The Fandom Thread.


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Old-school, new-school, and everything in between. Got started with Starblazers (Yamato) and Robotech (Macross) back in the early 80's. Some of my favorites would be Macross, Escaflowne, Magic User's Club, Full Metal Alchemist, Kimagure Orange Road, Death Note, Irresponsible Captain Tylor, Initial D, Hikaru no Go, and too many others to list.

Video games:

Mostly RPGs, fighting games, and shooters.

Pen and paper RPGs:

Mostly Dungeons & Dragons, GURPS, and Mage: The Ascension.


Doctor Who, Babylon 5, Stargate, Heroes, and Smallville are among my favorites.

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Sci fi-

Babylon 5, Battlestar Galatica (new series), Star Trek TNG

Video Games-

World of Warcraft, Everquest, Final Fantasy Tactics, Xenosaga, Star Ocean, Civilization 4, really depends on what I have time for and what currently grabs my interest. :lol:


I used to be into anime some what, but I really don't have much time for it since going back to college. :(

A few of my favorites were Record of Lodoss War, Ranma 1/2, and Project A-Ko.

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I was hoping Tsuzuki would make a topic for this! :lol: First things first, the passion I once had has diminished over time, but I still like my fiction entertainment as well as my non-fiction.


I've lost interest in it altogether, to be honest. I was into anime for a little over half a decade, but I grew out of that phase a few years ago. I remember being into the oldschool english dub of Sailor Moon, and Inuyasha back before it was licensed and mainstream. I also kinda' liked Rurouni Kenshin, Escaflowne, Ranma 1/2, Cardcaptor Sakura, Ojamajo Doremi, and Angelic Layer (I still have my Hikaru keychain)... off the top of my head. Certain fandom circles are very good at killing all interest I might have in a series, unfortunately.


Enjoyed Stargate SG-1 in its' earlier years, and my brother's childhood obsession with Transformers (G1 to Beast Wars) had rubbed off onto me somewhat. Currently the majority of my focus for non-interactive fiction entertainment is in Doctor Who; I grew up with it and Red Dwarf, which is also an old favourite of mine. :D


Ahh yes, my favourite category. I'm more into RPGs than anything else; "Tales of", Seiken Densetsu (Mana), Wild ARMs, and the pre-PSX era Final Fantasy games are my kind of thing (I liked FF12 and the remakes). Other notables are Star Ocean 1, Terranigma, Gunstar Heroes, and a very recent discovery of the Castlevania games. I don't mind a little bit of Pokemon for enjoyment purposes, too (I can't micromanage worth beans! :lol: ).

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What are you into?

How many out there are into World of Warcraft? And if so what realm do you play in?

I have been playing RPG computer games ever since Colossal Cave Adventure came out on mainframe computers in 1976. I know that is a long time and a lot of time involved. However, Rpg games are a way for relaxing and at the same time exersizing the intellect. Besides it is lots of fun.

Realm=Draenor allied

Larry P

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I quess you could say I am in to writting... in spite of all my mistakes... :D

I am also in to music big time... Jenny Jordan Frogley, Katherine Nelson, Felicia Sorenson, Brett Raymond, Jessie Clark Funk, Kapp Perry, Osmonds and many others.

I am also in to pedagogy....

I liked to play Age of empires..... but not for long... hated it that as I finally got build a beautiful land they came and killed me!! Even though I was very peacefull.... I just tok a few of them....

My sons are in to Anime: Bleach, Natuto, Claymore, Full Metal Alchemist, Death Note, Devil may cry, Baccamp..... if I managed to read them right..

Games the 15 plays: Warcraft 3, and the older 17 has played many years Counter strike.

We all like action movies. We just went to movies to see Rushour 3 ... my hubby likes Seagalls films. I like mortal Combat, we like karate films.

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How many out there are into World of Warcraft? And if so what realm do you play in?

I have been playing RPG computer games ever since Colossal Cave Adventure came out on mainframe computers in 1976. I know that is a long time and a lot of time involved. However, Rpg games are a way for relaxing and at the same time exersizing the intellect. Besides it is lots of fun.

Realm=Draenor allied

Larry P

I play on the Zangarmarsh realm, Horde faction. 67 Blood Elf Huntress. ;)

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I love everything Studio Ghibli, of course mainly Hayao Miazaki's style, Howls Moving castle, and spirited away, Princess mononoke (although that one is a little too gory in bits)

I also love fruits basket (go kyo!) and Angelic Layer. Ten Kingdoms is also good, but i was disapointed by how it ended.

