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None of us here can answer how your Bishop will handle this situation.  Each of them are inspired to handle things differently.  All I can recommend is talk to your Bishop as he is the only one that can answer your questions.

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Masturbation and pornography? Pretty light stuff (relatively speaking) unless it's a repetive problem in which case circumstances change. Yes your temple marriage is still valid. You can confess to your wife if you want, I'd take the bishops counsel on that one and not a bunch of strangers from the internet. Do not be so hard on yourself, you are human we make mistakes. You are well on your way to repentance because you know that you have sinned and want to do something about it.

You may be placed on a bishops suspension/probation.....ie no sacrament participation, if it is a persistent problem lets say this is not a one or two off event, but a real issue then you are breaking the law of chastity and will have your temple recommend taken.

Fear not if you are repentant you cannot be brought to a disciplinary council for those 2 offenses

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Masturbation and pornography? Pretty light stuff (relatively speaking) unless it's a repetive problem in which case circumstances change. Yes your temple marriage is still valid. You can confess to your wife if you want, I'd take the bishops counsel on that one and not a bunch of strangers from the internet. Do not be so hard on yourself, you are human we make mistakes. You are well on your way to repentance because you know that you have sinned and want to do something about it.

You may be placed on a bishops suspension/probation.....ie no sacrament participation, if it is a persistent problem lets say this is not a one or two off event, but a real issue then you are breaking the law of chastity and will have your temple recommend taken.

Fear not if you are repentant you cannot be brought to a disciplinary council for those 2 offenses

By your own words, he should ignore your advice.

I concur.

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You should maintain perspective on things. But beware of ideas that would discount the seriousness of sin as well.


Per the handbook, you will not be given a disciplinary counsel for what you've given here as your sins.


Will I be excommunicated?


Nothing you've spoken of is an excommunication offense.



Because I went to the temple unworthy am I not sealed to my wife anymore? 


This is not the way sealings work. For a sealing to be broken it must be officially broken by authorization of the first presidency.


Will this be confidential or do I have to tell her about all of this in detail? (She knows I need to clear some things up, and she knew about my past) I don't want to hurt her anymore than I already have by the actual actions themselves. But I also want to repent and be clean. Does anybody know how this type of situation is usually handled? I am willing to do what it takes, but I'm just scared my wife won't want to be with me anymore or that she will feel worthless.


Talk to your bishop. He will counsel you through it.


There is a balance that needs to be struck in your feelings. Yes, sin is serious. Yes, it causes guilt, and justly so. Yes, you should feel bad about it. Yes, you need to repent sincerely. But your concerns and fears strike me as extreme beyond what they should be. Your sins are not "pretty light stuff", but they aren't the end of the world either. And you can repent and you can be forgiven. What your sins are, however, is common. They are very, very common. That does not discount the serious nature sin. But you should understand that there are many, many, many men in the church who have struggled with the same. Many have overcome and some are now even your leaders, free and clear from such burdens. Sins can be repented of. And you can be made clean.


As for how your wife will feel, that depends on your wife, and it is one of those "reap what you sew" things. That is one of the downsides of sin. It hurts others. Hopefully she will be understanding and forgiving. Ideally she will be.


Talk to your bishop.

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i am not making light of the sins that have been outlined, it may sound like I am but I am trying to put things in perspective. The OP sounds dreadfully guilty and horrible, he thinks he may be excommunicated....thats just silly.

I'm not saying he shouldn't feel bad about this he should, but he should not be in fear for his standing in the church....not yet, why do we breed such fear and guilt?

I agree with Folk Prophet this is a common issue.

Look to your right and your left in church tomorrow you are siting next to a guy who has masturbated and looked at porn, don't kid yourselves.

It "can" become a BIG issue if the OP does not address it correctly. He however should not be made to feel as if the sky is falling because it is not.

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I am not member, but from what I understand the problem you have currently is more common than one might assume. Clearly consulting your Bishop and being entirely truthful is the way to go, he renders guidance and possible punishment depending on the situation at hand.


In regards to your petting problem and viewing adult material, perhaps changing your lifestyle a little so you are not in that situation that it is more inclined to happen in the first place would be the best route to go. Say, working out more or just being out of the house in general more often will make you feel less inclined to do such things than say... sitting around the house or just hanging out on the computer.


Idle hands do the devils work I have been told. Even I have found my mind to wander when I am very bored so I try to keep busy. If you feel yourself going into a 'lapse' immediately change your situation or setting whether it be reading from the BoM, going on a walk, or heck trolling some newbs on CoD.


My two cents, or rather a few cents in this post.

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