Politics and Polls


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So I noticed the new Presidential Poll. First, I must say that I don't find the candidate I intend to vote for on the poll. Second, I don't see a way to make any comments about the poll. Finally, I need to locate the rules on the discussion of politics. Where are they?

If it is NOT against the rules I want to ask this question to folks behind Romney. See video:


Is it any issue to you that Romney engages in negative campaigning? Or, were you frustrated at all to see Romney in the debates with his horns locked with Huckabee in this manner? Whether you are bothered by it or not, do you think his entanglement with Huckabee is hurting his campaign?


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I thought that anything pertaining to a perticular candidate was against the rules. That might have changed, but nobody has said anything. I know someone asked about the poll, but I haven't heard otherwise.

Not that it's my concern, but I think that Huckabee is too much like Bush. I don't like the fact that Romney is getting so much crap about how much he spends and his religion. But I'm Canadian, so it makes little difference to me.

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This post is not meant to endorse or condemn any political candidate.

If you want a convenient way to keep track of which candidates have how many delegates behind them, go here.

If you want a convenient list of primaries and caucuses and who placed where in which, go here.

So far, Romney has the most delegates (30) of any candidate due to his two silvers (Iowa, New Hampshire) and one gold (Wyoming).

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I think it was Newt Gingrich who suggested that the best Republican strategy is to go negative early in the campaign. That way candidates can run against something rather than have people see what they are supporting. Most Americans would not be enthused by a candidate announcing they are a tool of business lobbyists. Much better to go after the other candidates.

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Romney has not attacked a single candidate, not impugned the character of nor called anyone names. The other candidates can't say the same about their conduct towards Romney.

What Romney has done is contrast his political record and philosophy against those of his rivals. Romney has never done anything in his ads other than point out publicly available data relating to a candidate's voting record or past comments.

I get pretty tired of hearing these ads being called "attack ads." You have to distinguish yourself from your rivals, and how else do you do this other than pointing out significant differences on the issues that matter to America?

What the other candidates don't like is having to face the truth of their political records and past statements. So they whine and complain about being "attacked." Please. Being critiqued is not the same as being attacked.

Does Romney complain about the repeated jokes and jabs aimed at him due to his change in attitude about being pro-life? No. He takes it like a man. The other candidates should take a lesson in that regard.

NOTE: I am not saying you should or should not support any particular candidate. Make up your own mind. Vote your conscience.

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Does Romney complain about the repeated jokes and jabs aimed at him due to his change in attitude about being pro-life? No. He takes it like a man. The other candidates should take a lesson in that regard.

NOTE: I am not saying you should or should not support any particular candidate. Make up your own mind. Vote your conscience.

So even though you're saying, among numerous other positive attributes, Romney is the only candidate that "takes it like a man," you're not endorsing him in your post?

If that were so, we could all write posts about our favorite candidate without overtly saying "Please vote for ____________ (fill in the blank). Then we could add your caveat "NOTE: I am not saying you should or should not support any particular candidate. . . . ." and voila, we've just written a post supporting our political candidate . . . without writing a post supporting our political candidate!

This thread, in my opinion, clearly violates the rules of political discussions. If it doesn't, then could we please have some clarification?


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I also must admit confusion over the rules here -- can one discuss aspects of a politician's campaign or strategies or things relating to them? The irony is that several of the candidates are also US Senators so are their activities on or off limits? Would any of these topics not be allowed:

1) There was an interesting article by Democratic feminist Camille Paglia on Hillary and feminism in which Paglia does endorse Obama in the article but contends that Hillary is anti-male.

2) I found an article where Obama was working with the Kenyan opposition leader even though the opposition leader is a hard-core leftist and has made some really scary deals with Muslim leaders if he gets elected.

3) Articles on Huckabee and what his record was on illegal aliens when governor and what he claims today.

Are any of these very interesting articles off limits? Are they on? Let us know please.

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I just deleted the poll. Yes the same policy applies, no political discussion about candidates.

Very Funny Jason!

Okay, the link here is to a new article from 2004. Yes, it deals with Huckabee and a very controversial aspect of his governorship (granting clememsy to murderers at a very high rate) but never mentions his presidential bid since this is an article several years old. Is this kosher?

The Leader - Garrick Feldman

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