Is PMS comparable to infidelity?

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Interesting, Vort.  Seems like you need to take your own advice and read the THREAD more carefully.  Remember how I stated that those things are in different paragraphs that talk about different things???  I'll give you a clue - intimacy and housework.

Then help me out here, notquiteperfect. Perhaps I did just misread what you wrote -- it certainly would not be the first time I have done something like that -- so now you can set me straight. Just answer the following:


What did you mean when you wrote, "So basically, I'd turn this into 2 weeks than 3 etc till he got a clue." What, exactly, would you "turn...into 2 weeks than [sic] 3 etc"?

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I'm not a fan of thread highjacks so I won't respond to everyone individually but to those that took what I said out of context (whether intimacy or housework responsibilities) I really don't appreciate it.  I'll just figure I hit a nerve (or two) but please be more aware in the future.

Edited by notquiteperfect
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Then help me out here, notquiteperfect. Perhaps I did just misread what you wrote -- it certainly would not be the first time I have done something like that -- so now you can set me straight. Just answer the following:


What did you mean when you wrote, "So basically, I'd turn this into 2 weeks than 3 etc till he got a clue." What, exactly, would you "turn...into 2 weeks than [sic] 3 etc"?


Having him help out more.

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I swear, even the discussion of men not getting what they want when they want it turns mens' defenses on high alert and  brains off. Go back and READ the original post. Use reason when you actually answer her question. 


How did this turn into a scenario where she is intentionally with holding sex just to spite him? 

You suggested it!!!!! that's were this is coming from.......

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So we will disregard everything that you post going forward, we will just assume that you always have PMS and cannot possibly by in your right mind


You got it. It's called MENOPAUSE!  Since I can't tell if you're male or female, lets just say I hope you get to experience with a vengeance someday, either yourself or from someone very close to you. :lol:

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You got it. It's called MENOPAUSE!  Since I can't tell if you're male or female, lets just say I hope you get to experience with a vengeance someday, either yourself or from someone very close to you. :lol:

So PMS and Menopause excuse you from rational behavior and thinking?


My lawyer is on speed dial if things get out of hand I got someone I can call.

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Can't believe we're still debating on when it's acceptable for a woman to say NO.


If I'm feeling like crap (mentally, emotionally, physically) and intercourse is not a priority for 7 days, my husband isn't a jerk about it, in fact, he's very understanding. Guess I'm lucky! Again, I support the idea that a spouse should never withhold affection as punishment, but there are times (sex is especially an invasive bodily act) when a woman needs a break due to X-Y-Z and that might span a few days, or a week, or a month - and it'd be nice if more husbands were understanding where they are coming from.


Also some food for thought. When I am angry with a friend, I give myself space, and I avoid having to deal with that person until things have resolved. It makes NO SENSE to me that if a man and woman are fighting, then they go to bed, and the husband starts making moves on his wife expecting sex - when they're still fighting! I believe it's her right to say, NO, not right now. If he were to attempt to resolve the fight beforehand and the air was clear, then makeup love making can be in the cards, but expecting your wife to have intimacy with you during a fight just cos you're in bed is blegh. So technically, there are times when if you are feeling upset, you can say no to having sex. I don't think that's wrong.

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Can't believe we're still debating on when it's acceptable for a woman to say NO.



No one is debating on if it acceptable for a woman to say no.


The debate is on withholding relations as a punishment, or using relations as something to hold over the husbands head until the wife gets what she wants.

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No one is debating on if it acceptable for a woman to say no.


The debate is on withholding relations as a punishment, or using relations as something to hold over the husbands head until the wife gets what she wants.


Who knew sex was so powerful.


A friend of mine once said that as long as she performs in the bedroom for her husband, she pretty much gets whatever she wants from him - the skies the limit - hello Prada...

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Who knew sex was so powerful.


A friend of mine once said that as long as she performs in the bedroom for her husband, she pretty much gets whatever she wants from him - the skies the limit - hello Prada...

Women over estimate how sophisticated guys are.


Your friend has it right......

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  • 3 months later...

The other day my husband said, " I am willing to put up with your "issues", because you put up with mine." This REALLY hurt me, as I feel like his issues were HUGE compared to mine (His issues--being unfaithful to me with prostitutes for 5 years of our marriage) Can the two really be compared?!?

No the two are not comparable. His 5 years of adultery are from his own choices and not from a natural part of his biology. In Primary class and on through the ages of maturity (no I'm not mentioning on of the *MAJOR TABOO SUBJECTS* a Lady's age) we are taught that we will be punished for our *OWN* transgressions, his adultery was *HIS CHOICE*, your PMS is a natural part of your biology and wonderful blessing(s) that come with it of being able to give birth to children and bring more spirits to earth to attain their bodies.


He is in the wrong with his way of thinking that you asking him for a little help when you're PMSing is just you trying be lazy. My grandpa taught me that a married couple are supposed to take care of their hose and family as a team, and that for one half of the team to do all the work is like trying to prepare a fish with a dull knife, the task will still get done but it takes twice as long and it takes more ingenuity to finish the job without ruining the fish (your house and family are the fish and you and your husband are a sharp knife when you work together).


I have 2 sisters (one older and one younger) and a mother and have known them for 20+ years, so I will not say that you are "fooling yourself", my mother had an operation (trying not to brake the rules here or use any slang phrases or words) so that my little brother was the last child she would have, but she can still get moody as if she's PMSing about 12 times a year. My older sister spent a week in the hospital a couple times during hers because the cramps were so bad before she got pregnant and had my niece, and my little sister actually got an ulcer because the cramps and nausea she gets was bad and they all three get *VERY* irritable (like a cat that just got a bath in a toilet, irritable). But you can find comfort in the fact and faith that Christ has already felt your pain and knows what you are going through. I will pray for you to have strength in your times of need.

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The other day my husband said, " I am willing to put up with your "issues", because you put up with mine." This REALLY hurt me, as I feel like his issues were HUGE compared to mine (His issues--being unfaithful to me with prostitutes for 5 years of our marriage) Can the two really be compared?!?

No the two are not comparable. His 5 years of adultery are from his own choices and not from a natural part of his biology. In Primary class and on through the ages of maturity (no I'm not mentioning on of the *MAJOR TABOO SUBJECTS* a Lady's age) we are taught that we will be punished for our *OWN* transgressions, his adultery was *HIS CHOICE*, your PMS is a natural part of your biology and wonderful blessing(s) that come with it of being able to give birth to children and bring more spirits to earth to attain their bodies.


He is in the wrong with his way of thinking that you asking him for a little help when you're PMSing is just you trying be lazy. My grandpa taught me that a married couple are supposed to take care of their hose and family as a team, and that for one half of the team to do all the work is like trying to prepare a fish with a dull knife, the task will still get done but it takes twice as long and it takes more ingenuity to finish the job without ruining the fish (your house and family are the fish and you and your husband are a sharp knife when you work together).


I have 2 sisters (one older and one younger) and a mother and have known them for 20+ years, so I will not say that you are "fooling yourself", my mother had an operation (trying not to brake the rules here or use any slang phrases or words) so that my little brother was the last child she would have, but she can still get moody as if she's PMSing about 12 times a year. My older sister spent a week in the hospital a couple times during hers because the cramps were so bad before she got pregnant and had my niece, and my little sister actually got an ulcer because the cramps and nausea she gets was bad and they all three get *VERY* irritable (like a cat that just got a bath in a toilet, irritable). But you can find comfort in the fact and faith that Christ has already felt your pain and knows what you are going through. I will pray for you to have strength in your times of need.

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