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Few know, that I am a member of the town council, in a very humble little township. This is not bragging, but more like self deprecation.

Once a month we get together, and spend a few hours, totally making a mockery, of Roberts rules of order, while, trying to do good for our community.

Last week, we were politically bushwhacked. Students from an elementary, Junior High and a High School, all came begging for money. This was a set up, by another member of the council and the local leader, for night out against crime.

Each school, was looking for donations, from a fund called the special projects fund. This is an account that we have not spent much of, because the county, who ever sees this money, had put a lot of restrictions, on how we could spend it.

It may only be my view, but it seemed to me that, the small amount of money, that each school asked for, was not that big of deal.

Here is a list of, but a few of the problems that I had with what went on.

1-everyone of those students, learned a lesson that night. A bad lesson. Seems that if a school needs new lighting, for it's stage, as was the case for the High School, you don't have to go to the school district, because they could tell you no. It was much easier, to leave a guilt trip on the town council.

2-The Elementary School wanted monies, for a walking track. Here again, one has to ask, were is the school district? In there presentation (by the PTA, not the students), that explained, that are making the children walk for one of there recesses, everyday. On the surface, this may seem like a good idea. So I had to be the one to ask, why. Because the our students are fat, and need the exercise, was there reply. So you take them away from doing what they want, to march them around a track, was my rebut. Oh, but they love to do it, they came back with. Sure and now that they are hooked on walking, they will start forming clubs, and walking on the lunch breaks and the other recess, I asked. Well no, but you wouldn't, as a child, eat your vegetables with out being watched, either. Thirty minutes of that debate and nothing was resolved.

3- The parents of these students, must not have been invited, because, other than the PTA, a few teachers and the Principal of the elementary School, there was no adults, who stood up in favor of the cash give away.

These are just a few of the reasons, that I voted no. You of the liberal persuasion, will be happy to know, we gave the money away, with a 5 to 3 vote.

I want to hear from everyone, who can make a good case for giving this money away. I will listen to all, but just remember, I am allmosthumble.

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if the lil' brats wanted money for a walking track..they shoulda had a fund rasier and had INDIVIDUALS inthe community sponser them per mile. The drama club should get lights by selling candy bars.

or just raise property taxes...thats what they did here in Indy, like 2000% in some cases.....

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if the lil' brats wanted money for a walking track..they shoulda had a fund rasier and had INDIVIDUALS inthe community sponser them per mile. The drama club should get lights by selling candy bars.

or just raise property taxes...thats what they did here in Indy, like 2000% in some cases.....

"lil brats?" That's very offensive in talking about children. Many children are used as pawns for things adults wants.

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You should have asked them exactly how walking a few minutes a day is going to help these obese kids. Walking around for 30 mins at a leisurely pace will burn less calories that whats in half a can of coke.

Anyways I thought the response to schools needing more money was the up the property tax by a few mills? Thats what my town's supervisors seem to do every time....

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You of the liberal persuasion, will be happy to know, we gave the money away, with a 5 to 3 vote.

Hey bro,

What's with the "liberal persuasion" comment? You use it as if it's a slur.

It sounds to me like the council was ambushed. I'm a liberal and I don't condone that.

In addition, I didn't hear anything that indicated it was a liberal/conservative issue, certainly not enough to delineate sides. I guarantee you the adults that did show up with the children were not all liberals.

Based on your description of the events, I don't agree with the council's decision and I suspect many liberals wouldn't either.

Love ya,


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if the lil' brats wanted money for a walking track..they shoulda had a fund rasier and had INDIVIDUALS inthe community sponser them per mile. The drama club should get lights by selling candy bars.

or just raise property taxes...thats what they did here in Indy, like 2000% in some cases.....

"lil brats?" That's very offensive in talking about children. Many children are used as pawns for things adults wants.

have you been to a public school latley? i said lil' brats cause i dont cus no more. Every child i know (including necies and nephews) and all their lil' freinds....are brats....if I'd of acted like that (which i did ONCE) i wouldnt' be able to sit for a week ( and i didn't at times)

so if i offended..i'm sorry you were offended...but i stand by my comments...

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if the lil' brats wanted money for a walking track..they shoulda had a fund rasier and had INDIVIDUALS inthe community sponser them per mile. The drama club should get lights by selling candy bars.

or just raise property taxes...thats what they did here in Indy, like 2000% in some cases.....

