Nothing Is Too Big For God.


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Note: I got this via email... I am not the author of this piece, nor do I claim to be...

"Two men went fishing. One was an experienced fisherman, the other wasn't. Every time the experienced fisherman caught a big fish, he put it in his ice chest to keep it fresh. Whenever the inexperienced fisherman caught a big fish, he threw it back.

The experienced fisherman watched this go on all day and finally got tired of seeing the man waste good fish. "Why do you keep throwing back all the big fish you catch?" he asked.

The inexperienced fisherman replied, "I only have a small frying pan."

Sometimes, like that fisherman, we throwback the big plans, big dreams, big jobs, big opportunities that God gives us. Our faith is too small.

We laugh at that fisherman who didn't figure out that all he needed was a bigger frying pan, yet how ready are we to increase the size of our faith?

Whether it's a problem or a possibility, God will never give you anything bigger than you can handle. That means we can confidently walk into anything God brings our way.

You can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13.) Nothing is too big for God."

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Two men went fishing. One was an experienced fisherman, the other wasn't. Every time the experienced fisherman caught a big fish, he put it in his ice chest to keep it fresh. Whenever the inexperienced fisherman caught a big fish, he threw it back.

The experienced fisherman watched this go on all day and finally got tired of seeing the man waste good fish. "Why do you keep throwing back all the big fish you catch?" he asked.

The inexperienced fisherman replied, "I only have a small frying pan."

Sometimes, like that fisherman, we throwback the big plans, big dreams, big jobs, big opportunities that God gives us. Our faith is too small.

We laugh at that fisherman who didn't figure out that all he needed was a bigger frying pan, yet how ready are we to increase the size of our faith?

Whether it's a problem or a possibility, God will never give you anything bigger than you can handle. That means we can confidently walk into anything God brings our way.

You can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13.) Nothing is too big for God.

Unless you're the author, etiquette requires you to give credit.

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Unless you're the author, etiquette requires you to give credit.

Have I claimed to be the author? No!!

Once again. I got this one via email...

I don't have the time you do to go and check up on every single post made here.

I am not one for taking credit for something when it is not mine to take!

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<div class='quotemain'>

Unless you're the author, etiquette requires you to give credit.

Have I claimed to be the author? No!!

Well - yes.

When you post something that belongs to someone else but you don't also post something to indicate that you are not the author, then you are de facto representing yourself to be the author. Look at your last post above. You did not reference anyone else as the author so we assume that you are the author, which in fact you are.

If someone else is the author, especially if you quote something exactly, give credit to the author, even if the author is unknown.

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And here I thought the purpose of this thread was to discuss and share our thoughts about the topic, "Nothing is too big For God". Regardless of whether or not the Author was acknowledged or credited, I can't see why a little mistake is such a big problem. It has now hijacked the purpose of the Thread and side tracked others from posting about it.

Acez :threadhijacked:

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And here I thought the purpose of this thread was to discuss and share our thoughts about the topic, "Nothing is too big For God". Regardless of whether or not the Author was acknowledged or credited, I can't see why a little mistake is such a big problem. It has now hijacked the purpose of the Thread and side tracked others from posting about it.

Acez :threadhijacked:

Give me a break. No one hijacks anything. Suzie has a habit of plagarizing. Three threads that I've seen this weekend. Its a bad habit that she ought to break. If you interested in staying on topic, maybe you ought to do that instead of complaining about things other than the topic.

But to your point - the topic and what the orginal author said: "That means we can confidently walk into anything God brings our way." It simply doesn't jive with reality. Take for example a young child horribly abused and then murdered. How confidently should the child have walked into that? Now it could be that God doesn't bring rape and murder your way. Maybe it's something other than God that brings things, for good or ill our way, which, if true, still conflicts with the point, since he lets all sorts of bad things happen and no amount of 'walking confidently' will get you out of it.

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<div class='quotemain'>

And here I thought the purpose of this thread was to discuss and share our thoughts about the topic, "Nothing is too big For God". Regardless of whether or not the Author was acknowledged or credited, I can't see why a little mistake is such a big problem. It has now hijacked the purpose of the Thread and side tracked others from posting about it.

Acez :threadhijacked:

Give me a break. No one hijacks anything. Suzie has a habit of plagarizing. Three threads that I've seen this weekend. Its a bad habit that she ought to break. If you interested in staying on topic, maybe you ought to do that instead of complaining about things other than the topic.

