Deplorable behaviour!


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I did. Except that the blog comments are moderated and aren't displayed. Wonder if I can contact Wordpress and have the blog deleted, well at least that entry, animal cruelty like that is against their ToS.

I doubt they'll remove it as they regularly allow a fair amount of gore on their site, content that is much worse than on this girls blog. I suspect if they do take any action, it'll be to slap a mature content warning that people see before viewing the blog.

The content is also not illegal in most jurisdictions to my knowledge - the context in which the animal is killed is important, and this context doesn't fall foul of the law.

Good luck.

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So you're into censorship.

Graphic acts of animal cruelty break their ToS. Or perhaps you're okay with violent acts of animal cruelty to be blogged. The material is mere beyond someone's opinion that one might not like, it's of an act of barbarity. Do you really think violent acts like that should be allowed to be posted? You call it censorship, I call it common sense. Otherwise, I can post pictures of me abusing animals then saying "it's all good, freedom of speech".

Edited by CaleB
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I doubt they'll remove it as they regularly allow a fair amount of gore on their site, content that is much worse than on this girls blog. I suspect if they do take any action, it'll be to slap a mature content warning that people see before viewing the blog.

The content is also not illegal in most jurisdictions to my knowledge - the context in which the animal is killed is important, and this context doesn't fall foul of the law.

Good luck.

In most first world countries, burning an animal live like this would be against animal cruelty laws. If she did this on UK soil she would be in court.

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In most first world countries, burning an animal live like this would be against animal cruelty laws. If she did this on UK soil she would be in court.

I'd like to see the source for this information. Bearing in mind two factors:

- The animal in question is a rat, which is generally classified as vermin

- There is no evidence that there was intent to cause unnecessary suffering. The fact that it may have suffered as a result of her naivety and being unable to come up with a better solution is irrelevant legally. She clearly states she was trying to figure out how to dispatch it - there is no mention of intent to torture it.

As someone who lived in the UK up until recently, I struggle to believe she falls foul of any UK laws, and don't believe any court in the UK would prosecute her in these circumstances.

Edited by Mahone
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