Which Callings Do You Fear?


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Out of all the callings in the church, is there one you absolutely dread receiving?

Gospel Principles instructor. I don't like public speaking. I hate wearing ties. I suffer fear and anxiety when preparing for talks - I always worry I'll run out of things to say, or say something stupid or wrong. I've done all 3 in the past, and it's very much not fun - like stuff out of my nightmares.

However, I've grown more with that calling than I have with any other. So I gratefully accepted the call earlier this year. I spend 2-3 hours every Saturday preparing - making lesson notes - preparing extra material in case there's time left over - reading the scritpures - reading everything I can on the lesson topic. I practice speaking out loud (which allows me to 'prescreen' the stupid and wrong stuff).

I think it's going pretty well. After the lesson is over and everybody leaves, it's like a weight falls off my shoulders, and I'm left with sort of a giddy lighter-than-air feeling. I go collapse in a chair in Elder's Quorum and decompress. And I am learning. Every lesson that I give opens doors, unlocks understandings, deepens my comprehension. And I like that a lot.


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Gospel Principles instructor. I don't like public speaking. I hate wearing ties. I suffer fear and anxiety when preparing for talks - I always worry I'll run out of things to say, or say something stupid or wrong. I've done all 3 in the past, and it's very much not fun - like stuff out of my nightmares.

However, I've grown more with that calling than I have with any other. So I gratefully accepted the call earlier this year. I spend 2-3 hours every Saturday preparing - making lesson notes - preparing extra material in case there's time left over - reading the scritpures - reading everything I can on the lesson topic. I practice speaking out loud (which allows me to 'prescreen' the stupid and wrong stuff).

I think it's going pretty well. After the lesson is over and everybody leaves, it's like a weight falls off my shoulders, and I'm left with sort of a giddy lighter-than-air feeling. I go collapse in a chair in Elder's Quorum and decompress. And I am learning. Every lesson that I give opens doors, unlocks understandings, deepens my comprehension. And I like that a lot.


With the name Loudmouth, that surprises me that you're afraid of public speaking. :D

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I am so not ready for primary yet. Wouldn't mind nursery, but rather like the callings I have so far. Also wouldn't want to be in the RS Presidency, but don't see that happening anytime soon.

I have been 1st counselor in the RS Presidency and absolutely think that is the best calling ever! RS Pres is the calling that would scare me!
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Last Sunday I subbed for the 14 year-old Sunday School teacher, and then taught the High Priest Group & Elder's Quorum (combined) lesson. I love teaching.

My favorite calling (current calling excepted, that's not fair) was Nursery. I LOVED that calling, and I served in there for at least 6 years. I'd do it again in a heartbeat!

I fear being called as Bishop. It's practically the only calling that I can be given now, since I'm 'protected' in my current calling. ;) I served in a bishopbric where the Bishop had bleeding ulcers and he went inactive when he was released. It was not 'fun', but I loved it all the same, for a couple of reasons.


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Gospel Principles instructor. I don't like public speaking. I hate wearing ties. I suffer fear and anxiety when preparing for talks - I always worry I'll run out of things to say, or say something stupid or wrong. I've done all 3 in the past, and it's very much not fun - like stuff out of my nightmares.

However, I've grown more with that calling than I have with any other. So I gratefully accepted the call earlier this year. I spend 2-3 hours every Saturday preparing - making lesson notes - preparing extra material in case there's time left over - reading the scritpures - reading everything I can on the lesson topic. I practice speaking out loud (which allows me to 'prescreen' the stupid and wrong stuff).

I think it's going pretty well. After the lesson is over and everybody leaves, it's like a weight falls off my shoulders, and I'm left with sort of a giddy lighter-than-air feeling. I go collapse in a chair in Elder's Quorum and decompress. And I am learning. Every lesson that I give opens doors, unlocks understandings, deepens my comprehension. And I like that a lot.


Boy you describe me to a "T" with being nervous about talking or teaching. I have great respect for anyone who teaches mainly because I am so inept at it. And I'm fine being inept with it. We all have our talents. Teaching just doesn't happen to be mine and most likely never will be.

They have just finished a new Chapel in our Stake that will be dedicated after the first of the year. When they do the Stake has said it is going to re-do all the ward boundries and create 3 new Wards. We will go from a 9 Ward Stake to a 12 Ward Stake overnite. And at the same time 3 existing Bishops are due to be replaced. That means 6 new Bishoprics will be called at the same time. I tell ya, the tension is so thick around our Stake you can cut it with a fork! :D

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Boy you describe me to a "T" with being nervous about talking or teaching. I have great respect for anyone who teaches mainly because I am so inept at it. And I'm fine being inept with it. We all have our talents. Teaching just doesn't happen to be mine and most likely never will be.

They have just finished a new Chapel in our Stake that will be dedicated after the first of the year. When they do the Stake has said it is going to re-do all the ward boundries and create 3 new Wards. We will go from a 9 Ward Stake to a 12 Ward Stake overnite. And at the same time 3 existing Bishops are due to be replaced. That means 6 new Bishoprics will be called at the same time. I tell ya, the tension is so thick around our Stake you can cut it with a fork! :D

Wow! All of that change sounds exciting, but stressful. Much work in store for all those wards.


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Bishop. I was just called into the Elder's quorum as a counsellor and am starting to feel overwhemeled by the calling. It's just now dawning on me how much the Bishop has to do and what his stewardship is.

Your right. Being in the RS pres gave me a close up look at all the Bishop does....We have a wonderful Bishop, really magnifies his calling.
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Oh, and callings I fear......

Most any leadership calling. I hate the phone, and am not always real patient with people. Of course, that probably means I'm slated for a leadership calling :D

Teaching the youth, mostly teens. I was called to teach the 15-16 year olds as soon as I got home form my mission. It was a total disaster. I almost went inactive over it.

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Guest AutumnBreez

They say that they are working on a calling for me already....I am getting baptized this weekend.

I can play piano but can not read music but at a very basic level, I don't even have a piano in my home. I fear getting this calling only because I am inadequete. I have played on one of the pianos in the church house in the evening of scouts, the Bishop seen me. .. oh poo....he does not know my inability to read, he only heard me play- my own stuff, it is not bad, usually people don't realize it is my own.

My P. blessing prior had main mention that I was a teacher of man- not exact wording but enough to know he was on the mark.

When the boys were little I taught in nursery, oldest son was 3-4 years and had a baby. I don't mind teaching, it is in me and I know I will learn alot in study/prep for lessons. So if it is going to be anything, hope that it is in the realm of teaching not playing. :unsure:

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I have only been going to Church for four years now, so I don't have to worry about any callings.

I started VT within 2 months of being baptized. Then called as SA Ward Rep within 4 months. Actually a bigger job than it sounds as we had an influex of singles in the year before and after me and there was no singles program....now we have activities and FHE ward level and coordinate to get to the Stake level activities as well. Then I got called to be RS teacher by 6 months. I am currently still in all three of these (though I never thought of VT as a calling really since you don't get set apart) and have been a member for a year and a half now.

So I don't think your timeline will save you from a calling per say.

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I'd have to say, RS President and Bishop's Wife are the two I fear most. After that comes Nursery (not real good with little kids, plus I'd be following in the footsteps of our current AMAZING nursery leaders) or any Primary calling except Activity Days leader- which gives you some idea about my feelings on my current calling of Primary President. :rolleyes:;)

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