But to your point - the topic and what the orginal author said: "That means we can confidently walk into anything God brings our way." It simply doesn't jive with reality. Take for example a young child horribly abused and then murdered. How confidently should the child have walked into that? Now it could be that God doesn't bring rape and murder your way. Maybe it's something other than God that brings things, for good or ill our way, which, if true, still conflicts with the point, since he lets all sorts of bad things happen and no amount of 'walking confidently' will get you out of it.

actually if my child faces something horrific I want them to know with confidence whatever else happens they are loved by Mummy, Daddy, Heavenly Father and Jesus. That there is more to life than horror. Being confident and walking confidently may not prevent horror but it helps you deal with it no matter how low life takes you.

And Snow you could have done a general post or a pm but no you chose instead to hijack a thread. And tbh most LDS have come across this stuff and know it isn't Susie's work so hardly plagerism or deception, willing to bet most of us have it in our inbox. Not everyone without a certain level of education knows what to reference or how. Your option to bring unpleasentness to about 5 threads in past few days has ruined the spirit of the board for me. Now maybe something is happening in your own life, thats fine but as we don't know about it don't expect us to be nice to you when you are being appallingly bad mannered and a pretty poor moderator - anymore than you are allowing Susie leeway because of the horror going on in her own life right now.


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Give me a break. No one hijacks anything. Suzie has a habit of plagarizing. Three threads that I've seen this weekend. Its a bad habit that she ought to break. If you interested in staying on topic, maybe you ought to do that instead of complaining about things other than the topic.

You give me a break...

First, if you want to talk about me at least TRY to get my name right!

Secondly, I do NOT have a habbit plagerizing. If you felt that I was doing that you could at least have had the common decentcy to PM me & I would gladly have edited. Those who know me & read my post often enough know that I do not plagerize. For the first time in my life I have been having migranes. So I have accidently not put in quotation marks like I usually do. If you bothered to look you would see that I do that.

It has never been my intention of taking credit for something when it has not been mine to have. The only thing that I would ever take credit for on this site is my blog.

Thirdly, you havn't exactly stayed on topic yourself.

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actually if my child faces something horrific I want them to know with confidence whatever else happens they are loved by Mummy, Daddy, Heavenly Father and Jesus. That there is more to life than horror. Being confident and walking confidently may not prevent horror but it helps you deal with it no matter how low life takes you.

The point wasn't whether you could walk confidently or not, the point was that God doesn't give you more than you can handle. I'd say that children that get raped and murdered have more than they can handle regardless of how confident they are.

And Snow you could have done a general post or a pm but no you chose instead to hijack a thread. And tbh most LDS have come across this stuff and know it isn't Susie's work so hardly plagerism or deception, willing to bet most of us have it in our inbox. Not everyone without a certain level of education knows what to reference or how. Your option to bring unpleasentness to about 5 threads in past few days has ruined the spirit of the board for me. Now maybe something is happening in your own life, thats fine but as we don't know about it don't expect us to be nice to you when you are being appallingly bad mannered and a pretty poor moderator - anymore than you are allowing Susie leeway because of the horror going on in her own life right now.


Hypocrisy alert.

I said 10 words about giving proper credit. You drone on for a whole paragraph about not not staying on topic and personally insulting me. Who knows what deficiency in your own life causes you to personally insult others but why do you bring your spirit of contention here (sarcasm).

Two things:

1. How does anyone get through grade school, middle school and high school or even read a book without knowing how to reference someone else's authorship?

2. Be specific now - in exactly what ways is my moderation poor? What three specific moderator actions can you point to that I have peformed poorly?

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<div class='quotemain'>

Give me a break. No one hijacks anything. Suzie has a habit of plagarizing. Three threads that I've seen this weekend. Its a bad habit that she ought to break. If you interested in staying on topic, maybe you ought to do that instead of complaining about things other than the topic.

You give me a break...

First, if you want to talk about me at least TRY to get my name right!

Secondly, I do NOT have a habbit plagerizing. If you felt that I was doing that you could at least have had the common decentcy to PM me & I would gladly have edited. Those who know me & read my post often enough know that I do not plagerize. For the first time in my life I have been having migranes. So I have accidently not put in quotation marks like I usually do. If you bothered to look you would see that I do that.

It has never been my intention of taking credit for something when it has not been mine to have. The only thing that I would ever take credit for on this site is my blog.

Thirdly, you havn't exactly stayed on topic yourself.

Sorry about your name susieSA, I didn't intend it as a sign of disrespect, nor do I think you are intentionally ripping off someone else's material. You do have however, if 3 posts this weekend are any indication, have the habit of posting in a way that suggests that you authored the words in your post.

I don't know why you think you should be PM'd about it. I typically don't have private conversations and this certainly isn't a matter of sensitivity. If you have something to say about me or the way that I post, feel free to post away.

