A part of my Patriarchal Blessing scares me to death


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I know we're not supposed to share too much of our Patriarchal blessings but there's a part in mine that's always scared me. It says I am one of Heavenly Father's great sons saved for these latter days and that in my pre mortal life I was mighty and faithful and personally helped escort Satan and his followers out of the presence of the Father and that Satan would personally try to tempt me all throughout my mortal life and I'm supposed to avoid the things I take in through either word or visual image that they not corrupt me and ultimately ruin my life. Maybe that's where my polygamy obsession came from, reading about it online. But I'm scared because I personally escorted Satan and his minions out of heaven, so I'm worried they want revenge on me and will try harder on me than others for revenge. Do you think a lot of people did what I did or should I worry?

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6 hours ago, Zarahemla said:

should I worry?

To quote Elder Maxwell: "Don't fear, just live right."  Why fear someone you've already dismissed?  Christ has won the war.  Satan lost.  Choose to stay on Christ's side.  (I know that all sounds very simplistic, but really, what else is there?  If Satan's efforts knock you down, get back up.  As long as you keep getting back up, you win.)

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7 hours ago, Zarahemla said:

I know we're not supposed to share too much of our Patriarchal blessings but there's a part in mine that's always scared me. It says I am one of Heavenly Father's great sons saved for these latter days and that in my pre mortal life I was mighty and faithful and personally helped escort Satan and his followers out of the presence of the Father and that Satan would personally try to tempt me all throughout my mortal life and I'm supposed to avoid the things I take in through either word or visual image that they not corrupt me and ultimately ruin my life.

Does anybody out there have "You were that lazy kid that HF couldn't even get to drive your younger siblings to Sonic once you had a car.  Satan isn't going to bother with you at all.  Have a few beers and just try not to smoke too heavily?"

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Night makes a good point. We all had a part in conquering Satan once before. None of us should get either too prideful or too comfortable in that. The adversary wants us all miserable like into himself.

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30 minutes ago, NightSG said:

Does anybody out there have "You were that lazy kid that HF couldn't even get to drive your younger siblings to Sonic once you had a car.  Satan isn't going to bother with you at all.  Have a few beers and just try not to smoke too heavily?"

How did you get a copy of my PB?

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You should read the Ask Gramps post on the power of Satan: https://askgramps.org/can-the-devil-overpower-us/  

You are a lot stronger than Satan.  He can generally only try and make things that you already know are wicked look more attractive.  This is why, when you sin, the buck stops with you and you can't say, "the devil made me do it!"  It was ultimately your choice.

It is good to be aware of Satan and be aware that he makes what is wicked look more attractive than it is.  However, I certainly don't think we should be actively afraid of Satan.  He only has as much power as you give him.  To be honest, I don't think about Satan very much.  I would rather focus my energy on becoming like Christ.

As far as personally escorting Satan out, I think it is likely that all of us were involved in that.  My patriarchial blessing has similar language, and I know several other PBs which have similar language.  

Edited by DoctorLemon
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9 hours ago, Zarahemla said:

It says I am one of Heavenly Father's great sons saved for these latter days and that in my pre mortal life I was mighty and faithful and personally helped escort Satan and his followers out of the presence of the Father and that Satan would personally try to tempt me all throughout my mortal life . . .

Believe it or not, my patriarchal blessing says almost exactly the same thing but using different words.  I wouldn't stress too much over it.  I personally consider it a blessing as well as a curse to have the personal trials I face in my life because I believe my trials will prepare me to better serve God's children, if and when the need comes.  Also, I would consider it a special knowledge to know of such a powerful testimony in the pre-mortal life.  That could be a spiritual booster, something to continue to strive to live up to in this life!

Perhaps one day you will be in a leadership position during a time when polygamy has been made legal in the USA but still is outlawed by God, or on the reverse, has been re-instituted once again by God.  As a result of your overcoming your trials you may be better equipped to help the brethren who face difficulties on both sides of the issue than someone who has not experienced that trial.

Who knows what will come, but your responsibility is to simply try to live righteously and overcome, regardless.

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2 hours ago, Eowyn said:

Night makes a good point. We all had a part in conquering Satan once before. None of us should get either too prideful or too comfortable in that. The adversary wants us all miserable like into himself.

I'm just thinking it's right up there with "you will marry a returned missionary" as boilerplate text prefilled on the PB transcript forms.  Does any woman ever get "you will marry a nonmember who ultimately won't convert in this life, but will be a wonderful, caring and dedicated husband to you and father to your children nonetheless?"  Pretty sure most of the divorced women in the Church would consider that far more of a blessing than just some random guy who can check the "RM" box.

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18 minutes ago, bytebear said:

I remember hearing a story (hearsay) of a young man who had developmental disabilities, and was told in his blessing that he was placed in such a state so that Satan could not tempt him because of his role in the per-mortal life.

Yup, we've all heard that story.  Yup, hearsay.

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6 hours ago, bytebear said:

Yeah, but my best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with a girl who knew the family that it happened to, so it must be true.

Well, since you put it that way...

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On 4/27/2017 at 0:29 AM, Zarahemla said:

I know we're not supposed to share too much of our Patriarchal blessings but there's a part in mine that's always scared me. It says I am one of Heavenly Father's great sons saved for these latter days and that in my pre mortal life I was mighty and faithful and personally helped escort Satan and his followers out of the presence of the Father and that Satan would personally try to tempt me all throughout my mortal life and I'm supposed to avoid the things I take in through either word or visual image that they not corrupt me and ultimately ruin my life. Maybe that's where my polygamy obsession came from, reading about it online. But I'm scared because I personally escorted Satan and his minions out of heaven, so I'm worried they want revenge on me and will try harder on me than others for revenge. Do you think a lot of people did what I did or should I worry?

don't worry. they want revenge on everyone.... but they tend to focus on those who are actively striving to come closer to God and christ, but don't worry about it.

beware of fear, anger, and procrastination.

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