Election is Fixed?


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Fox News made the Twitter News when they aired a graphic above the chiron during an unrelated broadcast.  The graphic was of the Arizona gubernatorial election results which are almost two weeks away.


The excuse is that this was just a test of the technology/template to display the results.  The station said "This graphic was never meant to go on air — the numbers were only part of a test." 

Well, if the results come in anywhere near these numbers we can kiss our republic goodbye.  We know all the elections are fixed and there's not a dang thing we can do about it.

OTOH, it could very well be just as the station said.  It was just a test and it was mistakenly displayed instead of the Fox logo.  Strange that it was a local Fox News affiliate that would put up such an image.

I just wanted to put this image somewhere public to provide a record.

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On 10/28/2022 at 8:25 AM, Carborendum said:

Fox News made the Twitter News when they aired a graphic above the chiron during an unrelated broadcast.  The graphic was of the Arizona gubernatorial election results which are almost two weeks away.


The excuse is that this was just a test of the technology/template to display the results.  The station said "This graphic was never meant to go on air — the numbers were only part of a test." 

Well, if the results come in anywhere near these numbers we can kiss our republic goodbye.  We know all the elections are fixed and there's not a dang thing we can do about it.

OTOH, it could very well be just as the station said.  It was just a test and it was mistakenly displayed instead of the Fox logo.  Strange that it was a local Fox News affiliate that would put up such an image.

I just wanted to put this image somewhere public to provide a record.


So you are claiming Fox News is fixing the election or are in on fixing the election for Democrats...

Okay...that's almost laughably insane.

Seriously, this is what you are claiming?

If you had said...MSN...or maybe even CNN...might be more believable (not that it is something I'd think I'd believe as I'm not politically part of the extremely FAR RIGHT, but it would have some more credibility than saying FoxNews aired the graphic) ...but you said FoxNews...


PS: Ironically, most of the fraud that's been caught in US elections over the past year have been from the Republican party...and the lessons they've been posting to some of their election "watchers" seem to be training them to commit election fraud if they can get away with it...

What REALLY seems to happen in many instances are that those who are doing bad things are trying to say others are also doing those things whether they are or aren't.  Those pointing the most fingers seem to be the ones trying to do it in blatant ways.

And this coming from someone that swears that Georgia would NEVER have gone blue or even purple and couldn't believe the results of the Georgia election...BUT...that said...a LOT of what I've heard over the past two years has been a bunch of hogwash from a bunch of people that obviously would rather destroy democracy to get their way than trust the republic to work.  I hope that a MAJORITY of US citizens are SICK of those traitorous individuals who tried to destroy our government on 1/6 and continue to spread their venomous desire to violently overthrow our nation for their dictatorship fantasies with insane tribulations to their GOLDEN idol (and yes, they even had a Golden Idol of him made) of what they HOPE (whether he actually does or not) Trump stands for and his branch of the Republican party.

If the Republicans win the House or Senate or both, remember, it's because INDEPENDENTS put them there.  They actually feel the message from the Republicans were important.  The Republicans already have their base, but it's the independents they need to appeal to in order to get the independent votes. 

If the Republicans FAIL to do that, remember it's because INDEPENDENTS like me and others felt that the Republican party has skewed too far into areas we don't like and unless they start actually appealing to others besides their own, they will continue to have difficulties.

Either way, perhaps BOTH sides should listen more to what the middle is trying to say and what they want than the extremes of their parties.

And this is from someone who wants Kemp to win (though currently Warnock is appealing more to me than an Walker...who knows how it will be in 3 days though) in Georgia.  It could be interesting races all over the nation coming up. 

Edited by JohnsonJones
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Elections are only rigged when my side loses. When the other side complains about it being rigged-ha! Thin skinned snowflakes. 

If the election is “fixed” why should conservatives bother to vote at all? If it’s useless than just stay home. There. Problem solved. 

It sort of reminds me of Hollywood celebs who believe in global warming yet buy beachfront homes. If they really believed the ocean level would rise, the beach is the LAST place they’d live. 

Every group project has that one guy who just complains that it’ll fail so that when it does, he can lean back and smugly say “I told you so.” Same thing might be happening here.

Or, conservatives are worried about losing and since they can’t admit they lost on ideas (democrats did exactly this in 2016) they’ll just believe it was rigged so they don’t have to look inward. 

Edited by LDSGator
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