Good things


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43 minutes ago, Maureen said:

I've been retired for almost 5 months now and it has been a really good thing. I've expanded my cooking skills, planted some perennials, did some decluttering and have really enjoyed all this freedom.

Well, I've been retired for six months now and it has been a really, really, good thing. I've started a service mission, been watching three grandchildren, built a carpenter's bench (okeh, started a carpenter's bench), and have really enjoyed all this service.


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14 hours ago, Iggy said:

It can be. It can kill you. We believe my Dad had apnea. He snored so loud we could hear him downstairs and in every room in the house. He also stopped breathing, then would gasp and breath again.

All of my siblings have sleep apnea. All have Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure and lots of bad cholesterol. My bad cholesterol is under control. But my Triglycerides are not good.

Good Thing: 3.  Called the place where my c-PAP machine will be coming from. There never received the Rx from my Apnea Dr. By the time I was able to call them, it was 4 PM. As soon as I hung up I called my Dr. His assistant took the call. I was L. I. V. I. D. Or as my mother used to say: I was so made I could spit railway track spikes. I am proud of myself for not yelling, shrieking, and sputtering at him. Wasn't his fault. Said: I am not a happy camper. i am beyond livid. Find that prescription  NOW. <<heard clicking on the keyboard>> Ah says the young man, hear is the Rx along with the pre-authorization. I said: Good, now fax it off to them. Here is the fax number: XXX... I will stay on the line until you have sent it and received confirmation that they received it. Then I added: When you finish writing this conversation in the call log, put down that I, Iggy, have had quite enough of this nonsense.  The screw-ups and unnecessary delays with my Rx for the modafinil - over a month ~ ridiculous! Then this fiasco with the cPap machine. The first delay was my mistake. I told the Dr to sent the Rx to the wrong place. But when I discovered the error and got the correct information to you there was a delay of 6 weeks! SIX WEEKS before I decided to call the supplier. Then to find out that the Rx had never been faxed. If the assistant I spoke with each time (same young woman - 5 conversations.) is the one who was to fax the Rx, then she failed in her job and I want her reprimanded. I named her. I also had this assistant read back what I wanted entered into the phone log. I also forewarned him that on Monday I am calling the supplier to see if they received the faxed Rx. IF not, then on Tuesday [when the Dr is actually in the office] I am storming the Dr's office. Why do I feel this is a Good Thing? Because I found out now rather than keep on waiting and waiting and waiting,

Good Thing: 4.  The *keep awake* pill works. Doesn't make me dizzy, nauseated, diarrhea, insomnia, anxiety, or have gastrointestinal problems

So glad the pill is working. It sounds vital! Sorry about the idiot screw ups!

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4 hours ago, Iggy said:

My first husband was Japanese, Irish, Native American. Mother was Japanese. He loved Kim Chee. The first time I was introduced to Kim Chee was in Alameda CA. We were renting a kitchenette at a motel. Bringing in the groceries, he dug into the bag, got out the jar and dug in with his fingers. I was just coming in the door with a bag and the smell hit me. I thought there was something dead and rotting. The closer I got to him, the more nauseated I got.

Now, my father is Norwegian, and he ate some pretty disgusting, smelling ?food?, but this Kim Chee outdid Dad's gamalost any day of the week.

A friend of ours gave me her Grandma's recipe for Kim Chee. I dutifully made it, put it into crockery jars (4 4gal ones) and put them into the unused coat closet off the kitchen. I then went to visit my mother in So. Dak. [driving from the Oregon Coast] knowing that when I got back, it would be time to do the next step. Well, husband was too impatient to wait, and he moved one of the crocks into the kitchen about two days before I was due back. Rather than place the crock next to the sink, he put it in front of the sliding glass door.

When I got home, the smell was enough to knock me off my feet. The sun shone down on that crock from about 1pm until dusk. For lids on the crocks I used heavy glass turntables from microwaves, then put a heavy river rock on top. Well, the kim chee heated up, fermented too much and blew up all over the kitchen. The turntable went flying and lodged across the room in the oven door. The large river rock landed on the Jen Air burners on top of the oven and there was kim chee all over the place. Ceiling, walls, floor.

