Blessing/Consecrating Objects?


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So we all know about the Sword of Laban and the Stones of the Jaredites. But... After thinking about these things, a very cool question came into my mind. Is it at all possible for a normal but fully worthy priesthood holder to bless objects in the holy name of Christ to fill them with spiritual power of some sort? Maybe of course not nearly to the same extent as the Stones of the Jaredites. But I've never heard a passage of scripture saying we can't or even that it's not recommended! In fact, the scriptures seem to encourage it with such passages telling us that with great faith in Christ and Heavenly Father, good and incredible things may be brought to pass under the perfect guidance of the Holy Ghost as long as they are for the benefit of man as a whole and to help bring them back to the Father.

Can it be done then? And if not, why not?

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You might consider other objects as well, the liahona, the urim and thumim, the seer stones, the bronze serpent. In fact some religions believe the sacrament bread and water are holy and treat them as sacred objects. Now that I'm writing this, what about temples themselves, or perhaps dedicated ground like Martin's cove? 

I believe there is some truth to blessing objects and endowing them of use to the faithful. Joseph for instance had a handkerchief he gave to Wilford Woodruff when the saints were sick and told him to wipe the faces of the children and they would be healed. Such objects may be of great use to the faithful. But I also believe there is a danger. Those not in tune may come to treat the object itself , not God who sanctified it, as sacred. For instance, Moses' brazen serpent was setup in the temple and people started to worship it, instead of the living God. Hezekiah, a righteous king, broke it into peaces, "He did what was right in the sight of the Lord just as his ancestor David had done. He removed the high places, broke down the pillars, and cut down the sacred pole. He broke in pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made, for until those days the people of Israel had made offerings to it; it was called Nehushtan." (2 Kings 18:3-4).

Unfortunately, people are quick to worship an object before the living God. As Spencer W. Kimball said, "Few men have ever knowingly and deliberately chosen to reject God and his blessings. Rather, we learn from the scriptures that because the exercise of faith has always appeared to be more difficult than relying on things more immediately at hand, carnal man has tended to transfer his trust in God to material things. Therefore, in all ages when men have fallen under the power of Satan and lost the faith, they have put in its place a hope in the “arm of flesh” and in “gods of silver, and gold, of brass, iron, wood, and stone, which see not, nor hear, nor know” (Dan. 5:23)—that is, in idols." (The False God's We Worship, Ensign, June 1976).  

So, to answer the question, I believe it can be done according to the Lord's will and as directed by him. But care should be taken that those who are so blessed by it realize that it is just an object. 

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It is not uncommon – in fact it is somewhat of a tradition - to bless something as trivial as food before eating.  I would also point out that to do such a thing – again according to long standing tradition – does not require the priesthood.  Many will pause for a blessing before going on a journey, starting and new job or many other things.  Often I will invoke the priesthood when giving blessings – especially when home teaching or giving a father’s blessing.  It has long been a personal “thing” for me as I arise each morning to present my day’s plan and offer my efforts to be blessed – then at the end of the day review with my L-rd how it all went.  Often when I fine something exciting or of seeming value in the news or an article – I will pause and evoke a blessing for insight and understanding.  And though I do not do this always and perhaps should do it more – I will seek a blessing for creating or responding to a thread.

I have decided that we do not use the priesthood or even the general powers of blessing enough.  That the default if there is question – that if we error we ought to error in blessing too much rather than error in not blessing enough. 


The Traveler

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Thanks everyone for the answers! I particularly agree with james12's reminder that we must remember to worship Heavenly Father and not the objects, no matter how powerful He made them be. I'll be sure to consult a little more with my friends before I consecrate the object I have in mind, then if all goes well, I will fast and pray and bless it as specifically as the Spirit guides me.

14 hours ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

Can it be done? Probably but why?

Because I wish to do it with an object of mine... Not only to help me but to help anyone who wears it. I have heard of demonic items made in this world. I wish to do the exact opposite and make an artifact of spiritual light and power as much as the Lord allows in his wisdom. If he will allow it. As of now though, I have a good feeling about it inside.

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Bumping with an important update.

After consulting with my parents, I've decided not to do this at all. Basically, when you give a blessing, there's more to it than just the blessing itself. The blessing comes with a firm. and in a way, loving reminder that this power comes from Heavenly Father, and thus, He is also telling you that he is the one to focus your love and faith on always. If you just made an object that did it, then the object would tend to get all the credit which leads to idolatry.

TL;DR - Heavenly Father wants his power to be delivered in person by another person.

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Just a thought about blessings.  As per my handle – I travel a lot.  Not so much now as I use to travel a lot more in my work.  It used to be 90% work travel and now it is 90% leisure travel.  Often when traveling I worked long hours and would return to my hotel room needing to unwind a bit so I could sleep better.  Usually I would work out for about a half hour and then watch TV for a half hour before trying to sleep.  I began to notice something odd about the TV.  Whenever I turned on the TV the first thing to display would be a hard core XXX thing with what I assumed was the worst part of that.  What was even odder is that; often what was showing required some kind of conscription and payment. 

This was troubling to me and one day I mentioned the problem to a fellow engineer and also devout LDS friend that also traveled a great deal.  He said that he used to have the same problem but not anymore – after he changed just one perhaps minor travel habit – He would pronounce a priesthood blessing on his hotel room when he first arrived and cast away any lingering unclean spirits. 

I may be casting some pearls before swine posting this on the internet – But I now bless hotel rooms when I arrive and since I adopted this habit there has not been a single reoccurrence of the problem.  Here is a thought – if someone possesses things or goes places that they feel uncomfortable or improper for a priesthood blessing – perhaps it would be better to rethink about possessing such things or going to such places.


The Traveler

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@Traveler, the first thing we do before occupying a new home is bless it by the Priesthood. I don't know why it should be any different for a temporary "home" (though it had never occurred to me until now to do so). 

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12 hours ago, Eowyn said:

@Traveler, the first thing we do before occupying a new home is bless it by the Priesthood. I don't know why it should be any different for a temporary "home" (though it had never occurred to me until now to do so). 

I have wondered if there is a limit or discursion employed in blessing things.  A good friend of mine insisted in blessing everything he ate.  If a treat of donuts, cake or other treats was being served he would say a blessing that the desert treats would be nourishing and healthful for his body.  From time to time I would kid him about it but it did not matter to him – he always blessed everything he ate and always to be nourishing and healthful.  I could say a prayer of thanks but blessing something obviously not healthy to be healthy seemed a little over the top to me


The Traveler

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Last year I had my car burt in a accident. I had a very hard time going to work and to church with my little kids without a vehicle. When I got my car repaired, I dedicated it to the LORD, in the sense that whenever HE needed it, whether for church affairs or to assist others, it would be ready for service. I'ts been so and I'm pretty sure  that the LORD accepted the offering, not because of the object itself, but because of the offerer (me). 

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On 7/29/2016 at 6:34 AM, james12 said:

Joseph for instance had a handkerchief he gave to Wilford Woodruff when the saints were sick and told him to wipe the faces of the children and they would be healed. Such objects may be of great use to the faithful.

That handkerchief is back on display at the Church History Museum, by the way.

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