Time To Take It?


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2 years ago, I spoke with my bishop about some bad things I did and changed the way I live. It was in preparation for a mission, and he said I'd have to wait 2 years before I could go. Things have come far and gone well, but I still haven't taken the sacrament since then. I'm wondering if I should wait until the 2 years are up, which would be in May of next year, or ask the bishop if I can take it sooner. I feel completely ready, like I've changed entirely and have been living differently for quite a while. I'm also wondering if these time restrictions are totally concrete and cannot be changed (sort of like how a prisoner would be freed for good behavior, as opposed to fulfilling the sentence regardless of how much they've changed).

I feel like I'm ready to serve a mission... and I've gone to everything from CES Institute, Choir, Missionary preparation, to less important activities like sports just to make sure that I'm being as active as possible. Maybe I should just be patient, but May seems very far away for how long I've been waiting and preparing myself for this.

I know I should talk to my bishop again soon, but I just want your advice anyway.

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The 2 year wait is not church policy. It's a timeframe that your bishop was inspired to give you. I would never question counsel that a bishop gives someone. Your best bet, to be truly repentant, is to follow the counsel given by your bishop.

Hopefully during these 2 years you've been meeting with your bishop regularly to report your progress and to acquire counsel and encouragement. If you haven't been, start now. The bishop does have a responsibility to ensure that nobody partakes of the sacrament unworthily, as it states in the Doctrine and Covenants. If you feel you are worthy to partake, discuss it with him first.

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Are you not visiting with your Bishop regularly? Usually the Bishop would continue to meet with you monthly or at least quarterly. If you are having those meetings then you could ask in one of those meetings. If you are not meeting with the Bishop then I would suggest you request an interview with the Bishop and update him on what has been going on and how you have been doing and ask what he thinks from there.

Good luck.

Ben Raines

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Sometimes I wonder if people remember what is said week to week, let alone two years ago. My guess is that your situation has been forgotten.

Two years seems way too excessive to remove yourself from the formal communion of the Sacrament service. I would start taking the Sacrament, and schedule an appointment with the Bishop to discuss other issues you may wish to discuss.

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I used to have regular meetings with him, but we changed bishops and I've only met a couple times with the newer one. You must understand that I don't want to seem self-righteous or like I know better than the bishop, which is why I'm nervous about asking if I can take it before the 2 years are up. I don't know how much advice I'm really looking for, I just wanted to discuss it openly in hope of finding encouragement to talk to him soon, or to feel that maybe I'm not crazy for feeling worthy before the end of this probationary period. Thanks for your reponses, though. : )

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today, through much prayer and fasting... my prayers were heard and answered. My bishop arranged to meet with me, and told me that I could enjoy all the blessings of full membership in this church. I can't believe it's been 1 1/2 years since I took the sacrament... one more week until next Sunday seems so long now that I know I can take it. I'm so happy... he also said he'd talk to the stake president about me going on a mission soon. Today is a GREAT day. :D

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Today, through much prayer and fasting... my prayers were heard and answered. My bishop arranged to meet with me, and told me that I could enjoy all the blessings of full membership in this church. I can't believe it's been 1 1/2 years since I took the sacrament... one more week until next Sunday seems so long now that I know I can take it. I'm so happy... he also said he'd talk to the stake president about me going on a mission soon. Today is a GREAT day. :D

That is wonderful, wonderful news!

You must be thrilled.

All the best with your mission plans.


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Today, through much prayer and fasting... my prayers were heard and answered. My bishop arranged to meet with me, and told me that I could enjoy all the blessings of full membership in this church. I can't believe it's been 1 1/2 years since I took the sacrament... one more week until next Sunday seems so long now that I know I can take it. I'm so happy... he also said he'd talk to the stake president about me going on a mission soon. Today is a GREAT day.

Congrats! I hope you have a wonderful time on your mission. Best of luck!
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Thanks for all your support. It's weird how when you're in the middle of the repentance process it seems like there will never be an end to it... but there always will be as long as we hold on and keep a big-picture perspective. Life just feels better than ever now. We must always remember to never take the sacred things of this church lightly or casually.

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