How Many Gods Are There?


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There are 3 G-ds that comprise the G-dhead which rule the kingdom of heaven. They are:

1. G-d The Father

2. G-d The Son

3. G-d The Holy Ghost

Because of the Fall of man there is one G-d that is the Mediator between G-d The Father and mankind on earth. This G-d is Jesus The Christ and is also the G-d of the Old Testament. The single mediator G-d is the only means (only G-d) to bring salvation to fallen man which is the only means for fallen man to return to that kingdom of heaven where the G-dhead rules.

The previous reference to “One True G-d” is a misnomer and denies that Jesus Christ is a mediator – leaving us to wonder for whom he mediates (himself???). Usually the one True G-d; Christians make up their own definition and meaning of mediator.

Any singularity of G-d must refer to Jesus Christ and not G-d the Father or G-d the Holy Ghost. Because Jesus came to live on earth and did “all things” in the name of the Father; many that do not understand or care to understand the ancient concepts of kingdoms and someone sent in the name of the Sovereign Suzerain error in their understanding of G-d The Father and the kingdom of heaven. And they do not want to understand so they have invented what is called Trinity which I personally do not accept as scripture or doctrine prior to the First council at Nice – which claimed that scripture was deficient and that their creed was necessary for clarity – being greater than scripture in teaching of G-d. I also do not accept many of the 100 articles published at that time and find it interesting that Christianity as a whole has selected to forget in light of modern thinking.

The Traveler

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There are consistencies with teh concept of the Trinity though. Just because a person from a different religious background disagrees with it and puts for a plausibility that it does not exist, does not make it justified in disregarding the evidence.

The scholars I've read about are Trinitarians too Dr.T.

It would be best if everyone here would just realize that the Old Testament is a redacted pagan text, and move on. But it seems most here want it to be as they were told when they were children.

Que sera sera.

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I certainly hope Nephi doesn't get in any trouble for worshipping Christ.

Perhaps I am over zealous here. I apologize. I personally let this topic of Christ worship get under my skin and I have to repent.

Not only does the Book of Mormon teach us to worship the Saviour, but President Hinckley in the October 1998 General Conference spoke of many of the questions he had been recently asked by the media concerning the Church. One of these questions was concerning the Christianity of Mormons.

Hinckley said: 'Are we Christians? Of course we are Christians. We believe in Christ. We worship Christ. We take upon ourselves in solemn covenant His holy name. The Church to which we belong carries His name. He is our Lord, our Savior, our Redeemer through whom came the great Atonement with salvation and eternal life.'

See the talk here.

The antis are saying: 'Those Mormons don't worship Jesus, they aren't even Christian!' We have to be careful that we don't inadvertantly believe what they wrongfully accuse of believing: that we are NOT to worship Christ the LORD.


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I certainly hope Nephi doesn't get in any trouble for worshipping Christ.

Perhaps I am over zealous here. I apologize. I personally let this topic of Christ worship get under my skin and I have to repent.

Not only does the Book of Mormon teach us to worship the Saviour, but President Hinckley in the October 1998 General Conference spoke of many of the questions he had been recently asked by the media concerning the Church. One of these questions was concerning the Christianity of Mormons.

Hinckley said: 'Are we Christians? Of course we are Christians. We believe in Christ. We worship Christ. We take upon ourselves in solemn covenant His holy name. The Church to which we belong carries His name. He is our Lord, our Savior, our Redeemer through whom came the great Atonement with salvation and eternal life.'

See the talk here.

The antis are saying: 'Those Mormons don't worship Jesus, they aren't even Christian!' We have to be careful that we don't inadvertantly believe what they wrongfully accuse of believing: that we are NOT to worship Christ the LORD.


I have always venerated, respected, and worshipped Christ as my savior, redeemer, and provider of the Atonement. I have always venerated, respected, and worshipped His Father as the Father of my spirit and the giver of my life.

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What is worship?

Are we worshiping our car if we pray to our car saying something like, "Please start" or "Don't break down here in the middle of nowhere"?

If we cheer for someone or give a standing ovation for a performance - is that a form of worship? How is the worship of a G-d distinguished from such things?

