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Heh.  Here in Colorado we get our kids vaccinated.  The school requires us to send vac records for our kids, unless we have some sort of objection.  I didn't want to make the phone calls and do the faxing every year, so I just filled out the objection form.  So that explains a third of the funny looks I get at the school administration building.  

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1 minute ago, anatess2 said:

What about college?

Yeah... It's there.  Ooo.  Teachers who know less than my kids... yet again...


My daughter wants to become an author.  Brandon Sanderson records all his classes in creative writing on Youtube.  She's already getting the best education there is for her field.

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Just now, Carborendum said:

Yeah... It's there.  Ooo.  Teachers who know less than my kids... yet again...

I'm not sure I understand what you said here.

So, this is the interesting thing - to get a US visa, I had to get certain vaccines.  So after 15 years of being a US resident, I enrolled in UCF.  I had to get additional vaccines to get into UCF.

My kids go to a holistic pediatrician.  She goes through an hour of sit-down talk about vaccines and then she gives out a suggested vaccination schedule where each vaccine is spread out as far apart as possible and as late as possible and still meet school requirements.

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13 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

My daughter wants to become an author.  Brandon Sanderson records all his classes in creative writing on Youtube.  She's already getting the best education there is for her field.

I know what you mean.  My son can pow-wow with the best of them at the gun range thanks mostly to Demolition Ranch on YouTube.  He can hit a close cluster just by following some Ranch tips and techniques!

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15 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

I'm not sure I understand what you said here.

Here's what I mean:  Nowadays the importance of a college education is WAY overblown.  So, what does it matter?  What about them?  And it's true.  Most of the time I find that my youth know more than the teachers they come across.

The way it used to be:

College was not just about getting a better job.  It was about expanding our minds and letting us get a better understanding of a bigger world.  It was about getting us closer to classic thinkers and since most universities used to be run by religious organizations, it was also about getting closer to God.  

It wasn't just the degree that got us better paying jobs.  It was the actual learning about work ethic and opening your mind to figuring things out rather than being spool fed everything.  (cue Elbert Hubbard).

The way it is now:

College is only about a piece of paper.  Some few colleges/universities also value real learning in work ethic and learning to think.  The vast majority don't.  It is only about getting a piece of paper to obtain a better paying job.  But they don't realize that paper does not equal money.  People go there without even considering that the cost of the education will never be paid back by any job they might gain because of said paper.

A woman called into Dave Ramsey because she racked up a nearly $500k debt to get a job that only paid $30k/yr.  It was the first time that I ever heard Dave Ramsey say it is impossible to pay that debt off with her career.

The only reason to really get a degree is for a high paying job that requires it.  All the other purposes of how things used to be are gone.  We can get a better classical education by simply reading the Harvard Classics or the Great Books of the Western World  or similar series of books.

Bottom line:  My sentiment is why do I even care about college?  Why would my kids?

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47 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

Here's what I mean:  Nowadays the importance of a college education is WAY overblown.  So, what does it matter?  What about them?  And it's true.  Most of the time I find that my youth know more than the teachers they come across.

The way it used to be:

College was not just about getting a better job.  It was about expanding our minds and letting us get a better understanding of a bigger world.  It was about getting us closer to classic thinkers and since most universities used to be run by religious organizations, it was also about getting closer to God.  

It wasn't just the degree that got us better paying jobs.  It was the actual learning about work ethic and opening your mind to figuring things out rather than being spool fed everything.  (cue Elbert Hubbard).

The way it is now:

College is only about a piece of paper.  Some few colleges/universities also value real learning in work ethic and learning to think.  The vast majority don't.  It is only about getting a piece of paper to obtain a better paying job.  But they don't realize that paper does not equal money.  People go there without even considering that the cost of the education will never be paid back by any job they might gain because of said paper.

A woman called into Dave Ramsey because she racked up a nearly $500k debt to get a job that only paid $30k/yr.  It was the first time that I ever heard Dave Ramsey say it is impossible to pay that debt off with her career.

The only reason to really get a degree is for a high paying job that requires it.  All the other purposes of how things used to be are gone.  We can get a better classical education by simply reading the Harvard Classics or the Great Books of the Western World  or similar series of books.

Bottom line:  My sentiment is why do I even care about college?  Why would my kids?

Ahh.  I agree with you there.  100%.  College in the US is a mess and a half.

In my family (legacy of my great grandfather), a college degree is a requirement so much so that it has been our family tradition that parents pay for their kids' college education.  But, college is not just to get a job in my family.  College means to achieve that higher education (most of us went to Catholic colleges).  So, most of my uncles/aunts/cousins/nephews/nieces/etc are either Lawyers, Doctors, Nurses, Engineers, etc.

