Website - How much would you pay / charge?


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2 hours ago, person0 said:

I know there are programmers here, but are there any web developers/designers?

Regardless, just curious about people's opinions.  How much would you charge for a custom website like this?  How much would you expect to pay?

I could get a hold of a friend who is a web designer and ask him.  But he's in Utah.  Rates may be different in KY.

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10 minutes ago, person0 said:

Anything helps :-)

I just tried to get a hold of him.  I didn't realize how long it had been since I've spoken with him.  He's no longer doing web development.  He's getting into politics.  He's specifically trying to legalize marijuana in Utah.

I'm afraid the prices he used to charge would be too out of date to be of any use to you.

What you may want to do is go to various online web page developers and find out what they charge for their "stock" webpages.  Then double or triple that cost for a custom page.

Another thing to consider for any business is consider how much time it took for you to do it and figure how much you want to make per hour.  Use that as a guide.


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A web graphical design can be had for free.  Free.

What makes a web design expensive is the functionality that drives it.  So, without knowing what functionality you want - point of sale, live streams, data management system, etc. etc., web developers can't really give you an idea of how much that would be.

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3 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

A web graphical design can be had for free.  Free.

What makes a web design expensive is the functionality that drives it.  So, without knowing what functionality you want - point of sale, live streams, data management system, etc. etc., web developers can't really give you an idea of how much that would be.

I provided a link in the OP.  That would be an exact idea.  Just static with info and links.  But cool design.

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23 minutes ago, person0 said:

I provided a link in the OP.  That would be an exact idea.  Just static with info and links.  But cool design.

If it's just the "look".  The value is pretty low.  Anyone can put together a "nice-looking" web page for free using online templates.  But as Anatess said, how does it work?  What is the functionality?  How easy is it for a visitor to find the information they need?  What functions does it have to attract attention in web searches and so forth?

So, consider the "value" of the web page.  How will it help the business?  If it doesn't help them much more than a free template would help them, then the value for that business is pretty low.

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31 minutes ago, person0 said:

I provided a link in the OP.  That would be an exact idea.  Just static with info and links.  But cool design.

Send it to the Philippines.  100USD.  5-page max (I think, I might be wrong on this), includes custom animated graphics, search engine, and basic form functionality, and point of sale through common avenues like paypal.  Put the guy on retainer for 20USD/mo and you can get maintenance with additional pages negotiable.

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14 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

If it's just the "look".  The value is pretty low.  Anyone can put together a "nice-looking" web page for free using online templates.  But as Anatess said, how does it work?  What is the functionality?  How easy is it for a visitor to find the information they need?  What functions does it have to attract attention in web searches and so forth?

So, consider the "value" of the web page.  How will it help the business?  If it doesn't help them much more than a free template would help them, then the value for that business is pretty low.

12 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

Send it to the Philippines.  100USD.  5-page max (I think, I might be wrong on this), includes custom animated graphics, search engine, and basic form functionality, and point of sale through common avenues like paypal.  Put the guy on retainer for 20USD/mo and you can get maintenance with additional pages negotiable.

Wow, I didn't realize this would be that complicated.  I thought people would just throw out numbers of what they would be willing to pay, or what they would charge to design/develop an identical site.  I tend to undervalue things, but even I was thinking around $1200 would be a decent price for a basic static website.  Perhaps I am overvaluing now?  But it doesn't seem like almost anyone charges less than $1500 even for basic template stuff these days.

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1 minute ago, person0 said:

Wow, I didn't realize this would be that complicated.  I thought people would just throw out numbers of what they would be willing to pay, or what they would charge to design/develop an identical site.  I tend to undervalue things, but even I was thinking around $1200 would be a decent price for a basic static website.  Perhaps I am overvaluing now?  But it doesn't seem like almost anyone charges less than $1500 even for basic template stuff these days.

Here's another angle.  If you can do something they can't, that's always billable.  If they don't even have the skills to edit an existing free template, then just doing that for them ought to get you some money.  And if you put together this site on your own, it's unique.  That also has value.  

If you're selling a good (the webpage) that's one thing.  But if you're selling a service (programming an existing template) that's another thing.

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16 minutes ago, person0 said:

Wow, I didn't realize this would be that complicated.  I thought people would just throw out numbers of what they would be willing to pay, or what they would charge to design/develop an identical site.  I tend to undervalue things, but even I was thinking around $1200 would be a decent price for a basic static website.  Perhaps I am overvaluing now?  But it doesn't seem like almost anyone charges less than $1500 even for basic template stuff these days.

Not many people pay for static websites these days.  Kids can make these things themselves now.  You can even make one with MS Word.

The value is in the data, not the static page.  You build a website that tracks scout achievements, for example... you can make good money with it because it doesn't just provide information.  It manages information.  Make sense?

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I wouldn't pay more than $1000 for this website. That is probably high, if I was thinking first off, I wouldn't pay more than $500 for this type of website.

