"men On A Mission" Calendar


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Whatever do you mean? The men are naked from the waist up, the women in bikinis are clothed, to some extent, on top. I understand your being upset with the RM label, but that's just a prop in my mind. When guys look at less-clothed women, they don't think about whether she went to Harvard or not, and I suspect the same is true of when women look at less-clothed men. The RM part is a hook to try to legitimize it, to make it look acceptable, but it's still the same body whether he went on a mission or not. When I happen to see a poster of the current Makita Tools Girl, I don't think to myself that she must be a pretty good carpenter to hold a drill that way, I'm thinking of the same things women do when they see these guys half-naked. Okay not the exact same things, but gender-wise similar. :blink:

Point well taken.

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The quotation application is not working. This is replying to CK's post.

What they are admittedly doing is selling images of themselves meant to stir up sexual thoughts in the women (hopefully it's meant for women!) who view the pictures.

So what. Sexuality is a part of being human. I doubt they have any choice as to who finds them attractive, men or women. Are you worried CK that you find them attractive. :hmmm: You seem to be the most melodramatically vocal against this simple calendar.

The calendar doesn't feature quotes from the scriptures; it's not meant to point out the beauty of LDS beliefs; it's not intended to strengthen testimonies or bridge doctrinal gaps between religions.

And you think that would be okay if they had scripture under the poses?

Their sole purpose in posing for this calendar is to appeal to the carnal nature in all who view them.

Again so what.

Your pool analogy doesn't float (pun intended). First, because guys at the pool aren't charging people to peek at their bods.

I peeked at these guys' barechestedness and didn't pay a thing. :)

Second, because guys at the pool aren't covering themselves with makeup and oil and who knows what else to appeal to a more specific carnal appetite in viewers. Third, because most guys at the pool don't walk around in an unnatural "stretch" so that they can better flex their biceps while adopting a dreamy look in their eyes.

What's wrong with dreamy looks? What's wrong with using make-up for photography purposes?

C'mon, you know the two situations aren't even close. Well, I'd hope you could see that. It's not just about content, but intent.

They explained their intent on the website. Do you think they are lying?

Anyway, the other major problem is that they are making such a big deal about their being RM's.

I wouldn't say that they are making a big deal about being RM's, but you sure are.

The only reason they're doing that is to tap into the LDS market, because there are already a ton of male models out there who probably put them to shame. So they think, "Uh, let's invoke the title of 'RM' and we'll get lots of special interest business!"

Oh yes, that would be a tragedy to let people think that LDS are people too. A serious tragedy to have people think that they are good-looking, have a sense of humour and that they also have a sense of religious commitment. Better to go on letting people think LDS are polygamy practicing robots.

It's a joke. The law of chastity is not just about only having sex with your legal and lawful spouse. It's about alot more.

Explain to me how posing for pictures with your shirt off is breaking the law of chastity.

It is wrong to pose or act in ways that are specifically meant to stir desires and feelings in others that would lead to sin if they acted on those feelings.

You may have forgotten that people have their own will, and may choose how they will act on looking at shirtless men. These men have no power over that. Would you prohibit them from going to the beach or a public swimming pool because their handsomeness might provoke the same feelings in helpless men and women just looking at them walk by?

Christ said if a man lusts after a woman in his heart, he has committed adultery. So what these 12 "spiritual" men are doing is giving lots of women reasons to commit adultery in their hearts, all in the name of religious tolerance and charity?

Right, just like if I go to the store on a Sunday for milk, I am causing the cashier to sin, even though she already chose to work on Sunday days before I bought my milk.

Gimme a freakin' break.


These 12 guys may have been recruited for their looks, but what they ended up displaying was not their bodies but their complete lack of respect for their temple covenants (chastity and all that jazz I just mentioned) and for the women they are targeting with their calendar.

Or maybe the men, right CK. :hmmm:


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CK isn't the only one with a severe problem with this. I personally can't believe 12 RMs are doing this to the church.

Sexuality is part of our being, but it is a very sacred part. It isn't to be flaunted to the world, but the world today has made it that sex is like going to the bathroom: if you hold it in, you'll get sick. How twisted that is! Sex is meant to be a beautiful experience between a husband and wife. These 12 geniuses are cashing in on thier looks and 6 packs.

And yes, I believe they are lying from the tips of their toes to the tops of their heads. This isn't about charity, or 'breaking down stereotypes' ( :dontknow: I still don't get that one. What, the the missionaries don't all walk around oiled up with a 'come hither' look all the time??). This is about good old fashioned MONEY. They are no better than a street whore, IMO. 'Come ogle me, ladies, but it will cost you something'.

Sounds whorish to me...

I still say this will cause more problems than good...

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So what. Sexuality is a part of being human. I doubt they have any choice as to who finds them attractive, men or women.

Maureen, I love ya, but you're being very obtuse here. They don't have a choice who finds them attractive, but they have a choice as to whether they'll pose shirtless to provoke sexual thoughts in others.

Are you worried CK that you find them attractive.

Maureen, please, if that's the argument you have to fall back on, get a life. :rolleyes: I'm happily heterosexual.

And you think that would be okay if they had scripture under the poses?

No, that's my point. What they are doing is in NO WAY helpful to the Lord's work.

Oh yes, that would be a tragedy to let people think that LDS are people too. A serious tragedy to have people think that they are good-looking, have a sense of humour and that they also have a sense of religious commitment.

Maureen, if it takes a bunch of shirtless imbeciles to teach you that we're people too...maybe y'all deserve each other. I personally find it insulting that I'd have to take my shirt off before my non-LDS friends can know I'm a person too. That has to be the worst argument you've advanced yet (and you've used some bad ones, lol).

