Mormons and Trampolines


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Pam, I just want to take this opportunity to tell you that the Ask Gramps site doesn't render properly on my desktop.  Everything is overlapping that there's no way I can read anything on it.

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Pam, I just want to take this opportunity to tell you that the Ask Gramps site doesn't render properly on my desktop.  Everything is overlapping that there's no way I can read anything on it.


Not sure what to tell you.  It must be your settings or resolution or something.  I've had no other complaints and we get several hundred views per day.

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Not sure what to tell you.  It must be your settings or resolution or something.  I've had no other complaints and we get several hundred views per day.


Yes, it is my resolution.  But, my resolution is not something special.  It is the recommended resolution for HP widescreen laptops above model 6000.

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Late one Christmas Eve, many years ago, there was a knock on our front door.  When I opened the door, no one was there.  But, there was a huge box.  It was a trampoline!  There was a note that said Merry Christmas, from your friends.  I never knew who gave us that trampoline.  Anyway, my children loved that trampoline!  And, after many years of use, we eventually had to throw it away.  Not having a trampoline was just not acceptable to the kids, some of them older teenagers or young adults by now, so we bought another one, which has also given us many years of use.  The grandchildren are enjoying this one too.


This Mormon family has definitely followed the cultural phenomena of Mormon families owning a trampoline.  I can't imagine my home without one.

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More to the point, why is the woman in the picture wearing a sleeveless top? Tsk tsk, Gramps!!!

(I kid, I kid ...)


It was to show that it's not just Mormons that have trampolines.  :P

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There used to be a site called trampsafety (cue Requiem, it appears they are no longer with us...waaaaaaaaah) that was AWESOME. They tested every trampoline on the market in numerous ways (not just in stability, but materials, time it took to put together, wear and tear, replacement parts, bounce height, springy-nss, ease of entering &/or falling out, etc,), culminating in two or more 6+ foot guys (250lb linebacker types, and one gnarly skinny guy) attempting to break the sucker. Or knock it over. Several they DID manage to flip & or break. Amazingly, a few they couldn't.

It's where I got my "costs more than my car, but that's not saying much" DreamTrampoline from.

It wasn't their highest rated, but it was near the top.

Le Sigh.

I STILL want that trampoline.


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