Do I Have To Confess My Sins To The Bishop Before Receiving Communion?


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Hi everyone. I am considering coming back to the LDS Church. I, however, have committed the serious sin of apostasy. Must I confess this sin to the bishop before receiving communion again?

How long have you been in "apostasy?" Long enough to forget common LDS nomenclature for the last supper?

But, yes, you will need to talk to your bishop.

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Hi everyone. I am considering coming back to the LDS Church. I, however, have committed the serious sin of apostasy. Must I confess this sin to the bishop before receiving communion again?

No - but if you planning on receiving the communion somewhere, you may need to repent afterwards.

That's a joke.

Here's my take:

We call it the sacrament. One should take the sacrament when one is worthy to do so. Obviously none of us is 100% worthy so the question is HOW worthy does one need to be? If you have committed some grevious sin - I dunno, like adultery, armed robbery, listening to Britney Spears music or killing a goat with your bare hands, maybe you should talk to the bishop. Otherwise, I think it is a matter of humility... are you seeking to get on the path towards greater spirituality, ie repenting, moving in the right direction? Only you can decide... but a good bishops often gives wise counsel. I guess if you have done something atrocious, there's the possibility that the bishop might take formal action - like put you on double-secret probation or something. Only you can decide.

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Hi everyone. I am considering coming back to the LDS Church. I, however, have committed the serious sin of apostasy. Must I confess this sin to the bishop before receiving communion again?

If you are coming back to church after having been away for a while it's a good idea to have a chat to the Bishop anyway.

Just so that he can see where you are at and help you with the transition.

Whether or not you have committed apostasy will be his call.

If you have any doubts about taking the sacrament it's best not to take it until you have clarified with your Bishop.

Wishing you all the best with your return to Church.


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Hi everyone. I am considering coming back to the LDS Church. I, however, have committed the serious sin of apostasy. Must I confess this sin to the bishop before receiving communion again?

as a former Bishop and not knowing the extent of your apostasy...if I were you I would share with your Bishop your desires and ask him if its ok for you to partake of the Sacrament...and welcome back!!!
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Hi everyone. I am considering coming back to the LDS Church. I, however, have committed the serious sin of apostasy. Must I confess this sin to the bishop before receiving communion again?

Personally I repent every week of my apostasies before I partake of the sacrement but the bishop is too busy to see me every week. Therefore, I take such things before the L-rd in prayer.

And in case you are wondering - you never have to (and I think need to or ever should) confess your sins on the internet. Anyway that is my belief and I have never found a scripture that suggests anyone confess on the internet. - Most likely your sins are quite small compaired to some of us.

The Traveler

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Hi everyone. I am considering coming back to the LDS Church. I, however, have committed the serious sin of apostasy. Must I confess this sin to the bishop before receiving communion again?

No - but if you planning on receiving the communion somewhere, you may need to repent afterwards.

That's a joke.

Here's my take:

We call it the sacrament. One should take the sacrament when one is worthy to do so. Obviously none of us is 100% worthy so the question is HOW worthy does one need to be? If you have committed some grevious sin - I dunno, like adultery, armed robbery, listening to Britney Spears music or killing a goat with your bare hands, maybe you should talk to the bishop. Otherwise, I think it is a matter of humility... are you seeking to get on the path towards greater spirituality, ie repenting, moving in the right direction? Only you can decide... but a good bishops often gives wise counsel. I guess if you have done something atrocious, there's the possibility that the bishop might take formal action - like put you on double-secret probation or something. Only you can decide.

so killing a goat with a tuba needent be repented?

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Thank you all for your advice. I will definitely heed it and probably will talk to the bishop before partaking of the sacrament again. As for how long I've been away, its only been about 2 or 3 months.

It never hurts to chat with your bishop, or your home or visiting teachers. For me, taking sacrement after been out of the church for some years was a big thing. I spent lots of time on my knees and in scriptures and lots of time thinking before I felt comfortable in myself to take it again. One big aspect off it was learning to fogive myself! Which I did find hard.

I hope that helped :)

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Thank you all for your advice. I will definitely heed it and probably will talk to the bishop before partaking of the sacrament again. As for how long I've been away, its only been about 2 or 3 months.

2-3 months? I imagine you're probably being overly hard on yourself. Sometimes we are our own worse punishers.

I haven't taken the sacrament in about 7 years.

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Thank you all for your advice. I will definitely heed it and probably will talk to the bishop before partaking of the sacrament again. As for how long I've been away, its only been about 2 or 3 months.

Have you only been inactive PalandinGirl? I don't think that's the same as apostacy. You can be inactive without becoming an apostate.


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We call it the sacrament.

How did the Holy Communion of the Eucharistic Sacrament get shortened to just Sacrament anyway?

Perhaps the question would be better put is how did the simple sacrament instituted by the Savior get blown up to be the performance that it is in some groups today.

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<div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotemain'>

We call it the sacrament.

How did the Holy Communion of the Eucharistic Sacrament get shortened to just Sacrament anyway?

Perhaps the question would be better put is how did the simple sacrament instituted by the Savior get blown up to be the performance that it is in some groups today.

The term Sacrament historically applies to a number of acts, such as the Eucharist, Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, etc... The Communion part I believe comes from the imploring of "Do this in rememberance of me".

I think we Mormons use the word ordinance in place of the ofther types of sacraments.

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