EDIT: I design WP websites (here is one I had fun designing:

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2 hours ago, person0 said:

Wow, I didn't realize this would be that complicated.  I thought people would just throw out numbers of what they would be willing to pay, or what they would charge to design/develop an identical site.  I tend to undervalue things, but even I was thinking around $1200 would be a decent price for a basic static website.  Perhaps I am overvaluing now?  But it doesn't seem like almost anyone charges less than $1500 even for basic template stuff these days.

People will provide you a quote for an exact website. Questions they typically ask:

1) Are you providing images?
2) Do you want the same look?
3) Do you want same amount of pages?
4) When are you looking to have this completed by?

These are standard questions, and then they will give you a quote. Are you looking to have a website yourself?

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49 minutes ago, Anddenex said:

I wouldn't pay more than $1000 for this website. That is probably high, if I was thinking first off, I wouldn't pay more than $500 for this type of website. . .Are you looking to have a website yourself?

I thank you for your honesty, and for actually giving a real number!  I personally both designed and coded the website linked in the OP.  No templates were used.  Pricing was not discussed before developing the site.  I first created a custom design, and after approval, implemented the design in code.  I was trying to get candid feedback about pricing/value from anyone who might have experience.  From what I understand, the responses would lead me to a range between worthless and a couple thousand dollars.  The client loves the website and is very happy with it.  I haven't developed someone else's website in a number of years, and thought that since there were programmers here there might also be some web developers who would throw in their thoughts.  I just couldn't see myself charging less than $1000 for it though.  The last website I custom made, I only charged $800, but that was almost 5 years ago.

9 minutes ago, Grunt said:

I would not pay a dime for that website.  Amateurish, poor marketing, horrible optics.  You could do it better yourself for free.

I am very grateful for your honesty!  It was not designed for optics.  Even if it were, the site has only been live since last night. The only use of the website is for a high school.  The only people who need to be able to locate it are the students in the school.  They will be directed where to go by the instructor.

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19 minutes ago, person0 said:

I personally both designed and coded the website linked in the OP.  No templates were used.  Pricing was not discussed before developing the site.  I first created a custom design, and after approval, implemented the design in code.  I was trying to get candid feedback about pricing/value from anyone who might have experience.  From what I understand, the responses would lead me to a range between worthless and a couple thousand dollars.  The client loves the website and is very happy with it.  I haven't developed someone else's website in a number of years, and thought that since there were programmers here there might also be some web developers who would throw in their thoughts.  I just couldn't see myself charging less than $1000 for it though.  The last website I custom made, I only charged $800, but that was almost 5 years ago.

I am very grateful for your honesty!  It was not designed for optics.  Even if it were, the site has only been live since last night. The only use of the website is for a high school.  The only people who need to be able to locate it are the students in the school.  They will be directed where to go by the instructor.

EVERYTHING I view is for optics, functionality, tracking, and messaging.  I'm in charge of marketing.  

Edited to add:  If you want to change it beyond functionality and directed towards your market, I'd be more than happy to either help you myself or have my team give you a few tips.

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8 minutes ago, person0 said:

I personally both designed and coded the website linked in the OP.  No templates were used.  Pricing was not discussed before developing the site.  I first created a custom design, and after approval, implemented the design in code.  I was trying to get candid feedback about pricing/value from anyone who might have experience.  From what I understand, the responses would lead me to a range between worthless and a couple thousand dollars.  The client loves the website and is very happy with it.  I haven't developed someone else's website in a number of years, and thought that since there were programmers here there might also be some web developers who would throw in their thoughts.  I just couldn't see myself charging less than $1000 for it though.  The last website I custom made, I only charged $800, but that was almost 5 years ago.

Well, if you coded the website this would incorporate hours of coding and time spent. I also didn't realize there were more pages then 5, and there are actually more pages then I at first thought. According to what I have seen, I can see you charging $1500 for the site.

It may not be appealing in some ways, but the work put in and number of pages could easily be $1500, especially if they love it, which is what matters most.

EDIT: did you build Today's Class website with this?

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15 hours ago, person0 said:

I know there are programmers here, but are there any web developers/designers?

Regardless, just curious about people's opinions.  How much would you charge for a custom website like this?  How much would you expect to pay?

$100 an hour. Look and feel of th UI highly customized, CSS, etc. could take you a 1-5 working days, including meeting with the client and reworking. If you're adding in shopping carts, customer databases and the like make it 4-6 weeks, depending on what is already in place and what needs to be done to make it all work together.

ETA make a project plan, what the work is, what will be delivered each week and go from there. 

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25 minutes ago, Grunt said:

EVERYTHING I view is for optics, functionality, tracking, and messaging.  I'm in charge of marketing.  

Edited to add:  If you want to change it beyond functionality and directed towards your market, I'd be more than happy to either help you myself or have my team give you a few tips.

The market is:  High school students in a county with population 35000, who attend the 1 high school in the county and are currently enrolled in the high school's automotive tech class.  I am not sure marketing the website would be appropriate in this circumstance.  However, I am all about feedback because who knows when the next time I will need to make a website will be!

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