Took me the rest of the day - got home at 4 PM - and well into the next to clean up that mess. Oh, and it cost a small fortune to replace that Jenn Air convection oven door! My girlfriend came over and helped me to can the rest of the kim chee. That was the first and last time I made it. It was also the last time Hubby was allowed to eat it in the house. I would buy it, but he had to take his plate and go outside to eat it.

He loved it with everything. Well except spaghetti, lasagna & chili. You know, there wasn't one member of my hubby's family that wanted that recipe. They didn't like the stuff. Now Carborendum, do you like the hot spicy kind? Hubby sure did. The hotter it was the more he liked it. Our little local grocery store would carry it just for us. We bought a case every other week.

Wow! I must try it sometime. Sorry about the huge mess and your convection oven.

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Hey, that wasn't the end of the kitchen mash-ups. Moved to a different house. Well it was a single wide trailer - 14' x 60'. I was making homemade spaghetti sauce. Well, my version: packaged seasoning, canned whole tomatoes I squish with my hands, tomato sauce & tomato paste. Plus onions, celery, bell peppers.

I was zoning out opening the canned tomatoes. I was making a lot - had an 8 quart stock pot - so the cans of whole tomatoes were the next size down from #10's. Like I said I was zoning out, thus not paying attention to the cans. One of them was bulged and when I set the manual can opening up to open, it of course exploded on the first turn. Shot up in the air, all over me, 'erm actually I got it full in the face. Hubby was sitting on the sofa, and he had full view of me in the kitchen.

The dog was startled by the sound the can made. Hubby started laughing, then I started laughing. I couldn't open my eyes to find a kitchen towel. At least he came and cleaned my face off. Never stopped laughing though. Then the dog came and was going to lick the tomatoes off the floor. We shushed her out doors. IF it exploded that meant it wasn't any good, and if she ate it she would get food poisoning. I put a cover on the stock pot, and Hubby and I cleaned up the kitchen. Me, I went in and took a shower, put my clothes in the machine.

When I got back into the kitchen, hubby had finished opening all of the cans for me.

Two weeks later, we saw that we had forgotten to wash the ceiling. By now the tomato had stained the ceiling. Four years later I finally primed and painted the ceilings.

No sooner had I finished the painting [did the bathroom, small guest room and the living room] then I brought home a HUGE Blue Mama squash. That thing weighed in at 15 pounds @ $0.12 a pound!! I broke off three knives trying to cut it up. So, Hubby went and got his saws-all, and not only did he get it cut, he also cut through the counter top. Also nearly all of the pulpy seed mass was thrown all over the kitchen, hubby and me. He changed the blade from coarse to fine, thinking that would end the mess making. Nope - just sent it out and up farther.

After we picked ourselves up off the floor after a serious bout of laughing, we cleaned the mess up. Including the ceiling. Learned our lesson from the tomatoes.

The next time I bought a HUGE Blue Mama squash, I had the butcher at the store cut it up. Let him clean up the mess.

Okay, what is the Good Thing out of these? Oh, #1 - pay attention to the condition of the cans BEFORE you open them. Which I learned to do. #2 - Never, ever use the saws-all to cut up vegetables, fruits or even meats. Which I have never tried again.

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I am ignoring my superstitious sports thinking and posting this good thing.

The San Jose Sharks won the western conference and they are going onto the Stanley Cup finals.

I've been cheering for San Jose for years now in the playoffs (since I can't cheer for the Oilers). They've come close but have never won a conference until now. This is a very good thing and I am happy. :)


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On May 26, 2016 at 0:03 AM, Maureen said:

I am ignoring my superstitious sports thinking and posting this good thing.

The San Jose Sharks won the western conference and they are going onto the Stanley Cup finals.

I've been cheering for San Jose for years now in the playoffs (since I can't cheer for the Oilers). They've come close but have never won a conference until now. This is a very good thing and I am happy. :)


We are happy for you!

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