The Like button

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If you like their posts they get put in the lower right hand corner... and the user gets notified that someone likes their post.


EDIT:  sigh  I go to correct a typo and miss that the edit deleted  half my post

Edited by estradling75
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Sounds like the op is on the mobile version? (on the mobile site the like check mark is at the top right of each post, instead of the bottom right like on the desktop version) You can't see likes listed at the bottom like you can with the full version.



No gloating on the phone over the number of likes you have unfortunately, the only reason I come here to is to validate myself by measure of my likes.... Btw, Every time you like my posts you save a puppy from exploding, so please, save a puppy and like my post.


Edited by jerome1232
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Guest LiterateParakeet

There is a button at the top corner of every post with a check mark icon inviting me to "like" a post. I found a particularly good post (thank you, Vort) and pressed the button. What exactly was supposed to happen?


It sends a notification to the person, in this case Vort, and tells them that you liked their post and which one.  Also when you are on a computer or laptop, you can see at the bottom of the post "SGoodman likes this" anyone that reads the thread can see that you liked it.  

I'll like your post so you can see how it works on the receiving end.  

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