Marrige For Time Only?


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I saw a thread like this when i had LDS SinglesOnline. the topic was about since in this time of war, regardless of your opinion on it, there are alot of very young widowed women around, and a few of them are prolly LDS

so my question is, and thus why i put it in gospel discussion... if a guy who was never married and faithul LDS married an LDS woman who was widowed, and sealed toher late husband for eternity, does the man who marries her and spends 70 years with her. When they both pass, she'll be with her first husband in the Celestial kingdom

what happens to the 2nd guy? kids they may of had?

just something to think about... it would be really hard to spend your whole life with someone, live rightously, and not have them in the cases like that does the 2nd guy get any special blessings? or is he alone? does he have his kids? does that make a connection with him and the other "family"

just something to ponder....

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'Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.' (James 1:27)

He'll ultimately have the availability to be sealed to an eternal companion. Whether it is this woman or another is up to them. The children will be sealed, again, according to however they decide so long it is inline with the will of God also.


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This should be of no concern. We are promised all that God has if we are obedient and faithful in obtaining the ordinances. The rest will be up to the Lord. Let Him determine our fate.

As long as he doesn't put me with my ex husband. :P

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so my question is, and thus why i put it in gospel discussion... if a guy who was never married and faithul LDS married an LDS woman who was widowed, and sealed to her late husband for eternity, does the man who marries her and spends 70 years with her. When they both pass, she'll be with her first husband in the Celestial Kingdom

I do know that once they have both passed on they are both sealed to one another by proxy . Thus, she is sealed to both husbands, and it is my understand the choice is hers as to whom she will have for her eternal companion.

I'm not sure what happens with the children.


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<div class='quotemain'>so my question is, and thus why i put it in gospel discussion... if a guy who was never married and faithul LDS married an LDS woman who was widowed, and sealed to her late husband for eternity, does the man who marries her and spends 70 years with her. When they both pass, she'll be with her first husband in the Celestial Kingdom

I do know that once they have both passed on they are both sealed to one another by proxy . Thus, she is sealed to both husbands, and it is my understand the choice is hers as to whom she will have for her eternal companion.

I'm not sure what happens with the children.


We had couples in my college ward in this situation - they received special counselling before their marriages. Their understanding was children born to a second husband were sealed to the first husband. They just had faith it would work out somehow in the eternities but the standard doctrine does not make it an easy or cosy situation


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I'm remembering a scene from God's Army in which missionaries are telling a guy, who's in an obviously chaotic household, that marriage can be for all eternity. He looks at them with misery in his eyes and says, "No thanks!"

I remember that scene too, PC. For me, it was both humorous and sad.

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<div class='quotemain'>

<div class='quotemain'>so my question is, and thus why i put it in gospel discussion... if a guy who was never married and faithul LDS married an LDS woman who was widowed, and sealed to her late husband for eternity, does the man who marries her and spends 70 years with her. When they both pass, she'll be with her first husband in the Celestial Kingdom

I do know that once they have both passed on they are both sealed to one another by proxy . Thus, she is sealed to both husbands, and it is my understand the choice is hers as to whom she will have for her eternal companion.

I'm not sure what happens with the children.


We had couples in my college ward in this situation - they received special counselling before their marriages. Their understanding was children born to a second husband were sealed to the first husband. They just had faith it would work out somehow in the eternities but the standard doctrine does not make it an easy or cosy situation


If I remember right, that was the way in ancient Israel as well, only it was one of the deceased husband's brothers that was to marry his wife and then any children from that union were to be the 1st brother's kids.

I think that would be hard and take a lot of faith in our HF to make things right later. So much we still don't understand, that requires we live by faith...

It would be tough for me, I know, if I were in that situation...

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Under the law of Moses, none of them were sealed. The law of moses didn't contain the sealing power. It was a temporal law. The Saviour said of them married by the law of moses: 'in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.'

Now imagine the complaint of the world had the LORD restored the law of Moses!

Eternal marriage must be performed by the higher law, by the higher priesthood. The LORD said that the blessings of eternal marriage are obtained only if: 'a man marry a wife by my word, which is my law, and by the new and everlasting covenant, and it is sealed unto them by the Holy Spirit of promise, by him who is anointed, unto whom I have appointed this power and the keys of this priesthood.' (D&C 132:19)


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I am still sealed to my first husband, we got devorced over 12 years ago and remarried a none member, my oldest three children are sealed to me and my ex, Im still sealed to my ex. I live in hope that one day my husband will join the church.

Im not sure what happens then, whether or not I will be allowed to get sealed to my husband. I don't know what will happen to his 2 children to his previous marrage, they have both lived with us since the break up, and since then their mum died of cancer. We have one child of our own. I do think about who should be sealed to who and so on but I also have faith that The Lord will sort all this out in the eterneties. All we can do is strive to recieve the blessings in their fullness having faith that things are in the hands of a loving Heavenly Father and his Son.

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My brother has been married three times now.

Sealed to his second wife...but now a very poor relationship.

She had two daughters already and then they had two girls together.

They were all sealed together in the Sydney Temple.

Unfortunately, things did not work out (long story).

His third marriage is a very good one it seems.

He would like to be with this wife for ever but also have his girls sealed to him.

We don't know how it will all work out in the eternities.

It does get kinda complicated sometimes.

We trust that all things will be sorted when the time comes and everyone will be happy.


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As long as he doesn't put me with my ex husband. :P

You never know, the LORD may be able to make even him a great husband.


Please don't make me hold my breath on that one a-train. I would like to be around a bit longer. :P

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<div class='quotemain'>

As long as he doesn't put me with my ex husband. :P

LOL...did he golf?

I pray there is no golfing in heaven.

same golf in heaven

I will probably be shot for this but also no WWF and no Nascar.

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As long as he doesn't put me with my ex husband. :P

LOL...did he golf?

I pray there is no golfing in heaven.

same golf in heaven

I will probably be shot for this but also no WWF and no Nascar.

there is alot of snow in heaven......LOL!!!!!!!!

Then I'm just not going.

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As long as he doesn't put me with my ex husband. :P

LOL...did he golf?

I pray there is no golfing in heaven.

same golf in heaven

I will probably be shot for this but also no WWF and no Nascar.

there is alot of snow in heaven......LOL!!!!!!!!

Then I'm just not going.


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As long as he doesn't put me with my ex husband. :P

LOL...did he golf?

I pray there is no golfing in heaven.

same golf in heaven

I will probably be shot for this but also no WWF and no Nascar.

there is alot of snow in heaven......LOL!!!!!!!!

Then I'm just not going.


It's just too long to be associated with that "s" word. :P

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