I love to read clamp manga (im such a girl)

I like to watch Lost, House, Americas Top Model, Play School (with my baby of course) Pingu, Ready Steady Cook (UK and Aussie versins, although the host on the aussie one is an idiopt who doesnt know anything about cooking!) oh, and of course, Iron Chef!

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Well, I guess I'll come out of the closet. And if it were up to my wife and my sister, I'd have been in pre-11-year-old Harry Potter's place any time I mentioned 'anime'.

I've been working through Naruto and Bleach lately, but I've been into Full Metal Alchemist, Ghost in the Shell, and many others I could catch when I could. I used to play World of Warcraft, and a lot of other RPGs on Nintendo, but that is slowly being drained from me through the act of marriage. I'm working on it though, I got my wife to play Mario with me and I'm hoping to ween her onto MMOs as soon as I convince her that internet is a need.

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Yeah, it was a bit of a shock when I saw him doing an interview on Late Night TV. He is a tremendous actor and portrays House perfectly.

I get a kick out of Dr. House...but I would not like him for real. Just like Judge Judy...she cracks me up, but I would never want to stand in her court room!!!!
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...Oh, and my kids love Pokemon!!! I like Peekachu!!! :D

Lol.I think that's Pickachu.

And here's my caboodle!


Mwhahahahahaha ok no there's no such anime just my evil laugh

Naruto!I love that.I think Maya spelled it wrong.and hi Maya!'Member me?


Dragon drive

And some pokemon yes....

Full metal alchemist is ok...

And lot's of other things :rolleyes:


Not so into sci-fi prefer normal fiction

But I like smallville yay!


I love books!

There's the classics


Harry Potter

Anne of green gables


Artemis Fowl

Nancy Drew

Etc Etc Etc

Not so into vidoe games so this is titled

Pc games!



Message boards lol :lol:

Monkey Island

And yeah that's about it

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Some of Still Small Voice's interests


Currently studying to become A+ certified. I am amazed at where we have gone with computers and where the technology field is taking us to in the future.

Video games:

I love Tetris, Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, NBA Jam Tournament Edition, and Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon I. I enjoy Ghost Recon I because you can create your own missions and modify the game. (I have about 70 different missions for it with a whole new arsenal of weapons.) If anyone has Ghost Recon I and is interested in modifications I helped create I can give you download links. Armed Assault is also interesting to me but I figured I shouldn't buy it as I would waste too much time on it.


I am a day dreamer. I find myself lost in deep thought a lot. I really enjoyed J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings books. Peter Jackson did a terrific job on the movies.


I really like the older Star Wars movies.

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Lol.I think that's Pickachu.

And here's my caboodle!


Mwhahahahahaha ok no there's no such anime just my evil laugh

Naruto!I love that.I think Maya spelled it wrong.and hi Maya!'Member me?


Dragon drive

And some pokemon yes....

Full metal alchemist is ok...

And lot's of other things :rolleyes:


Not so into sci-fi prefer normal fiction

But I like smallville yay!


I love books!

There's the classics


Harry Potter

Anne of green gables


Artemis Fowl

Nancy Drew

Etc Etc Etc

Not so into vidoe games so this is titled

Pc games!



Message boards lol :lol:

Monkey Island

And yeah that's about it

Hi lolgirl..yes I miss spelled it like usually.. got abit difficulties with spelling... dyslexi et dysgraphi... as a diagnose

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Hi lolgirl..yes I miss spelled it like usually.. got abit difficulties with spelling... dyslexi et dysgraphi... as a diagnose

I misspelled it too! I just got into it because my kids are, but I really don't know nearly as much as they do!! My daughter is a pokemaster and the envy of the neighborhood!! She has 1000's of cards!!!

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I love fantasy novels also... Obviously Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings (my Mum got me the trilogy in hardcover with appendixes for christmas a few years back... it was my fav present ever!) Narnia is incredible, because the first time i read it i was too young to get all the nuances, then i kept rereading them as i got older and just got more and more out of them. I think the last Battle is remarkably prophetic.

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I misspelled it too! I just got into it because my kids are, but I really don't know nearly as much as they do!! My daughter is a pokemaster and the envy of the neighborhood!! She has 1000's of cards!!!


Pokemon cards went out of fashion here.If your seen with some cards or tazos...well let's just say....

there will be a lot of lol's going around.... :blink:

But it's ok if you guys didn't spell it right!

I'm here to correct you! :lol:

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