Yes - my friends, I admit these are loaded questions so please do not give a trite answer or I will think you trite.

The Traveler

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Now this is a better question. I hear often LDS people who sound as though prayer is synonymous with worship. Although it is a type of worship, worship is far more than prayer alone. We have very direct and simple instructions from the LORD's sermon on the mount regarding prayer. We are certainly there instructed to pray unto our Heavenly Father.

Does this somehow mean we are NOT to worship the Saviour? How did the blind man who received his sight from the Saviour worship Him in John 9:38? Did he pray to him? Notice that the blind man said: 'Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.' (John 9:31) Clearly this man, who worshipped Jesus and received no rebuke for doing so understood that worship is not done by prayer alone.

We cannot bow to the feet of Jesus and pay homage to Him now, but our mode of worship is in keeping His commandments and in imitating his Example. We can see this in the LORD's words to Moses: 'Worship God, for him only shalt thou serve.' (Moses 1:15) Indeed, as we embark in the service of the LORD and stay loyal to Him, we worship Him.

The LORD said in D&C 93: 'I give unto you these sayings that you may understand and know how to worship, and know what you worship, that you may come unto the Father in my name, and in due time receive of his fulness. For if you keep my commandments you shall receive of his fulness, and be glorified in me as I am in the Father; therefore, I say unto you, you shall receive grace for grace.' (19-20)

Imitation is the best worship.


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perhaps some clarification on this would be helpful, so I will take some time to hopefully add. :)

First of all, I can say that I worship Jesus Christ. BUT!! I do not worship in the same way that I worship the Father, because they are seperate people.

I revere, venerate, and obey the teachings of Jesus Christ, but He is physically seperate from the Father, and in that, I do not worship Him the same as I worship Heavenly Father. ;)

I do not pray to Jesus Christ, because it has been commanded otherwise. However, I am comfortable to say that we, as LDS, can state that we worship Jesus Christ, as long as we are able to recognize the difference in worship between Christ, and Heavenly Father. Am I making any sense? :)

Also, as far as the name "God" goes, and what that means if it's singular, plural, or whatever, I have an idea for that.

The United States Senate is a collection of people who comprise it. Any one of them can go by the "name" of Senate, because they are a part of it. Make sense?

While there is ONE Senate, there are many within who compromise that group.

It is in that idea that I believe we can more easily "explain" the divine. There is ONE God, but like my analogy of the Senate, there are many who comprise it.

In our case, there are three - Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.

The statement that there is only ONE God, eternally, is that anyone who has ever ascended to exalted status is that ONE God, because they are all united in purpose, glory, and goal. I hope that is clear enough. :)

If you would ask any God who comprises the one true God what He would do in a given situation, He would answer the same as any other, because in order to get to that god-like status, you must be perfectly everything. Yes, some would answer differently in a way, but ALL would be perfectly honest, righteous, loving, wise, etc... because that is what it takes to get there. :D

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Heavenly Father can choose whom he wishes to communicate through, there are many writings of poets, artists, and other authors that have alot of LDS theology undertones. My wife is an english major and she tells me about poems and other writings that the church reminds her of when they talk about certain aspects of the gospel.

These people though they are not technically "prophets" or "apostles", they were inspired by the spirit. and it came out in thier writings and artwork.

I do not doubt that the Holy spirit insipres all those who draw near to it, or listen to it.

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Heavenly Father can choose whom he wishes to communicate through, there are many writings of poets, artists, and other authors that have alot of LDS theology undertones. My wife is an english major and she tells me about poems and other writings that the church reminds her of when they talk about certain aspects of the gospel.

These people though they are not technically "prophets" or "apostles", they were inspired by the spirit. and it came out in thier writings and artwork.

I do not doubt that the Holy spirit insipres all those who draw near to it, or listen to it.

The great religious leaders of the world such as Mohammed, Confucius, and the Reformers, as well as philosophers including Socrates, Plato, and others, received a portion of God's light. Moral truths were given to them by God to enlighten whole nations and to bring a higher level of understanding to individuals.

First Presidency statement, Feb. 15, 1978.

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