Explain to me how posing for pictures with your shirt off is breaking the law of chastity.

I already did in my last post.

You may have forgotten that people have their own will, and may choose how they will act on looking at shirtless men.

Oh...my...gosh Maureen. Now I know you're being obtuse. What other possible reason is there for guys to pose shirtless with "come get some" looks in their eyes? It's about sex, period, and what they're trying to do is get women to lust after them in a way that would lead to sin if the women acted on those feelings. Unbelievable that you're still arguing about this.

Would you prohibit them from going to the beach or a public swimming pool because their handsomeness might provoke the same feelings in helpless men and women just looking at them walk by?

You continue to use the lamest analogies Maureen. The purpose of swimming is not to turn other people on. If other people get turned on at a swimming pool then I agree, that is their choice. But there is no other purpose in what these men are doing but to turn people on. You don't get that? :huh:

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...These 12 geniuses are cashing in on thier looks and 6 packs.

...This is about good old fashioned MONEY...

Sounds whorish to me...

sixpacktr, how many calendars do you think they're going to have to sell at $14.99 each before they get to start cashing in?


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They don't have a choice who finds them attractive, but they have a choice as to whether they'll pose shirtless to provoke sexual thoughts in others.

I'm sure these guys are confident young men but to assume that they think they have such sexual power is laughable. Do you think CK that if women were to look at you shirtless, it would provoke sexual thoughts?

No, that's my point. What they are doing is in NO WAY helpful to the Lord's work.

Really? And you know that for sure. You don't think there's a chance that women out there that normally wouldn't have given the time of day to hear about the LDS church, wouldn't be a little curious just because these handsome young men captured their attention?

I personally find it insulting that I'd have to take my shirt off before my non-LDS friends can know I'm a person too.

That's just it they're your friends. They knew you before they saw your handsome physique. But the majority of the world either hasn't heard of Mormons or they still see them as a community with many wives.

Oh...my...gosh Maureen. Now I know you're being obtuse. What other possible reason is there for guys to pose shirtless with "come get some" looks in their eyes? It's about sex, period, and what they're trying to do is get women to lust after them in a way that would lead to sin if the women acted on those feelings.

I guess you should know, eh CK. That might be how men respond after seeing "not really naked" women, but women aren't built the same way. We have more control and are not so easily tempted with a shirtless fella.

The purpose of swimming is not to turn other people on. If other people get turned on at a swimming pool then I agree, that is their choice. But there is no other purpose in what these men are doing but to turn people on. You don't get that?

Hmmm lets see, what could possibly be another use for a calendar other than to turn people on? Oh wait, how about using it to keep track of the days of the week, eventually the months of the year. No, you're right; no one would ever buy a calendar for that. :P


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Okay, I've checked out the website and the men in their shirt-less poses. I don't know what the big deal is. I'm thinking that many of the naysayers are just jealous. If you met these guys at a public swimming pool would you be so disgusted with their handsomeness. Because that's all their showing, their good-looks. They are not selling sex, they are not being immodest; and they are definitely not nude. So what's the problem?

M. :dontknow:

Quit talking sense. By putting things in a proper context you are spoiling many a good rant.

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Do you think CK that if women were to look at you shirtless, it would provoke sexual thoughts?

I know it would. B) Which is why I wear a shirt. ;)

Really? And you know that for sure.

Of course, I know everything.

But the majority of the world either hasn't heard of Mormons or they still see them as a community with many wives.

So by going shirtless, people learn that LDS aren't polygamists today. Hmmm, you must've pulled your hamstring with that leap in "logic." :lol:

That might be how men respond after seeing "not really naked" women, but women aren't built the same way. We have more control and are not so easily tempted with a shirtless fella.

Oh, pardon me. I forgot that women are superior. :rolleyes:

Hmmm lets see, what could possibly be another use for a calendar other than to turn people on? Oh wait, how about using it to keep track of the days of the week, eventually the months of the year.

Oh, so THAT'S what a calendar is for?! Why didn't anyone tell me?!! :glare:

Well Maureen, if you eventually become LDS as a result of this calendar, I will have to eat my words. Barring that, I win. :animatedtongue:

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I have not read through the posts on this string. I saw the link. First impression: the people who are purchasing this calendar are not seeking spiritual enlightenment. Furthermore, I doubt that most of the buyers are young LDS women looking for righteous looking men.

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Quit talking sense. By putting things in a proper context you are spoiling many a good rant.

Hey M,

Here's your first buyer! But then again, I'd expect nothing less...

And as for the comment about them making money at $14.99/calendar, the amount means nothing to me. I'm sure that you can find many a street whore that will give you something for that. The point is that these idiots took upon themselves sacred covenants, which you may not believe in, and that is okay for you, but THEY did. And they are breaking those covenants FOR MONEY (even if it is a little bit).

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...The point is that these idiots took upon themselves sacred covenants, which you may not believe in, and that is okay for you, but THEY did...

What you're trying to say without saying it is that they took off their garments when they promised they would always wear them. I guess that's between them and God. But I really doubt that their shirtlessness is the great sin you are making it out to be.


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I don't think that's what six was talking about.

Speaking for myself, I was talking about the law of chastity.

The law of chastity--again--is about more than just having sex only with your legal spouse. You don't get that or agree. That's fine. But know that the objections are about more than just garments being removed (that's not even the basis for my objections at all so...)

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I don't know...I noticed a big article in Expressen (a Swedish newspaper) and it took a fun approach to the topic and listed a bunch of things about the church. The only bad thing is now a lot of Swedish gals will want to meet our missionaries and they may be disappointed when they expect one that looks like Brad Pitt and instead get one that looks like Pedro.

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