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I Personally believe in Aliens, and that every once in a while they come to earth,

but what about you? I have met people who do, and people who don't, this is a place

to discuss that, NOT to argue with each other (just look at no rainbows = Jesus is coming :wacko: )

I think they could be real because, why would God only make one planet with life? ;)

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IMHO, if we ever encounter beings that claim/appear to be aliens, there is a strong possiblity that they will actually be demons, masquerading as such.

This is an interesting comment. Like I believe all things possible of G-d, I think there could be aliens. The only problem is the lack of credible evidence. Of course, the reversal is: "how can a Chr-stian insist on credible evidence?"

Crazy, huh?

Do I think there might be a type of costume show? No idea, but wouldn't that be a great way to keep people from looking for eternal survival? My dad believes in aliens. I tend to be skeptical since most of the evidence surrounding aliens tends to be spectacle.

Aaron the Ogre

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ALL things are not possible of God.

Thank you for the reminder, indeed "ALL" would be a bit much. There is nothing of G-d that is evil. H- does not do anything that would lead his people astray.

I think though, that if H- decided to or there was a reason for aliens, they could be created. Personally, I don't think they do--at least not in the way the Area 51 cultists would have us believe.

What about the space rocks that have bacteria imbedded/fossilized inside? Although the eveidence is not conclussive, it does indicate that there might be alien bacteria at least. Is there anything more then bacteria borne spacerock? no idea, nor do I think it matters.

Again, thank you Dr. T (as in Mr, MD, or Ph.D.?).


Aaron the Ogre

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Any being that has the technology to travel from their planet to ours could immediately subjugate us, if s/he so chose. Their technology would be so far beyond ours. I'm not sure God would let them reach us.

I dunno... Still just my opinion, but, what if they were docile and kindly? what if they were actually very spiritual

and used their technology for good, instead of war (Kolob?) :hmmm:

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Kolob is a star, not a planet.

As for aliens, of course I believe aliens visit us. Just look at the Mexican border on any given day and you'll see tons of aliens coming to visit the USA. B)

Oops about the star, funny about the border thing, just look at Dora the Explorer! :bouncingclap:

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Kolob is a star, not a planet.

As for aliens, of course I believe aliens visit us. Just look at the Mexican border on any given day and you'll see tons of aliens coming to visit the USA. B)

Thinking the same thing! You don't even need to go to the border. In several states, there is only the need to look at construction sites, and you will see tons of of those aliens working here!

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IMHO, if we ever encounter beings that claim/appear to be aliens, there is a strong possiblity that they will actually be demons, masquerading as such.

I'm with you, PC.

I believe that this isn't the only earth, but HF didn't make little green men that look like Roger on American Dad. They'd look like us. But remember in PofGP, when Moses asked him to show him everything he made God told him "I'm only going to show you what pertains to this world because it is all that matter to YOU." (paraphrased, of course). So I don't think God allows "aliens" to come to this earth for any reason whatsoever, kind of like the whole ghost discussion a couple of days ago.

If you're seeing aliens, my strong hunch is that they are evil spirits out to deceive.


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Guest Yediyd
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IMHO, if we ever encounter beings that claim/appear to be aliens, there is a strong possiblity that they will actually be demons, masquerading as such.

I'm with you, PC.

I believe that this isn't the only earth, but HF didn't make little green men that look like Roger on American Dad. They'd look like us. But remember in PofGP, when Moses asked him to show him everything he made God told him "I'm only going to show you what pertains to this world because it is all that matter to YOU." (paraphrased, of course). So I don't think God allows "aliens" to come to this earth for any reason whatsoever, kind of like the whole ghost discussion a couple of days ago.

If you're seeing aliens, my strong hunch is that they are evil spirits out to deceive.

IMHO... total agreement. ^_^

<div class='quotemain'>

ok...what is a TS-SCI/SI ?

TS = Top Secret

SCI = Special Compartmented Intelligence

SI = Signals Intelligence

(my mom worked for the Army C of E) Oh no!!! I think Frank has to kill us ALL, now!!! :unsure:

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<div class='quotemain'>

IMHO, if we ever encounter beings that claim/appear to be aliens, there is a strong possiblity that they will actually be demons, masquerading as such.

I'm with you, PC.

I believe that this isn't the only earth, but HF didn't make little green men that look like Roger on American Dad. They'd look like us. But remember in PofGP, when Moses asked him to show him everything he made God told him "I'm only going to show you what pertains to this world because it is all that matter to YOU." (paraphrased, of course). So I don't think God allows "aliens" to come to this earth for any reason whatsoever, kind of like the whole ghost discussion a couple of days ago.

If you're seeing aliens, my strong hunch is that they are evil spirits out to deceive.


