The Gift Of Discernment.


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One of the gifts that has always fascinated me is the gift og discernment.

What is it to you?

Does anyone believe this gift is still around?

Is it common?

has anyone seen it in action?

why is it given to us?

To me, the gift of discernment enables some people greater sensitivity to recognize whether or not something is of God and what would be acceptable or not.

When I think of gifts that people have, I think of the description used in the bible that the church is like a body. Every part has its own duties. Using the symbolic heart description (not the actual physical characteristics), a heart feels things or sees things to a stronger degree then other parts of the body. The other parts have different duties in the body of the church. Their focus is on something different. For example the feet may keep things moving etc. A person with the gift of discernment would be able to do best do the duties to which that part of the body is assigned. The person would be able to have greater sensitivity and recognize what things are of God and not. This would be their area of strength in the body. Things would go more smoothly as the body part did its duty..

The different body parts have different duties and why it is necessary for members to gather since no body has every gift. Other body parts may be able to make up the difference but it will be much harder. If the one part of the body is injured or under attack it affects all.

I know that this gift is still in action, it is still important and has been promised to some members . It is also mentioned in scriptures and has never been removed ;) .

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I've had experience with the discernment of spirits.

Growing up, I thought discernment of spirits meant something being able to ascertain the "spirit" of a setting or the intent of someone.

As I grew older (I'm talking after high school), several times I've had the experience of looking into someone's eyes and receiving a rapid flash of images and a feel for who they are and what their potential is. Doesn't happen with everyone, nor do I try to make it happen with everyone. Sometimes I am able to discern somebody's spirit, who they are, and who they can be.

It's been a helpful gift in many instances, as far as serving someone else according to their needs. I think of it like this: what I see is the equivalent of a sentence or short paragraph from a patriarchal blessing. I never have this experience without some opportunity to serve someone else with my new knowledge.

I've never heard anyone else describe this, and though I've told other people about it, no one else has said they've experienced it. This leads me to believe that they either have but they just don't recognize it, or they haven't and I'm an odd guy. Either way, it's cool.

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I've had experience with the discernment of spirits.

Growing up, I thought discernment of spirits meant something being able to ascertain the "spirit" of a setting or the intent of someone.

As I grew older (I'm talking after high school), several times I've had the experience of looking into someone's eyes and receiving a rapid flash of images and a feel for who they are and what their potential is. Doesn't happen with everyone, nor do I try to make it happen with everyone. Sometimes I am able to discern somebody's spirit, who they are, and who they can be.

It's been a helpful gift in many instances, as far as serving someone else according to their needs. I think of it like this: what I see is the equivalent of a sentence or short paragraph from a patriarchal blessing. I never have this experience without some opportunity to serve someone else with my new knowledge.

I've never heard anyone else describe this, and though I've told other people about it, no one else has said they've experienced it. This leads me to believe that they either have but they just don't recognize it, or they haven't and I'm an odd guy. Either way, it's cool.

I like the way you pointed out Crimson that God gives people this Gift to help others. To see what their needs are and their potential. While discernment is present to some degree in all, otherwise they wouldn't be able to understand spirtual things, some have an added measure given by God. With the added abilities comes greater responsibility. It can be a scary prospect seeing into someone and get an idea of what their potential is and who they are. Almost like a doctor seeing you at your most vulnerable. The responsibility is great which is why some are given that extra measure of responsibility and accountability.

The Gift of discernment is one of the gifts that a patriachal blessing may help identify(if you are LDS).

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One of the gifts that has always fascinated me is the gift og discernment.

What is it to you?

Does anyone believe this gift is still around?

Is it common?

has anyone seen it in action?

why is it given to us?

The gift of discernment is not only the discernment of spiritual truth from Satan's deceptions, but also the literal...discerning of spirits.

The ability to see them.

It is also the ability to see things spiritual..not just spirits, but things which are spiritual in nature.

This gift is common in they who were promised to have it.

and yes, I have seen it in action, because I feel unrestricted enough to state that I am blessed to hold this gift. I am humbled by His trust in me, and awed by the wonders I have been privileged to behold.

However, I will not go into it more than that. Just know that it exists...and it exists for the service of others, and our God - it exists that we may further the work upon the Earth.

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Someone I know once said, "hmm, that person is dark..." is that how it manifests? either a person is dark or light?


Do you ever see if the person is evil or good, or just potential?


is it only associated with your callings or does it manifest itself in your everyday life?

would the Lord ever let a person see if a person is "dark" or "light" at the store? Someone close to me has remarked almost casually, .... It seems like they can see basic stuff, but if they interact more with the person they are able to see more.

Also, I would bet that the adversary does not like this gift too much. If one possesses it, it would seem that he would do everything in his power to discredit the person with the gift.

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I wouldn't say I know all about the person when I have this "discerning" experience. I can't say whether they are "light" or "dark" beyond my personal knowledge of them from interacting with them.

We've all seen "before and after" pictures, right? Well it's like I see the person as they are (from what I know of them), and then I see them as if they had reached their full potential. Then, I can identify some of the disparities between the two, and know one or two things to do or say to help that person in a specific way.

That description is awkward, but its the best I can think of right now.

