Party Politics:


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I did not get to respoond to another thread before it was closed - so hear you have it.

I do not think that in the society of G-d (in heaven) that there has ever been or ever will be a two party system. I am not a believer (any more) in political parties. It is my personal belief and experience that parties tend to represent the party powerful and not the people. I find it interesting that “Christians” have tended towards governments more closely associated with Pagans (even in their religious organizations) than with the “ancient” Christian (Biblical) understanding of Kingdoms and Suzerain – servant vassals.

I do not tend to get involved in national politics – ever since Nixon – I have not felt that one can determine a better candidate from another when it comes to national politics and parties. And this comes from someone that served for two years as the state legislative chairman for the parent – teacher – student association in the state of Washington.

I do vote and I will enter a national candidate on my ballot so that it will not be disqualified for the local election that I do believe still; has some resemblance of representation to the people.

I am sure this will end up closed - too bad - so sad.

The Traveler

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Thanks for the thread Traveler..

I have become disillusioned with Party Politics too, over the years..I have attended Anarchist meetings in recent years, and prior to that Socialist Meetings...I don't vote at General Elections much either nowadays, as the kinds of politicians that I admire do not appear to get anywhere in General Elections...sometimes I will vote in Local Elections if these 'smaller' parties are represented.

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Pushka, I think this camp is soon to be a majority on this planet, but what this camp must do to be noticed is go in and vote where they can write someone in or, if the are allowed to, select 'undecided'.

I would love it everyone that really was undecided came in and voted that way without simply checking off the lesser of two evils so we would be able to see what portion of the country actually decides our nation's fate and what portion is only along for the ride.


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I am all for it as long as there are no Tax Increases......:cool::cool::cool::cool:

You know, we keep saying that, but we keep voting into office all these guys who have records of raising taxes or what some are calling 'fees'. I wonder if my grandkids will be allowed to keep any money at all.

There is but a single candidate running in this election that has never voted to raise taxes. Only one.


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Pushka, I think this camp is soon to be a majority on this planet, but what this camp must do to be noticed is go in and vote where they can write someone in or, if the are allowed to, select 'undecided'.

I would love it everyone that really was undecided came in and voted that way without simply checking off the lesser of two evils so we would be able to see what portion of the country actually decides our nation's fate and what portion is only along for the ride.


Be careful what you do with you ballot so that it is not disqualified. This may come as a surprise but party faithful (both parties) - that often watch and judge at polling places love to disqualify ballots - it is not about what the majority wants - it is all about party politics and control evel at all levels even the local level. Which is one reason to belong to and vote party and not person.

The Traveler

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Be careful what you do with you ballot so that it is not disqualified. This may come as a surprise but party faithful (both parties) - that often watch and judge at polling places love to disqualify ballots - it is not about what the majority wants - it is all about party politics and control evel at all levels even the local level. Which is one reason to belong to and vote party and not person.

The Traveler

Could you elaborate on that? Are you saying that if a registered democrat voted for a republican it could be disqualified?


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Could you elaborate on that? Are you saying that if a registered democrat voted for a republican it could be disqualified?


No. There is no connection between what is on a ballot and how the voter is registered. But writting on a ballot can disqualify it. For example, writting in Mickey Mouse for president will likely disqualify your ballot. Sometimes writting in any cantidate can be judged (by the polling judges - which are almost always party faithful) and an invalid ballot. This is especially true if someone writes in somethng like a county or state judge because any cantidate must be pre-qualified.

The game that is often played dependes on all kinds of demographics. For example - in heavy Republican districts, Deomcrats will try to disqualify as much as they can. Ususally the Republican respond in kind in strong Democratic districts. Remember Florida and who wanted what disqualified and recounted and in what districts they wanted it done.

The Traveler

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You're right the UK, if you put anything except the letter X beside the name of the candidate you're voting for, then it is classed as a spoiled paper, and disqualified..

It's a shame that some of the smaller 'fringe' parties do not stand candidates in certain areas because it is pretty obvious that they will not win the least if they did stand, the people who wanted to vote for them could do so, and just the sight of their results in the press could encourage more people to vote for them in the future instead of just voting for the 2 major parties (perhaps 3 in the UK) who are most likely to poll the most votes.

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Easy solution both US and UK should adopt preferential voting, Australia has had it for over 60 years. You get to rank all the candidates and small parties although they don't always win get clout through preference deals.

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That is my point. I wish every ballot had some place to at least say: 'None of the above.'

The U.S. only has a single party. I don't care what they say, when the Democrats and Republicans are all members of the same social clubs pushing the same programs, it is one party.

I'll predict right now that it doesn't matter which party wins this current election, the U.S. won't leave Iraq in the next two years, the national debt will continue to rise, the dollar will continue to inflate, the number of Americans without healthcare will continue to rise (even if a so called-universal system gets implemented), and social security will continue to be a painful joke. Now there may be some minor superficial changes, like bumps in the road, but the overall situation will not be fixed by the band-aids offered to our problems that need surgery. This is why so many Americans are apathetic.


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I don't care what they say, when the Democrats and Republicans are all members of the same social clubs pushing the same programs, it is one party.


And from what else you say, it doesn't seem the refreshments are going to get any better either. Next time, let's have Canada cater it. At least they know health care and fruit cocktails. :D

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RE: Writing on ballots. This is not a blanket rule. I had never heard of this before, so I did a search, and though I did not spend a lot of time on it I did not find any reference that denied the voter the right to write on the ballot.

Write-in candidates are allowed on all of the ballots that I found. I admit I could not find any info on caricature candidates, such as Mickey Mouse, but I don't know why this would invalidate a ballot. It seems to me it would not be worth the time.

More importantly, a citizen should be allowed to vote for whomever he/she wants to.

There is a city that once voted a dog into office as a write-in candidate. So obviously, this is not a steadfast rule everywhere.

I am sure there are cases where Traveler is correct, but it is not true everywhere, and I suspect it is not true in the majority of cases.


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