That is a good point, and one that I mainly subscribe to, but is it possible that beings from another planet, even if they were originally created in God's image, may have evolved differently than we did. Their bodies may have changed to fit their environment, thus being smaller, with spindly arms and legs and bulbous heads compared to earthlings. Not saying I believe that way, but it is a possibility based on nothing being revealed to us yet concerning them.

While I'm on the subject, I personally believe that if beings from other planets were to visit us, they would be here mainly for observational purposes. I think they would be just as curious about us as we would be about them. They would be probably scientists studying us, not military types looking to kill us off. Not that I fully am convinced of their presence, but I leave my mind open for that possibility.

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Given the picture you have on your avatar, I'd expect nothing less of you than to believe in little green men! :P No, wait, he didn't believe Mulder most of the time, right?

However, if someone or something was created in the image of God, I don't think it would evolve to be "ETish". I think it would continue down that path...


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When I was a teenager, we lived in a town that had a woman who claimed to be seeing and conversing with aliens. She was also an artist and would draw pictures of them.

Her daughter would come over to our house a lot, as she was a new church member, had no siblings and had a very difficult time staying in that home. She would FREQUENTLY ask the missionaries to go cast these evil spirits out of the residence, as they prevented her from sleeping ( now, this is really creepy ) because her mother would summon them back in the middle of the night and she could hear/sense them laughing at her, though she never saw them with her own eyes.

She described them as being the type of aliens that had small bodies and very large, bulbous heads, based on her mother's paintings of them.

The whole thing really scared me back then! I felt so bad for the girl...I never would have believed that people actually have seen these things if I didn't know her story, but they are simply evil spirits trying to get people to believe in aliens, thus taking their focus and belief away from Christ and His teachings which they should be focusing on.

I can't imagine what part other beings from other worlds would have to do with the Plan of Salvation. We have a Prophet who tells us all we need to know, in my opinion!

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Same type of thing happened to me on my mission. We were teaching a guy and he began telling us that he had seen aliens, that 12 of them visited him one night, dressed in very black clothing, and then one more, their leader, even more black (if that is possible) came and began talking to him. My comp and I looked at each other and knew he was conversing with evil spirits! But he was sure he had been blessed to speak with aliens...

I think that the Lord puts bounds on how far we can go in interacting with other planets, etc., because I believe that while he has populated other earths, I don't think he allows us to interact, just because of what he told Moses...

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When I was a teenager, we lived in a town that had a woman who claimed to be seeing and conversing with aliens. She was also an artist and would draw pictures of them.

Her daughter would come over to our house a lot, as she was a new church member, had no siblings and had a very difficult time staying in that home. She would FREQUENTLY ask the missionaries to go cast these evil spirits out of the residence, as they prevented her from sleeping ( now, this is really creepy ) because her mother would summon them back in the middle of the night and she could hear/sense them laughing at her, though she never saw them with her own eyes.

She described them as being the type of aliens that had small bodies and very large, bulbous heads, based on her mother's paintings of them.

The whole thing really scared me back then! I felt so bad for the girl...I never would have believed that people actually have seen these things if I didn't know her story, but they are simply evil spirits trying to get people to believe in aliens, thus taking their focus and belief away from Christ and His teachings which they should be focusing on.

I can't imagine what part other beings from other worlds would have to do with the Plan of Salvation. We have a Prophet who tells us all we need to know, in my opinion!

Hmmm....sounds a little suspicious that story, like the mother may have been having fun with not so alien visitors, and had to use the alien excuse to stop her being found out... :glare:

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<div class='quotemain'>

When I was a teenager, we lived in a town that had a woman who claimed to be seeing and conversing with aliens. She was also an artist and would draw pictures of them.

Her daughter would come over to our house a lot, as she was a new church member, had no siblings and had a very difficult time staying in that home. She would FREQUENTLY ask the missionaries to go cast these evil spirits out of the residence, as they prevented her from sleeping ( now, this is really creepy ) because her mother would summon them back in the middle of the night and she could hear/sense them laughing at her, though she never saw them with her own eyes.

She described them as being the type of aliens that had small bodies and very large, bulbous heads, based on her mother's paintings of them.

The whole thing really scared me back then! I felt so bad for the girl...I never would have believed that people actually have seen these things if I didn't know her story, but they are simply evil spirits trying to get people to believe in aliens, thus taking their focus and belief away from Christ and His teachings which they should be focusing on.

I can't imagine what part other beings from other worlds would have to do with the Plan of Salvation. We have a Prophet who tells us all we need to know, in my opinion!

Hmmm....sounds a little suspicious that story, like the mother may have been having fun with not so alien visitors, and had to use the alien excuse to stop her being found out... :glare:

LOL!! No, if you had seen this lady, you would not say that... :wacko:

I would be skeptical as well had I not been personally involved in this girls life. It took Priesthood holders to cast the evil spirits out, as I stated.

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