Trump Mocks Mormons and Utah in Attempt to Appeal Evangelical Voters


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4 hours ago, tesuji said:

it almost feels like Romney is the only GOP leader willing to call a spade a spade.

That's problematic.

Romney refused, as the GOP standard bearer, to attack O'bama. Now that there is someone at their head who's more'n willing to "call a spade a spade", people are attacking him for doing the same thing they accused Romney of not doing. Sorry, this is just plain confusing.


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Trump supporters will find a way to say how wonderful and wise he is, and how he's actually saying he loves Mormons and puppies and all things great and small.. But Hilary's media is making him sound blah blah blah...


Every time this oaf opens his mouth he shows his colors, but some refuse to ever see it.

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Guest MormonGator
9 minutes ago, Eowyn said:


Every time this oaf opens his mouth he shows his colors, but some refuse to ever see it.

Trump: I want my people to slaughter baby seals.  

They'd run to the docks, clubs in hand. Yes master! Yes master! 

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Compared to how Trump recently treated Evangelicals, this was pretty nice.  I believe the quote was something like, "Some of them [conservative social-issue voters, i.e. Evangelicals] think I am the lowest. They've still got to vote for me, because I'll put conservatives on the Supreme Court."  If I were to put his thoughts about us in prison terms I'd have to violate site rules.  We're going to have to decide if we are willing to put up with the high school bully in order to avoid the high school vice principal.

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On 8/13/2016 at 11:10 AM, billjones said:

I'm afraid I need some help here.  As much as I dislike Trump, I didn't really see any quotes of him mocking Mormons.  I'm currently unable to see the video.  What did he say?

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On 8/14/2016 at 4:43 AM, tesuji said:

I've never been so proud of my fellow Utahans for putting principles before party. 

But what do you say about the many Utahans willing to vote for Hillary?

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On 8/15/2016 at 1:54 PM, Carborendum said:


Alma 10  [19] .....this people should be governed by their own voices -- yea, well did he say that if the time should come that the voice of this people should choose iniquity, that is, if the time should come that this people should fall into transgression, they would be ripe for destruction.

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So what?  The way the idiot LDS have treated Trump, why should he pander to them?  I don't know who I'll vote for, but I find the LDS attitude pathetic.  It seems to be based more on emotion than reason.  Trump will not be judged by the Law since he is without the Law. 

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I don't like to discuss politics, and I am no Trump lover point of fact is living where I do I have the luxury of voting my conscience.

BUT if you live in a state that could go to either candidate how in good faith could you possibly vote for Hillary? or someone other than Trump? because a vote for a third party candidate is a vote for Hillary.

The supreme court appointees alone make it worth while....The republican party needs to change it ways or they will never see the inside of the white house again. Our political climate has changed, the Republican party needs to change with it. So pinch your nose and vote for the guy with bad hair.

What's real funny is that all the Trump haters will whine and moan about every Hillary policy when she gets elected when they had an opportunity to do something about it, but didn't.

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41 minutes ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

I don't like to discuss politics

You don't?  Since when?

41 minutes ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

BUT if you live in a state that could go to either candidate how in good faith could you possibly vote for Hillary?

If you cared to look, I thought I made my position quite clear.

41 minutes ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

The supreme court appointees alone make it worth while

If there were some way to guarantee that he'd actually stick with his promises, I might agree.  But his track record on sticking with any position or promise is pretty bad.

41 minutes ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

The republican party needs to change it ways or they will never see the inside of the white house again. Our political climate has changed, the Republican party needs to change with it.

I'd agree with the first statement.  The second one is a matter of perspective.  The party elites think they know more than the common people.  So, they keep forcing us into a "liberal-lite" candidate.  It is time that we simply abandon the party altogether to let them know that we don't have to vote for them.  Let's have an entire 8 years of completely liberal politicians from the top to the bottom of the ticket to show just how bad the country will become.

Then we can have some true leaders who will abide by Constitutional principles.  Then the voice of the people can truly be heard.  And we will have a party that really can lead the nation into a generation of what real liberty is about.

41 minutes ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

What's real funny is that all the Trump haters will whine and moan about every Hillary policy when she gets elected when they had an opportunity to do something about it, but didn't.

And if Trump gets in office, we'll whine and moan about every Trump policy.  So, what's your point?  We don't like either of them and it's not a foregone conclusion that Hillary would be worse.

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5 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

You don't?  Since when?


Find the last political post I made I dare you. I skip those threads

6 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

If you cared to look, I thought I made my position quite clear.

Yeah I didn't read every post nor did I quote you in mine.

7 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

 We don't like either of them and it's not a foregone conclusion that Hillary would be worse.

Anything is better than 8 more years of Obamas wonderful policies...She is just a continuation of him and the worst presidency ever

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Trump didnt mock mormons.

No one likes Mormons anyway so we need to just vote for people who most closely align with our values. Remember when evangelicals sat out the last election between Romney and Obama??? It was because Evangelicals generally dislike we (LDS) were not happy bout that. Well now we have Obama. Talk about someone who is adversarial to our values.


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13 minutes ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

Find the last political post I made I dare you. I skip those threads

My bad, I tend to mix you up with yJacket because of your tone.  But the two of you are quite different when it comes to other characteristics.

13 minutes ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

Yeah I didn't read every post nor did I quote you in mine.

I didn't imply that you did.  I thought I implied that you didn't.  So, at least we agree there.

13 minutes ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

Anything is better than 8 more years of Obamas wonderful policies.

I question the bolded word.  There are many different TYPES of bad.  And just because Trump is different, doesn't make him any less BAD.

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10 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

I question the bolded word.  There are many different TYPES of bad.  And just because Trump is different, doesn't make him any less BAD.

That's the rub, they are both bad.  Side by side which is worse that is the decision that people need to make.

A third party candidate will not win. Not this year

We need to accept reality and cognitively and emotionally move on.

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6 minutes ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

That's the rub, they are both bad.  Side by side which is worse that is the decision that people need to make.

I'm finding it difficult to reconcile this statement with the one you previously said.

1 hour ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

how in good faith could you possibly vote for Hillary? or someone other than Trump?


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4 hours ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

A third party candidate will not win. Not this year

We need to accept reality and cognitively and emotionally move on.

Third party candidates never win.

It depending on how long term you want to look...  If your priority is to stop Hillary this election then your only real choice is Trump.  If your priority is to actually build/rebuild a conservative party. Then abandoning the republican party, and really voting for a conservative candidate is your best option.  But it will come at a cost, and it might not be for several elections (if ever) that it happens that a truly conservative candidate has a shot.


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