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I wouldn't say I know all about the person when I have this "discerning" experience. I can't say whether they are "light" or "dark" beyond my personal knowledge of them from interacting with them.

We've all seen "before and after" pictures, right? Well it's like I see the person as they are (from what I know of them), and then I see them as if they had reached their full potential. Then, I can identify some of the disparities between the two, and know one or two things to do or say to help that person in a specific way.

That description is awkward, but its the best I can think of right now.

Your description is good. While most times you have to interact, haven't you ever experienced the rare times where you just knew about somebody or a particular situation? Or felt strongly one way or another about a situation even though you can't explain why?

Have you ever struggled with what you see with your "spirtual eyes" in that it is obvious to you certain things and not to others? Or feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of what you see that others might not?

It is a tricky prospect trying to put into human language an explanation for this particular gift.

One thing about this gift or another gift from God is that he expects it to be used for the good or he will remove it from you and it will turn against you.

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One of the gifts that has always fascinated me is the gift og discernment.

What is it to you?

Does anyone believe this gift is still around?

Is it common?

has anyone seen it in action?

why is it given to us?

Hi Tiancum,

I am also fascinated by the gift of discernment and I enjoyed reading your questions.

What is the gift of discernment to me?

Why is it given to us?

The best possible way I can articulate that is with a couple of references:

“…the gift of discernment operates basically in four major ways.

First, as we “read under the surface,” discernment helps us detect hidden error and evil in others.

Second, and more important, it helps us detect hidden errors and evil in ourselves. Thus the spiritual gift of discernment is not exclusively about discerning other people and situations, but, as President Cannon taught, it is also about discerning things as they really are within us.

Third, it helps us find and bring forth the good that may be concealed in others.

And fourth, it helps us find and bring forth the good that may be concealed in us."

"The gift of knowing when spiritual gifts are real and when they are Satan’s imitations is called the gift of discernment.

Satan can make things appear to be so true that the only way we can know they are false is to ask our Father in Heaven. We will have an uncertain feeling, not a peaceful feeling, when Satan or his followers imitate the spiritual gifts."

Does anyone believe this gift is still around?

Is it common?

Yes I most certainly do believe this gift is still around and it is more common than we might realise.

In fact, it is available to all who pray for it and everyone single one of us could have it if we wanted it:

"This gift, available to those who pray for it, helps us know the truth and make proper judgments."

“One of the gifts of the Gospel which the Lord has promised to those who enter into covenant with Him is the gift of discerning of spirits—a gift which is not much thought of by many and probably seldom prayed for; yet it is a gift that is of exceeding value and one that should be enjoyed by every Latter-day Saint."

“… Every member in the restored Church of Christ could have this gift if he willed to do so."

"It is abundantly clear that presiding priesthood leaders are given the gift of discernment.

After enumerating various spiritual gifts, the Lord provides this counsel concerning your bishop or any other presiding priesthood leader: “And unto the bishop of the church, and unto such as God shall appoint and ordain to watch over the church and to be elders unto the church, are to have it given unto them to discern all those gifts lest there shall be any among you professing and yet be not of God.” (D&C 46:27.)"

Has any one seen it in action?

Yes, I my own life and in the lives of others and not only within the LDS community.

I have observed the presence of this and other spiritual gifts in both LDS and non-LDS people.


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that was one of the questions i was going to ask onyx...

can non members possess this gift as well as other gifts of the spirit?

i have heard some GA say taht only members of the church can possess these gifts.

Others say, all that are faithful...

To some degree every person has that ability. Some have it more so than others imo.

People are constantly put in the position of choosing between right and wrong. Weeding through the good and bad. Member and non member alike. Each must constantly choose and stand accountable. So it seems like everyone would have this power to some degree.

I also believe that everyone can obtain and develop this gift in their life. Some will be more sensitive to develop this gift than others. Much like one is drawn to sports, another to art. Each person, depending on their lot in life may require different levels of reliance and usage of the gift of discernment.

Some people are quite adept at their ability of discernment

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Some people are quite adept at their ability of discernment

I like what you said. I have even known some that can even feel a persons spirit over thousands of miles.... or over the internet. like in forums chatrooms etc. they don;t go telling everyone what they feel/see, but it does help them nonetheless.

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I always need to rely on my gift of discernment when dealing with marketing and investment schemes.

Why? I just took Nancy Reagan's advice on that one--100% accurate. JUST SAY NO!Oh, dear, PC.

I'm afraid you missed CK's instructions for this thread. You are to speak only of "discernment of spirits"; therefore, I am afraid your reliance on Nancy Reagan as a tool for your investments is "silly" and will bring about CK's admonishment, or at least it should.

Now that I think about it, perhaps these admonishments only happen to Moksha. For some reason, that's the only time I notice them.

There seems to be some unwritten law that all other members of the board can post a joke in a thread, including participants in this thread. But a number of times I've noticed that when Moksha posts one, he is chastised for it. Like CK says, it is very silly.


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...haven't you ever experienced the rare times where you just knew about somebody or a particular situation? Or felt strongly one way or another about a situation even though you can't explain why?

Yep, thanks to the Holy Ghost.

It is a tricky prospect trying to put into human language an explanation for this particular gift.

Tell me about it. :)

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