Epiphany of why people think Elon Musk is stupid


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Some months ago, my seventeen-year-old told me that his classmates mock Elon Musk for being stupid. One, a close friend of his and a member of our ward, said that Musk isn't superrich because he's smart or innovative, but because he sells carbon credits. (My son and I shared a good laugh at the time, and several times since, at this idea. I'm going to miss him when he graduates from high school and leaves to serve his mission.) Since the time my son told me this, I have noticed this meme among many, that Musk is no genius, but rather the opposite. I have chalked it up to envy.

But this morning I suddenly realized why this meme exists, this idea that arguably the most brilliant businessman and engineer of our time is actually an idiot.

The perception of the Left is that they, those on the Left, are smart. Specifically, they are smarter—much, much smarter—than those on the Right. This is not merely a quiet, self-satisfied idea. This is absolutely central to the Left's self-perception. Left smart, Right stupid. Those on the Left are smart enough to see the benefit of [insert Leftist causes: socialist policies, destroying The Patriarchy, slavery reparations, tuition reimbursement, etc.]. And the reason those on the Right oppose the Left's policies is because they (those on the Right) are too stupid to perceive the benefits of those policies.

Now, no rational person of sense and judgment considers Elon Musk a politically right-wing person. He's not, not in any real sense. But he's opposed to many left-wing causes. Therefore, by the Left's thinking, he's a right-wing Fascist. And being a part of the Right, he must therefore be Stupid. So how is he so rich? Because he's corrupt! That's why he's rich! Not because he is a hardcore businessman who invented new technologies and has worked extremely hard. That's all just a fluffy narrative written by his fellow right-wing devils.

It is impossible for those on the Right to be smart, because they are not enlightened (or "woke"). Musk is a part of the hated Right, so it is impossible for Musk to be smart. So Musk isn't smart. So he's rich for some reason other than that he's smart.

Absurd? Well, yes, this is utterly absurd. But the more I think about it and the more I reflect on comments I have heard, the more I realize that it is exactly this kind of thinking that is responsible for the meme of Musk's stupidity.

Edited by Vort
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33 minutes ago, Vort said:

Absurd? Well, yes, this is utterly absurd. But the more I think about it and the more I reflect on comments I have heard, the more I realize that it is exactly this kind of thinking that is responsible for the meme of Musk's stupidity.

Doesn't everyone do that?  I'll quote Mark Twain


When I was 17, my father was so stupid, I didn't want to be seen with him in public. When I was 24, I was amazed at how much the old man had learned in just 7 years.

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Its Satan.

They are possessed with a lying spirit.

Just read Korihor’s arguments in Alma 30

“foolish traditions”

“effects of a frenzied mind”

”usurp power and authority over them, to keep them in ignorance”

”according to your own desires; and ye keep them down, even as it were in bondage, that ye may glut yourselves with the labors of their hands”


Its the same dang set of lies and the pride of a weak mind that allows Satan to control their hearts.


Elon Musk is a brilliant scientist, coder, businessman, and leader.  All the naysayers said his trip to the moon was delayed at least a year due to the failure of the starship launchpad. 

First was april 20, Second was Nov 18th and would have been sooner if not for the wait of government approval and permits.

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