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Concerning the OP topic: The promise offered in Corinthians is that we will not be tempted beyond what we are able to endure. No promise that we will not face hardships we cannot comfortably handle. I doubt that the 11 disciples who were martyred were comfortable in their dying hours. Likewise, John's digs on Patmos were probably none too pleasant.

Concerning plagiarism: Caution is advised. I believe roughly one politician per decade ends up losing his campaign because plagiarism is discovered in his closet of skeletons.

Concerning moderators and how best to advise those who may have faultered: Duck! Cover! Dodge! Avoid....won't touch that with a 10' pole! :-)

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Concerning the OP topic: The promise offered in Corinthians is that we will not be tempted beyond what we are able to endure. No promise that we will not face hardships we cannot comfortably handle. I doubt that the 11 disciples who were martyred were comfortable in their dying hours. Likewise, John's digs on Patmos were probably none too pleasant.

Concerning plagiarism: Caution is advised. I believe roughly one politician per decade ends up losing his campaign because plagiarism is discovered in his closet of skeletons.

Concerning moderators and how best to advise those who may have faultered: Duck! Cover! Dodge! Avoid....won't touch that with a 10' pole! :-)

I think you do not understand The promise offered in Corinthians - It is my understanding that only those that enjoy the covenant protection of G-d cannot be tempted beyond what they can endure.

The Traveler

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Perhaps, but PC's point was that the promise was about tempations, not hardships or afflictions or personal trials.

So hardships, afflictions and personal trials cannot ever be included in what is a temptation?

BTW - I consider my self a supper strong Christian - I can resist anything but temptation. ;)

The Traveler

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I don't know. Would you say a three year old girl getting raped by her neighbor was a temptation to her?

The rape is not a temptation or sin to her but to not be able to forgive or live a productive life would be when she reaches the age of accountability. If she were to die before accountability she is innocent - according to what I understand in scripture. What is your point?

The Traveler

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I don't know. Would you say a three year old girl getting raped by her neighbor was a temptation to her?

No! It is the worst of trials and a curse no child should ever suffer from. For the neighbor, it could be temptation, but most likely the fulfillment of obsession, addiction, and a never-ending-quest for domination.


This is too extreme an example. How about the kid next door looking at porn or shop-lifting.

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Too extreme? That was the point. Some people go through things that are beyond their ability to handle. There is no guarantee that in this life we will be able to handle everything we face.

The scripture says that we won't be tempted beyond what we can handle. To me, that's saying that we won't be able to blame anyone for our sins. We could have resisted them, but we didn't.

I think it's unwise to teach kids that they won't ever have to go through anything they can't handle. That's unrealistic. That's my point. And I think that's what Snow was saying too. :dontknow::hmmm:

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I think you do not understand The promise offered in Corinthians - It is my understanding that only those that enjoy the covenant protection of G-d cannot be tempted beyond what they can endure.

The Traveler

Could you elaborate on what you think I missed?

Too extreme? That was the point. Some people go through things that are beyond their ability to handle. There is no guarantee that in this life we will be able to handle everything we face.

The scripture says that we won't be tempted beyond what we can handle. To me, that's saying that we won't be able to blame anyone for our sins. We could have resisted them, but we didn't.

I think it's unwise to teach kids that they won't ever have to go through anything they can't handle. That's unrealistic. That's my point. And I think that's what Snow was saying too. :dontknow::hmmm:

OKay, my official answers thus far: CK's point is my point, and I do not understand what Traveler is getting at.

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I think it's unwise to teach kids that they won't ever have to go through anything they can't handle. That's unrealistic. That's my point. And I think that's what Snow was saying too. :dontknow::hmmm:

Funny I came across this today. This has always been a HUGE pet peeve of mine about most religious people I come in contact with, of all denominations. "God won't give you more than you can handle." Complete bull! And the 3 yr old being raped and murdered is the horrible example I use to get my point across. Anything less and no one seems to get it.

I know someone whose adult daughter has severe rheumatoid arthritis, her husband was diagnosed with some brain degenerative disease where he can't function at all (can't take care of his 'bodily needs', ran up credit card bills by clicking on every banner on the internet he saw and input his credit card # before they caught on to his problem), she was then diagnosed with breast cancer that had spread and has decided after 3 bouts of chemo to give up on it. She helps her daughter I mentioned before with taking care of her son who is suffering psychological and behavioral issues due to all of the above... they all live together (or at least they did till Grandpa went to an Alzheimers home).

This dear friend of mine has more faith than anyone I know. She still has hope that God has some plan with all this (and more that I didn't mention). THAT's more than one person should be able to handle!

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