Moving Closer to Completion of "Bucket List"...

Pa Pa

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Next year the trip is paid for, my wife and I will be going on Alaska cruise. While in the Army I spent two months there for cold weather training and I a,ways wanted to take the wife to see Alaska. Interesting day while there (the daylight hours lasted for four hours) the temp got up to 11 degrees, I was stationed in Savannah at the time and the news reported 5 degrees. :( COLD! On an Alaska cruise it is like sailing on interstate 15, looking up at the snow covered peaks.

When this is completed, I want to return to Europe, where I lived for, four years. In was in Germany where my wife and I joined the Church in 1979, we were sealed in the Swiss Temple. You can visit many cites on river cruises.

Beyond that...seeing my youngest son become a father...he was just married last month, so I have to wait; can't schedule that. :(

What is on your bucket list?

I am thinking of skydiving on my 60th birthday...two years to go.

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I was sealed to my parents at the Swiss temple :) I kind of sort of have a bucket list. It changes a lot. Even though we're in our 30's, I do have friends actively working on theirs, and adding stuff. I don't really have a desire to travel anywhere, I do a lot of that now, certainly there are many places I haven't been to though. I would say that I need to do something out of my comfort zone and is more charitable than I normally am. I'd like to be stationed somewhere and do service projects with my husband (I guess this would be further down the line when kiddos are grown and gone) in places of the world that need assistance. This would really be something I'd have to mentally prep for because I have so many OCD issues lol but I keep saying to myself that I want to make a real hands-on impact somewhere outside of my safe little bubble.

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I was sealed to my parents at the Swiss temple :) I kind of sort of have a bucket list. It changes a lot. Even though we're in our 30's, I do have friends actively working on theirs, and adding stuff. I don't really have a desire to travel anywhere, I do a lot of that now, certainly there are many places I haven't been to though. I would say that I need to do something out of my comfort zone and is more charitable than I normally am. I'd like to be stationed somewhere and do service projects with my husband (I guess this would be further down the line when kiddos are grown and gone) in places of the world that need assistance. This would really be something I'd have to mentally prep for because I have so many OCD issues lol but I keep saying to myself that I want to make a real hands-on impact somewhere outside of my safe little bubble.

That is great same Temple. When my wife and I were sealed, they brought in my two oldest oldest children in dress in a dry eye in the room! It was one of the most powerful spiritual experience in my life. It was April 29, 1981...they were 4 and 7 years of age, not ashamed to say Papa cried like a little boy. The Spirit was so strong that I understood Nephi words; "even unto the consuming of my flesh" and " are that they might have joy".

But to the is very hard with a broken back. If I take something to dull the pain, I cannot experience the way I would hope this trip "NO" changing planes, I am flying non-stop to Seattle, then on to the boat.

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I don't have a bucket list either, but there are a few things I want to do:


1. Ride a penny farthing

2. Get a black belt in karate

3. Become a full professor

4. Go inside the Great Pyramid of Giza

5. Walk my daughter down the aisle on her wedding day

6. Go up in a balloon

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No bucket list here either. But, before I got married, I was planning on walking down the Grand Canyon to camp out with the Havasupai's and then walk back up. I was training for it and then I decided to get married and that got derailed. I did tell my husband that we need to take the trip before I get pregnant but it didn't happen. So, I told my husband we'll wait until the kid gets old enough to take the trip while sitting in the backpack stroller on my back... but then I got pregnant again. So, I told my husband we'll wait until the 2nd kid gets old enough to take the trip in the backpack stroller but then my first kid got too big for the backpack. So I said we'll wait until both kids are old enough to walk it too... they're 11 and 13 years old now but I got so out of shape I don't think I can walk 10 miles in a flat plane let alone climb down and up the Grand Canyon!

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No bucket list here either. But, before I got married, I was planning on walking down the Grand Canyon to camp out with the Havasupai's and then walk back up. I was training for it and then I decided to get married and that got derailed. I did tell my husband that we need to take the trip before I get pregnant but it didn't happen. So, I told my husband we'll wait until the kid gets old enough to take the trip while sitting in the backpack stroller on my back... but then I got pregnant again. So, I told my husband we'll wait until the 2nd kid gets old enough to take the trip in the backpack stroller but then my first kid got too big for the backpack. So I said we'll wait until both kids are old enough to walk it too... they're 11 and 13 years old now but I got so out of shape I don't think I can walk 10 miles in a flat plane let alone climb down and up the Grand Canyon!


A former home teacher of mine and his wife are on a senior mission right now and part of their mission is with the Havasupai's.

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A former home teacher of mine and his wife are on a senior mission right now and part of their mission is with the Havasupai's.

Something I would love to do, but too many health problems. Before the accident and difficulties I always told my friends that upon my retirement at 60, I would file my papers. Now getting through a 3 hour block of Church and going to the Temple causes a lot of pain. I have had a good life...but my bucket list has always been the two things I listed, by next year it will be down to one.
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