Sometimes, you just need a little Led Zeppelin.


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Robert Plant is one of my heroes - both as a young man and as an old one. When he was young, he was indeed a golden god of rock n' roll. But even now as an old man, he's still got this wild zest for life and music in him, a sort of sparkle in his eye and a skip in his step - and still great musical taste and talent.


Big Zep fan. Also, have you seen these chicks? They're Zepparella, an all female tribute band to Led Zep, and they're dynamite.

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Robert Plant is one of my heroes - both as a young man and as an old one. When he was young, he was indeed a golden god of rock n' roll. But even now as an old man, he's still got this wild zest for life and music in him, a sort of sparkle in his eye and a skip in his step - and still great musical taste and talent.


Big Zep fan. Also, have you seen these chicks? They're Zepparella, an all female tribute band to Led Zep, and they're dynamite.


Great cover of a fantastic song, one of the best off a whole album of great songs. I'd like to hear them do Four Sticks (which may be the best song off that amazing album).


I agree about Plant. When I was young, I thought Led Zeppelin was Page's band, and Plant was the flower child brought along for the ride. And that may have been true for the first two or three albums, I don't know. But it's obvious that Plant's songwriting really shaped the band going forward. Page should thank God (or Baphomet, or Baal-zebub, or whatever it is he prays to) that Plant came along, or Led Zeppelin would never have been more than a footnote in musical history as the last and probably weakest incarnation of the Yardbirds.


I haven't really listened to much Zeppelin in years. Maybe I should work it into my playlist more. Best rock band ever, bar none. No one else is even really close.

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So... one of my favorite Led Zep songs, like most everybody, I think, is Black Dog. There is, of course, only one Robert Plant and trying to sound like Robert Plant is a futile endeavor. But, I have to say, Arnel Pineda (current front man for Journey) gave a really cool version of this song. One of the reasons he got picked by Journey to replace Steve Perry is Arnel's ability to change his voice to sound close to the original yet still give the song his own kick.

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So... one of my favorite Led Zep songs, like most everybody, I think, is Black Dog. There is, of course, only one Robert Plant and trying to sound like Robert Plant is a futile endeavor. But, I have to say, Arnel Pineda (current front man for Journey) gave a really cool version of this song. One of the reasons he got picked by Journey to replace Steve Perry is Arnel's ability to change his voice to sound close to the original yet still give the song his own kick.



Actually he didn't get picked to replace Steve Perry.  Steve Augeri did.  Pineda replaced  Augeri after being the lead singer for Journey for 8 years.

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The year is 1970, I'm fifteen years old, and on break for the Christmas holidays.  I had just received my first cassette tape player for Christmas.  Now, the big decision:  What's the first cassette I'm going to buy?  Finances are tight.  I can only buy one tape.  What will it be?  Aaaand, Led Zeppelin III becomes my first choice!


With it being the only cassette I had, I listened to that album over and over again.  I happened to be reading Dracula by Bram Stoker over the holidays.  I remember curling up on the couch and reading, listening to Led Zeppelin.  The tape would finish, and I would start it over, again and again.  To this day, whenever I hear Immigrant Song I get a sense of dread and anticipation at the same time.  The book was mesmerizing, the music I listened to while reading it just intensified my feelings.


Here's Immigrant Song:

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I get a far greater lift performing (if just to myself) than from listening.  Perhaps it is the time in which I grew up or the influence from my parents but I have never gotten a lift from trying to listen or perform Led Zeppelin.

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Actually he didn't get picked to replace Steve Perry.  Steve Augeri did.  Pineda replaced  Augeri after being the lead singer for Journey for 8 years.

Sorry, I wasn't clear on what I said...

Arnel Pineda was not picked for sounding like Steve Augeri. He was picked for sounding like Steve Perry. It's that distinctive tenor in the 80's that they were looking for. None of Steve Augeri's albums made much of a ripple in the charts. The fans (at least in Asia) can't get on board with the new sound.

Pineda took over and the very first album they released had After All These Years - a power ballad - that hit Top 10 in the Billboards. This was the first Top 10 hit they had since Perry.

Edited by anatess
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Sort of related: my non-member friend who committed suicide years ago had his funeral service in one of our chapels, and the branch president let us play the softer parts of 'Stairway to Heaven' as the coffin was wheeled out. It was my friend's favorite song.  I don't think the BP knew the song...he also didn't know that along with an electric guitar, there was a bottle of Johnny Walker Whiskey in the coffin. It was still a beautiful service. 


Don't like Zeppelin's music much, but Robert Plant was and is a VERY sexy, charismatic man.

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