Right-wing Republicans


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So are there any right-wing Mormon Republicans in the forum audience?

Conservative or ultra-conservative?

Extremist in defense of liberty or just extreme?


Where do you think you are?

You might as well be sitting in downtown Provo! :P

Actually, I've been pleasantly surprised lately by the number of purplers amongst the redsters in our little neck of the world where I still think I'm the only bluester. But prove me wrong Moksha! Prove me wrong!


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Personally I'm pretty much a straight libertarian, the only thing I really disagree with the hard line libertarians is the death penalty. So depending on what issue you speak of I could be seen as either a conservative or a liberal extremist.

In regards to LDS in general though, I'd say about 80% are ultra-conservative.

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Not sure I can say until I know what you consider a Conservative, A Right-Wing Conservative, an Extreme Conservative, or an Extreme Right-Wing Conservative.

Maybe some definitions and then I would know what you are thinking they are and I can tell you where I fall in your definition.

Conservative to some is Extreme Right-Wing to others.

Ben Raines

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I would consider some one like my father an "Ultra-Conservative". At least that's what he calls himself. He is of the opinion that gays should have NO rights and the "Muslims" are savages. Before everyone jumps on ME, let me say I do NOT share his views. There are some very nice Muslims and what people do in their private bedrooms is their concern not mine or the Governments. I would consider myself a Moderate Conservative. Whatever that means anyways.

Just my thoughts :P

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You might as well be sitting in downtown Provo! :P


I imagine the tension is palpable come election time. All those people secretly yearning to vote their pocketbook rather than their religion. Oh well, that is what makes Provo - Provo.

I can wait to hear your explanation on this.....

Many choose to vote Republican because they perceive that is how their leaders will vote and they wish to follow the leader. Economically, most LDS are working class people who have historically had much more in common with the Democrats, but have never-the-less forsaken the urge to vote their pocketbook rather than their religion. How this relates to Provo is that it has been my experience that Utah County and Provo, its county seat, are inundated with a very high percentage of working class Republicans.

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Many choose to vote Republican because they perceive that is how their leaders will vote and they wish to follow the leader. Economically, most LDS are working class people who have historically had much more in common with the Democrats, but have never-the-less forsaken the urge to vote their pocketbook rather than their religion. How this relates to Provo is that it has been my experience that Utah County and Provo, its county seat, are inundated with a very high percentage of working class Republicans.

Moksha's argument is not original. It is the standard liberal "we know what's best for them," idea that says America votes Republican because we are foolish dupes.


1. Voting for politicians with ethics and moral stances is not naive or foolish.

2. Poor people are not necessarily better off voting for Democrats.

BTW, I had heard this argument some eight years ago, after Bush first one. It doesn't originate with Provo, UT, but with Kansas. http://www.tcfrank.com/wmk.html

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You might as well be sitting in downtown Provo! :P


I imagine the tension is palpable come election time. All those people secretly yearning to vote their pocketbook rather than their religion. Oh well, that is what makes Provo - Provo.

I can wait to hear your explanation on this.....

Many choose to vote Republican because they perceive that is how their leaders will vote and they wish to follow the leader. Economically, most LDS are working class people who have historically had much more in common with the Democrats, but have never-the-less forsaken the urge to vote their pocketbook rather than their religion. How this relates to Provo is that it has been my experience that Utah County and Provo, its county seat, are inundated with a very high percentage of working class Republicans.


I don't live in Provo....and I don't agree with you

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Many choose to vote Republican because they perceive that is how their leaders will vote and they wish to follow the leader. Economically, most LDS are working class people who have historically had much more in common with the Democrats, but have never-the-less forsaken the urge to vote their pocketbook rather than their religion. How this relates to Provo is that it has been my experience that Utah County and Provo, its county seat, are inundated with a very high percentage of working class Republicans.

I figured this was going to be the answer, but felt obliged to ask.

This is is pretty much a mirror statement of the same flawed logic and generalizations that says: "your not voting your faith if you don't vote for Republicans, because they oppose abortion, gay marriage, stem cell research, or whatever the social issue du jour is"

Also isn't Provo in district 2? The same district that has elected a Democrat since the early 90's, the only Democrat in congress from either The House or the Senate from the state?

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