking, but not western european.

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Thats The President of Syria, Jesus could have looked like that, blue eyes et c. But then again it depends on what you see as "white", There are even people in northen china that are pale and have blue eyes so its more a matter of opinion.

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Thats a cool thing, the Jesus statue in Brazil.

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I will admit that in part this was a trick question. In essence I was testing the waters. There are many that indicate that they have a true understanding and relationship with Jesus but as near as I can determine no one that has posted has had a recognizable experience with the Messiah G-d the Son, Jesus the Christ.

I do no say this to disturb or disappoint anyone. Just to make something clear. It is also interesting to note that even those most close to Jesus did not recognize him – example Mary at the tomb. But there is a finer point. Because some have had a spiritual experience or life changing experience – they think they know Jesus. But most of us that are honest with ourselves realize that there is something missing – we just do not want to admit it.

You may surge this off as just my opinion as you like. That is your right – but the truth is that no one on this forum – so far knows how to recognize Jesus. They would not know him in a crowd nor would they know if their bishop, stake president, their minister or pope introduced to Jesus. As I said before even those that knew Jesus intimately did not recognize him – that is until something. That something is the most important point. It is the point that is missing from the post I have read. Perhaps someone caught it and I missed it. But the most important point is - - Jesus is not recognized unless he or the Father reveal him as the Christ.

At this point I would suspect someone to jump up and say “what about the Holy Ghost?” To which I would answer – interesting but I think you have missed something – that I will leave for another discussion.

I wish you all the best. I hope you find the Jesus you are looking for and seek. If you think you have completed your quest – I wish you well. I am still on my journey thank you – and thank you that are willing to journey beside me and express your most precious thoughts.

The Traveler

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