Tithing and donating plasma


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Interesting question came up on a discussion facebook page.


If you donate plasma to receive money do you pay tithing on it?  Do you consider it income?


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Guest LiterateParakeet

That is an interesting question.  I would.  If people just want to be altruistic, they donate blood.  When they are looking to make a buck or two, they donate plasma.  I think that should be tithed. 

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Interesting question...it is "increase" so sure. A really bad joke; would that make it blood money? :)


Did you ask that same question on a lds group discussion on facebook?

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Not me...or did you answer my post be mistake. I am not a follower on Facebook.


No I didn't answer your post by mistake.  Someone asked the exact same question in a discussion group on facebook about this.  And I wouldn't have known that you don't use facebook.

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Pam needs to brush up on her Internet stalking skills.


Funny you should say that.  I've found a few people from lds.net on facebook.  They just don't know I found them.  :)

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