"lil brats?" That's very offensive in talking about children. Many children are used as pawns for things adults wants.

have you been to a public school latley? i said lil' brats cause i dont cus no more. Every child i know (including necies and nephews) and all their lil' freinds....are brats....if I'd of acted like that (which i did ONCE) i wouldnt' be able to sit for a week ( and i didn't at times)

so if i offended..i'm sorry you were offended...but i stand by my comments...

Wow! Every child is a brat? Do you have children? Hope not.

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Escrow Accounts are common practice but very lengthy to chat about here.

There is much adoo about money being spent on existing school buildings at this time because there is reorganization going on with school districts. Many small school districts are being offered to consolidate their schools in order to maintain quality education.

A widespread of school building was done in the early 1960's but the smaller school districts are often still operating schools in older buildings and more than likely temporary classrooms have been added in the form of trailers.

School districts are not wanting to put more money into existing problems.

Walking tracks are not cheap and under federal school code regulations, it more than using a tractor to clear a path and dumping some loose black rock gravel. Theater lighting constitutes a specialty company and more than changing light bulbs but a whole rewiring system.

A private donor wanted the auditorium restored at an existing school that was built in the mid 1930 or 1940's. Although the gift was very generous and the auditorium was restored, parts of the building are condemned for use.

There is a lot of litigation surrounding school districts so the wheels churn very slowly.

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if the lil' brats wanted money for a walking track..they shoulda had a fund rasier and had INDIVIDUALS inthe community sponser them per mile. The drama club should get lights by selling candy bars.

or just raise property taxes...thats what they did here in Indy, like 2000% in some cases.....

In this case the kids were well behaved, and sat through, what was to them a very boring meeting.

And it's not the kids who want the track, its the PTA.

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<div class='quotemain'>You of the liberal persuasion, will be happy to know, we gave the money away, with a 5 to 3 vote.

Hey bro,

What's with the "liberal persuasion" comment? You use it as if it's a slur.

It sounds to me like the council was ambushed. I'm a liberal and I don't condone that.

In addition, I didn't hear anything that indicated it was a liberal/conservative issue, certainly not enough to delineate sides. I guarantee you the adults that did show up with the children were not all liberals.

Based on your description of the events, I don't agree with the council's decision and I suspect many liberals wouldn't either.

Love ya,


I humbly beg your pardon.

I didn't mean it like a slur, but the meeting in the parking lot, after the first meeting, said that everyone of the 5 who voted to give away the money, proudly proclaimed there liberaleez (new word, I know).

As long as I have known you, you have been a conundrum. So if this doesn't sound like you, don't take it so hard.

It has been a long time, since I have had enough sleep, so I don't think that I explained, well enough, that the parents didn't really show up. Just teachers, PTA and a Principal.

Oh well, time to go to bed. Night All-allmosthumble

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if the lil' brats wanted money for a walking track..they shoulda had a fund rasier and had INDIVIDUALS inthe community sponser them per mile. The drama club should get lights by selling candy bars.

or just raise property taxes...thats what they did here in Indy, like 2000% in some cases.....

"lil brats?" That's very offensive in talking about children. Many children are used as pawns for things adults wants.

have you been to a public school latley? i said lil' brats cause i dont cus no more. Every child i know (including necies and nephews) and all their lil' freinds....are brats....if I'd of acted like that (which i did ONCE) i wouldnt' be able to sit for a week ( and i didn't at times)

so if i offended..i'm sorry you were offended...but i stand by my comments...

As a matter of fact I have been to a public school lately. I have also been a PTA President and a school Community Group chairman for 2 years. I'm just sorry you have such a poor opinion of children.

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When it comes to local politics, I would not be so worried about setting precedents. Give the kids the money the easiest way they can get it.

We're facing a smilar problem in WA state. The way funding goes, our district gets less per pupil than money other less needy districts. We can wait some more decades for the State to obey its constitution and fully fund public education, or we can take the unfair shortcut of lifting the "supermajority" 60% requirement on levies, so we can vote ourselves more taxes locally to fill in the gaps the state leaves. I'm voting for the practical but 'short-sighted' and unfair solution, because I want the schools funded now...not many decades later, when my grandkids might benefit.

