I messed up right before leaving for my mission and I need help

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It brings me much shame to tell this story, but here I am ... 

i have grown up in the gospel and always lived it with as much exactness as I can. I’ve been a leader in all my priesthood quorems and serving a mission has always been a goal. I reached the age of 18 this year and submitted my papers excited to serve. I was called to leave August 14th, so next week. Ive has a girlfriend for about a year and she’s always been super supportive of my mission as she’s a strong member as well. About 4 weeks ago we slipped up big time and broke the law of chastity.. we engaged in intercourse. At the moment I felt like I didn’t even understand what was happening and I felt powerless to stop it. It only gets worse tho as I allowed myself to engage in it again. The next day was my temple day and I still went through and got endowed because I was too scared to speak up about my sins. It gets even worse because I slipped up with my girlfriend and broke the law of chastity a third time a day after visiting the temple 

after that day I immediely broke up with my girlfriend. I was a missionary with a mission call and the things that we had allowed to happen were terrible. It felt like reality finally hit me and I finally understood what I had done and how terrible it was. I’ve lived in denial the last 3 weeks trying to convince myself that I can still leave for my mission next week and just “forget about my sin” and then repent when I get back.  I know that will not work though. My farewell is supposed to be in 3 days and I have a meeting with my bishop tonight. I have the opportunity to tell him everything I’ve done, but I know this will ruin my whole mission and I won’t be allowed to go. I need advice about what to do? And possibly encouragement. My whole family is very strong in the church and I will disappoint hundreds of people by bailing on my mission 6 days before I report 

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@Pippinbaggins, please tell your bishop all.  It will be a weight off your shoulders and the only way things will get better.  To continue without confession is only to make things worse.  Hiding your sin is Satan's idea - reject him and turn to the Lord.  Please just tell him all - it's the best option, and it'll be OK, even if it's difficult at first.

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Before I tell you my advice, I want you to know something. Jesus Christ loves you brother. You are not the first man to break the Law of Chastity, and you can be forgiven of this sin. Hold onto that fact. Now, you know what you need to do. You know you can't go on your mission successfully if you don't make this right with God. How are you going to preach repentance to people, if you refuse to repent yourself? How are you going to feel the direction of the Holy Ghost, if you refuse to listen to His pleading now? God wants to forgive you, but He can't if you won't do what he requires of you. He tells us how we can be forgiven of even the worst sins in D and C 58:42-43:

"42 Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.
 43 By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins—behold, he will confess them and forsake them"

Brother you cannot represent Christ if you don't believe His words. I'm not going to lie to you, you have a really hard choice coming up. You have to decide if your fear of men trumps your fear of God. You will suffer your entire mission if you don't fix this now. But I promise you something else. If you pick the hard choice, if you walk into your Bishop's office and tell him everything, as hard as it will be, you will also feel immediate relief. You may have to deal with some hard consequences, but you will feel relief and peace as you show faith in Jesus Christ and confess your sins. Remember David, and how he made his sin with Bathsheba 100 times worse by trying to cover it up. Don't follow his example! Talk to your Bishop, start on the road to repentance, and you will be cleansed by the blood of our Savior Jesus Christ. I'm praying for you brother, you can do this!

Edited by Midwest LDS
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Guest MormonGator
6 minutes ago, Midwest LDS said:

Before I tell you my advice, I want you to know something. Jesus Christ loves you brother. You are not the first man to break the Law of Chastity, and you can be forgiven of this sin. Hold onto that fact. Now, you know what you need to do. You know you can't go on your mission successfully if you don't make this right with God. How are you going to preach repentance to people, if you refuse to repent yourself? How are you going to feel the direction of the Holy Ghost, if you refuse to listen to His pleading now? God wants to forgive you, but He can't if you won't do what he requires of you. He tells us how we can be forgiven of even the worst sins in D and C 58:42-43:

"42 Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.
 43 By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins—behold, he will confess them and forsake them"

Brother you cannot represent Christ if you don't believe His words. I'm not going to lie to you, you have a really hard choice coming up. You have to decide if your fear of men trumps your fear of God. You will suffer your entire mission if you don't fix this now. But I promise you something else. If you pick the hard choice, if you walk into your Bishop's office and tell him everything, as hard as it will be, you will also feel immediate relief. You may have to deal with some hard consequences, but you will feel relief and peace as you show faith in Jesus Christ and confess your sins. Remember David, and how he made his sin with Bathsheba 100 times worse by trying to cover it up. Don't follow his example! Talk to your Bishop, start on the road to repentance, and you will be cleansed by the blood of our Savior Jesus Christ. I'm praying for you brother, you can do this!

Amen. Perfectly said. 

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But... Pippin is a Took!  :)


You got great advice above.  Talk to the bishop and just lay the whole thing at the foot of Christ.  Accept what He has in store for you and let His will be done.  It will probably mean that your mission is going to delayed.  Look at it as a time to work towards repentance and a successful mission in the future.  Remember, you are a child of God.  He loves you and wants you to succeed.  The bishop is like your coach on the sidelines of an MMA fight.  We are all on your side.  We all want you to win.



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I knew a couple of missionaries on my mission that did not confess their sins with their girl friends before coming on the mission.  Their decision not to confess weighed heavily on them, one was a companion of mine and he had a hard time dealing with it.  I don't know if he eventually went home or not.

The right thing to do is often not the easy thing to do.  But it remains the right thing to do and in the long run will serve you better for doing it.

Good luck and trust in your heavenly father.

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