Scalia died. We're firmly in the handbasket.


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The Senate Majority Leader is already rumbling about not confirming anyone this year.  I don't think they'll stick to it--the political costs of leaving a SCOTUS seat open for eleven months are going to be too high--but maybe it can convince the President to pick a more moderate replacement than he would otherwise have done.

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A big, big loss for traditionalist. Let's pick the next Supreme Court Justice, must be a) female & b) not-white.

Today I received a despicable e-mail about jobs hiring from a major private entity, but in the e-mail it said the jobs where "diversity hires", let me throw up a bit-no wonder we are going down the toilet. Private companies don't even want to hire the best they want "diversity".

It's a long slow slide to servitude and tyranny-like boiling a frog then one day you look up and realize holy crap look how unfree I am.

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1 hour ago, MormonGator said:

What? You don't have faith in our inspiring and unifying commander in chief!?

If the man said it was sunny outside, I'd go out and check for my shadow.


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Guest MormonGator
12 minutes ago, lonetree said:

Bad news. I remember when Thatcher died. I'm sure there are many whooping it up...

 No one is more cruel than those who claim to be tolerant and loving. 

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We need to pray that Congress does not approve Obama's appointment to the court and they leave the seat vacant until he leaves office.  This will take a miracle.  Obama will appoint another to the Supreme Court that does not care about the Constitution or our liberties.

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Guest Godless
14 hours ago, MormonGator said:

 No one is more cruel than those who claim to be tolerant and loving. 


I have yet to see anyone on my side of the fence celebrating Scalia's death. Instead I've seen sorrow at the loss of life, as well as a hope that the President and Congress will both do what the Constitution requires of them in this situation. 

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Guest MormonGator
47 minutes ago, Godless said:


I have yet to see anyone on my side of the fence celebrating Scalia's death. Instead I've seen sorrow at the loss of life, as well as a hope that the President and Congress will both do what the Constitution requires of them in this situation.

Look harder.

Both sides have to admit they have a tendency to be nasty. Of course we are quick to ignore our sides flaws or bad behavior-it's human nature. 

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What the Constitution REQUIRES is that they hold the Constitution as the supreme law of the land.  Something most of the Court and virtually all of the executive and legislative branches already ignore unless it suits their own purposes.

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1 hour ago, Godless said:

I've seen … a hope that the President and Congress will both do what the Constitution requires of them in this situation. 


The Constitution requires that the president nominate a person to fill the vacancy. The Constitution requires that the Senate consent to (ratify) that nomination, but if it does not, the president cannot do anything more than nominate someone else. There is no requirement that the Senate rubber stamp his nomination.

If his nominee is someone who will trample the Constitution under his feet, as O'bama has done on his own, the Senate is required, by the Constitution, to reject that person. O'bama is not a dictator (at least not in name), he is not a tyrant (or was not elected to be one). His oath of office requires that he uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic (including himself).


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2 hours ago, Godless said:


I have yet to see anyone on my side of the fence celebrating Scalia's death. Instead I've seen sorrow at the loss of life, as well as a hope that the President and Congress will both do what the Constitution requires of them in this situation. 

Well you know that won't happen as the appointer has one major thing in mind, which is throwing the Constitution out the window.



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Guest MormonGator
7 minutes ago, David13 said:


We all, Mirkwood included have faith that that character will continue to do his usual evil whenever and wherever possible.



Obama isn't evil. He's just misguided on a lot of issues. I can't say he's evil. 

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21 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Obama isn't evil. He's just misguided on a lot of issues. I can't say he's evil. 

How long does one have to remain "misguided" and to pursue evil ends before he is no longer only misguided, but has adopted the evils of his ends?


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Guest MormonGator
15 minutes ago, LeSellers said:


How long does one have to remain "misguided" and to pursue evil ends before he is no longer only misguided, but has adopted the evils of his ends?


Shockingly, people on the right think he is evil. People on the left think he is a God. It's just so cliche. :: sigh :: 

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Guest MormonGator
12 minutes ago, LeSellers said:

That doesn't answer the question.


No, it doesn't on purpose. If someone is really determined to believe that Obama is evil-precious little I say is going to change their mind. Seriously LeSellers, who on the internet asks questions to learn? We ask questions to argue.  

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Guest MormonGator
17 minutes ago, Eowyn said:

I believe Obama's next goal is to take one of those seats himself, and then we're really in trouble. 

I think Taft went from President to Supreme Court, so it can happen.

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I did post that I liked your post.  But in reality I hate the idea that that buffoon would sit on the Supreme Court.  I have never seen anyone in such a position know less about law than him.  And his reputation for honesty and veracity?  A perfect zero.

I certainly hope and pray that does not happen.  I think he has disgraced the nation sufficiently already.


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