So, I have a cousin who wanted to be a mechanic.  No need for college because he can just go to vocational school for 6 months and get hired as a mechanic at some shop.  But that just wouldn't do.  My uncle advised him to either get an Engineering degree or a Business Management degree as he was a math whiz.  He went and got himself a Mechanical Engineering degree.  He ended up working as an auto mechanic to help his parents pay for his college and went and worked on jet engines after he graduated.  It wouldn't have mattered if he just wanted to work at the shop all his life... he would still have gone to college for the higher education.

It's like going to IB program classes in a way.  In my family, IB is not so the kid can get college credits or scholarships.  IB is so the kid can get the expanded perspective and ethics of IB learning.

P.S. So, I went to UCF to get a master's degree.  I already have a good career that I am very happy with.  I got a master's degree because I wanted to expand my brain and we had the money.  I spent 2 years and $30K on this degree.  The people I work with - including my boss - don't understand why I am not hitting my company up for a promotion after I graduated.  I didn't want to get another job or another position in the company.  I'm perfectly happy where I'm at.

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On 2/16/2017 at 10:36 AM, zil said:

No, you can block anyone on FB you want.

3 hours ago, Vort said:

Pretty sure blocking a Facebook invite is legal in most states.

You're not allowed to block anyone who is among a protected class of people.   So there.  :P

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And in other news, Kalifornia is leading the nation in combating global warming by enacting a law regulating cow farts.  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the good legislators of Kalifornia are so concerned with global warming that they have studied the problem extensively and concluded that Bessie is to blame.  Mooooooooo

I wonder if the law requires farmers to install metering lights similar to those on the freeways in the cow pens?  Maybe the cows are permitted to fart only when the light turns green. 

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On 2/15/2017 at 11:46 AM, NeuroTypical said:

Here are some things that are pretty universally accepted as true by just about everybody, especially the people knowledgeable or experienced in these matters.  

* Nuclear power is safe and cheap, compared to other forms of energy production.  The world's 440 nuclear reactors produce around 11% of the world's electricity.  After the massive decline in new plants being built since 1991, the world is starting to get back in the nuclear swing of things, with 60 reactors currently under construction in 15 countries.  This is a good thing.

* Vaccines are effective, safe, and of immense benefit the the world's health, compared with the alternative.  You should vaccinate your children, unless they have a legitimate medical contra-indication (and odds are no, yours don't.)

* GMOs are safe, and a blessing to the world, compared with other ways humans feed themselves.  There are zero examples of harm coming to humans from consuming a GMO that has been brought to market.  The Organic movement started as a clever marketing ploy, and has morphed into a massive business full of hypocritical anti-science and anti-businenss crusade, enlisting the ignorant and the ill-informed.

God gave us grey matter in our skulls for a reason.  Nuclear power, vaccines, and GMOs, are examples of humans using their God-given brain powers in good ways that benefit the entire human race.  

Scientific illiteracy is not a Christian Virtue. 

God did give us our gray matter for a reason, but what you've listed aren't good examples.

Nuclear power:  There have been over 100 accidents since the advent of nuclear power.  Three notable oopsies were Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima.

List of nuclear power accidents by country

Vaccines: If they are so safe, why does the government maintain a National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?  ALL of the "accepted" studies saying they are safe come from the vaccine industry/CDC.  That's like asking the fox to do a safety study on the hen house.

GMO's:  This is a very short list of the problems caused by GMO's.

Of course I'm just a know nothing radical.

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On February 17, 2017 at 8:19 AM, Carborendum said:

Here's what I mean:  Nowadays the importance of a college education is WAY overblown.

Until you start applying for jobs and no one will even look at your resume if you don't have a completed degree.

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7 hours ago, Eowyn said:

Until you start applying for jobs and no one will even look at your resume if you don't have a completed degree.

A succinct statement of the problem. College degrees may confer limited benefits, but have become important per se. This is a dangerous state of affairs, especially when the accrediting boards certify "women's studies" programs the nation over but hesitate to certify BYU programs because of the unconventional beliefs and teachings of BYU's governing body and BYU's own outside-the-accepted-mainstream culture.

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On 2/18/2017 at 9:38 PM, Jojo Bags said:

God did give us our gray matter for a reason, but what you've listed aren't good examples.

Nuclear power:  There have been over 100 accidents since the advent of nuclear power.  Three notable oopsies were Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima.