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<div class='quotemain'>You of the liberal persuasion, will be happy to know, we gave the money away, with a 5 to 3 vote.

Hey bro,

What's with the "liberal persuasion" comment? You use it as if it's a slur.

It sounds to me like the council was ambushed. I'm a liberal and I don't condone that.

In addition, I didn't hear anything that indicated it was a liberal/conservative issue, certainly not enough to delineate sides. I guarantee you the adults that did show up with the children were not all liberals.

Based on your description of the events, I don't agree with the council's decision and I suspect many liberals wouldn't either.

Love ya,


tax and spend liberal....... :hmmm: ......LOL!!!!!

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if the lil' brats wanted money for a walking track..they shoulda had a fund rasier and had INDIVIDUALS inthe community sponser them per mile. The drama club should get lights by selling candy bars.

or just raise property taxes...thats what they did here in Indy, like 2000% in some cases.....

"lil brats?" That's very offensive in talking about children. Many children are used as pawns for things adults wants.

have you been to a public school latley? i said lil' brats cause i dont cus no more. Every child i know (including necies and nephews) and all their lil' freinds....are brats....if I'd of acted like that (which i did ONCE) i wouldnt' be able to sit for a week ( and i didn't at times)

so if i offended..i'm sorry you were offended...but i stand by my comments...

As a matter of fact I have been to a public school lately. I have also been a PTA President and a school Community Group chairman for 2 years. I'm just sorry you have such a poor opinion of children.

I love kids, i just think that 99% of them need the snot beat out of them for the lack of respect they show anyone, i've heard a 3rd grader tell a teacher to go ____ herself. And it is the parents fault, its not society, its not howard stern, its not the simpons, BLAME CANADA the oscar nominted song from south park said...."blame someone before they think of blaming us" the parents of south park sang.......

no one shows personal responsiblity, and outside of utah, a majoity of kids are horrific, and i'm sure your perfect lil' angels aint always perfect when they aint around adults.

i guess if you want to blame someone for rotten kids...blam Bush...he gets blamed for something else.

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<div class='quotemain'>You of the liberal persuasion, will be happy to know, we gave the money away, with a 5 to 3 vote.

Hey bro,

What's with the "liberal persuasion" comment? You use it as if it's a slur.

It sounds to me like the council was ambushed. I'm a liberal and I don't condone that.

In addition, I didn't hear anything that indicated it was a liberal/conservative issue, certainly not enough to delineate sides. I guarantee you the adults that did show up with the children were not all liberals.

Based on your description of the events, I don't agree with the council's decision and I suspect many liberals wouldn't either.

Love ya,


I agree with you Elphaba: This is not about liberal verse conservative. Someone is using the children and I agree with you Elphaba: This is not about liberal verse conservative. Someone is using the children and does not intend to benefit the children. This has the smell of corruption written all over it. It is called the bait and switch and is one of the oldest scams of politics. This happens at all levels of politics and is the downfall of what almost is democracy. It is a minority taking control of elected officials and is the true methods of political parties - Republican or Democrat.

At least in the USA the little demigods try to make it appear to have popular appeal.

The Traveler

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  • 3 weeks later...

<div class='quotemain'>

<div class='quotemain'>You of the liberal persuasion, will be happy to know, we gave the money away, with a 5 to 3 vote.

Hey bro,

What's with the "liberal persuasion" comment? You use it as if it's a slur.

It sounds to me like the council was ambushed. I'm a liberal and I don't condone that.

In addition, I didn't hear anything that indicated it was a liberal/conservative issue, certainly not enough to delineate sides. I guarantee you the adults that did show up with the children were not all liberals.

Based on your description of the events, I don't agree with the council's decision and I suspect many liberals wouldn't either.

Love ya,


I agree with you Elphaba: This is not about liberal verse conservative. Someone is using the children and I agree with you Elphaba: This is not about liberal verse conservative. Someone is using the children and does not intend to benefit the children. This has the smell of corruption written all over it. It is called the bait and switch and is one of the oldest scams of politics. This happens at all levels of politics and is the downfall of what almost is democracy. It is a minority taking control of elected officials and is the true methods of political parties - Republican or Democrat.

At least in the USA the little demigods try to make it appear to have popular appeal.

The Traveler

I would love to hear from other liberals, who think it was a bad idea.

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