Would you Like to Be an Ambassador


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I'm pleased to announce our new initiative for recruiting new members to the forum.


This has been a long time in the making[1] and has finally gained official approval from the moderating staff[2].  We will begin the roll out starting September 15th, and the program will go live on October 1st.


Forum members will be able to volunteer as ambassadors of the program beginning on September 15th.  Approval into the program will require a letter of recommendation from a member of the moderating staff, a personal statement reflecting your desires to participate, and a copy of your dental x-rays.


Once you are enrolled, you will be given access to the "Blue Form."  The Blue Form is a specially designed tool that will help you track the people you have reached out to, schedule follow-up Facebook chats, and set goals for bringing people to the love and warmth of the forums.  Each Sunday, you will be expected to tally up your contacts, hours spent e-mailing, and first Facebook chats to report back to the Assistants to the Administrator.  


With that being said, a new position is being created in the forums to help administer the outreach program and train new ambassadors.  There will be two Assistants at any given time, and they will be chosen from among the ambassadors for periods of 6 to 12 weeks.  Preference will be given ambassadors with higher reported metrics, though a fluency in corporate inspired synergy speak will also be factored in.


We hope you'll consider signing up for this new outreach program.  Expect additional information in the coming days regarding dress code [3], travel policy [4], and financial commitments.  And remember, the harder you work, the more attractive your avatar will be.




[1] totally....like, three whole minutes

[2] and by official approval, I mean, they've never heard of it.

[3] true ambassadors wouldn't e-mail in pajamas--there is NO quiet dignity in pajamas.

[4] you'll be expected to provide transportation to your own computer

Edited by pam
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