Excellent!  Another person who values gray matter.  Let's use ours together and do some reasoning, what do you say Jojo Bags?

You've correctly identified notable oopsies, and although I didn't click any links, I assume all your links are valid.  Now, I'd like to remind you what I actually said at the start of this thread:

"* Nuclear power is safe and cheap, compared to other forms of energy production.  The world's 440 nuclear reactors produce around 11% of the world's electricity.  After the massive decline in new plants being built since 1991, the world is starting to get back in the nuclear swing of things, with 60 reactors currently under construction in 15 countries.  This is a good thing."

You'll note I didn't say it was totally safe and free of any and all oopsies.  I said it was safe, compared to other forms of energy production.  And I stand by that claim, and challenge you to produce any research that says otherwise.  I'll spare you the list of oil and coal related oopsies, the lifelong health impacts to coal miners, tanker and rig oopsies, and the societal history of coal towns and how they basically continued legal slavery into the modern era.   I'd assume you'd be willing to concede that nuclear has been much safer than oil and coal have been.  

But yeah - challenge to Jojo Bags: Do more than post a bunch of links.  Compare nuclear to oil and coal.  Then come back and tell me what you find.

Here - quick googling. Here are some of the links if you're looking for a place to get started:

Nuclear power is safest way to make electricity, according to study

Why the Safest Form of Power Is Also the Most Feared

Coal is so much more dangerous than nuclear it's not funny (that's my favorite title)

Death Rate From Nuclear Power Vs Coal? This May Surprise You (the short answer: for each person killed by nuclear power generation, 4,000 die from coal.)

Which One Is Better for the Environment: Coal or Nuclear? (from left-leaning SFGate - one would think that if anyone is going to harp on nuclear, it would be them.)

Go for it, Jojo Bags!  Let me know what you find out, should you choose to interact with my actual claim, rather than the claim I didn't make.  I don't have the slightest problem with you being a radical, not even sure what that is.  If I like it, I might join you.  Just don't be a know-nothing.

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18 hours ago, Vort said:

A succinct statement of the problem. College degrees may confer limited benefits, but have become important per se. This is a dangerous state of affairs, especially when the accrediting boards certify "women's studies" programs the nation over but hesitate to certify BYU programs because of the unconventional beliefs and teachings of BYU's governing body and BYU's own outside-the-accepted-mainstream culture.

I'm not even sure what "women's studies" is supposed to qualify you for other than "political pundit".


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9 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

Excellent!  Another person who values gray matter.  Let's use ours together and do some reasoning, what do you say Jojo Bags?

You've correctly identified notable oopsies, and although I didn't click any links, I assume all your links are valid.  Now, I'd like to remind you what I actually said at the start of this thread:

"* Nuclear power is safe and cheap, compared to other forms of energy production.  The world's 440 nuclear reactors produce around 11% of the world's electricity.  After the massive decline in new plants being built since 1991, the world is starting to get back in the nuclear swing of things, with 60 reactors currently under construction in 15 countries.  This is a good thing."

You'll note I didn't say it was totally safe and free of any and all oopsies.  I said it was safe, compared to other forms of energy production.  And I stand by that claim, and challenge you to produce any research that says otherwise.  I'll spare you the list of oil and coal related oopsies, the lifelong health impacts to coal miners, tanker and rig oopsies, and the societal history of coal towns and how they basically continued legal slavery into the modern era.   I'd assume you'd be willing to concede that nuclear has been much safer than oil and coal have been.  

But yeah - challenge to Jojo Bags: Do more than post a bunch of links.  Compare nuclear to oil and coal.  Then come back and tell me what you find.

Here - quick googling. Here are some of the links if you're looking for a place to get started:

Nuclear power is safest way to make electricity, according to study

Why the Safest Form of Power Is Also the Most Feared

Coal is so much more dangerous than nuclear it's not funny (that's my favorite title)

Death Rate From Nuclear Power Vs Coal? This May Surprise You (the short answer: for each person killed by nuclear power generation, 4,000 die from coal.)

Which One Is Better for the Environment: Coal or Nuclear? (from left-leaning SFGate - one would think that if anyone is going to harp on nuclear, it would be them.)

Go for it, Jojo Bags!  Let me know what you find out, should you choose to interact with my actual claim, rather than the claim I didn't make.  I don't have the slightest problem with you being a radical, not even sure what that is.  If I like it, I might join you.  Just don't be a know-nothing.

You're the original poster.  Instead of making broad general statements shouldn't you back up your claiims?  

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