One European nation is getting its birthrate up!


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Russia recorded its highest birthrate in nearly 2 decades in 2007!!!!

Future Prime Minister Vladimir Putin stated:


"Let's not stop at this /achievement/," said President Vladimir Putin, who also attended the session. "

This accomplishment was praised by future Russian president Dmitry Medvedev. Great news and let's hope the Russians can further increase their birthrate and respect for traditional family values and can block the devestating ammoral influences of western Europe's infidel anti-Christian, anti-family culture.

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What percentage of these births are legitimate? I ask only because of the reference to ammorality and traditional family values.

Not sure but I think Russians are a bit more traditional than their northern European counterparts. I read an analysis of Russian and western values and thought that the author's observation was interesting -- Europeans commit sin and have absolutely no guilt and even celebrate in their heathen ways while if Russians sin they at least recognize they have done wrong and have guilt -- and in this way Russians and Americans have more in common than Americans and western Europeans.

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Great news and let's hope the Russians can further increase their birthrate and respect for traditional family values and can block the devestating ammoral influences of western Europe's infidel anti-Christian, anti-family culture.
"infidel anti-Christian"? Are you suggesting that Europe is full of people who don't care for their families as much as you do, or who don't parent as well as you do because they aren't as Christian?

Having fewer children does not equate to poor parenting. Not being a Christian does not equate to poor parenting.

And Russia's respect for traditional family values? I admit I have not studied the country in depth except for the murder of journalists by the state, which is a completely different issue.

But I have read enough to know that "traditional family values" is a stretch. The number of women who are left by their husbands, and therefore are struggling as single mothers, is very high. This is your "traditional family values"?

Did you really just write "infidel"?


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Not sure but I think Russians are a bit more traditional than their northern European counterparts. I read an analysis of Russian and western values and thought that the author's observation was interesting -- Europeans commit sin and have absolutely no guilt and even celebrate in their heathen ways while if Russians sin they at least recognize they have done wrong and have guilt -- and in this way Russians and Americans have more in common than Americans and western Europeans.

You willing to provide references for your Russian studies Fiannan?

Elphie, I agree with your sentiments entirely!:)

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Aren't the Russians paying women an equivilant to $9,500 US Dollars per baby now? Also, aren't they experiencing an economic recovery from disaster? Being a nation of people that live on delivered products (like us), I think as money gets tight, people have apprehensions about making babies.

Most of my friends who aren't having kids (they are all 30 something and many of them are married) would say their reasons are economic. But also, many of them say things like: 'I wouldn't want to bring a child into this world.' They have a cynical view of the world. I think the extreme glorification of worldly pursuits is the basis of this problem. The love of money is the root of all evil.


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Aren't the Russians paying women an equivilant to $9,500 US Dollars per baby now? Also, aren't they experiencing an economic recovery from disaster? Being a nation of people that live on delivered products (like us), I think as money gets tight, people have apprehensions about making babies.

Most of my friends who aren't having kids (they are all 30 something and many of them are married) would say their reasons are economic. But also, many of them say things like: 'I wouldn't want to bring a child into this world.' They have a cynical view of the world. I think the extreme glorification of worldly pursuits is the basis of this problem. The love of money is the root of all evil.


I have to agree, Americans are basing their lives on the gratification of the self so couples work their tails off to afford money to buy the things the peephole into paradise advertises to them. Reminds me of the story of the monkey trap -- put a bright object in a box and the monkey will reach in and not let go even though to grasp it means they can't get their fist out.

Also, if they have a cynical view of the world then maybe they should take their lillie-white you know whats out of American suburbia and spend some time where people don't have everything -- and see that these peoples place values on families and children despite being poor (and are happier in the process).

Americans need to become more like Mexicans psychologically.

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Willing to sneak into Canada?

America and Canada needs someone to replace the old ones dying off (since the old folk didn't raise enough children to keep up with economic growth or even mere replacement) so it seems Mexicans are as good as any others.

What I think would be cool is if Russia could get its birthrate so high that they could be to western Europe what Mexicans are to us today. The Russians could simply replace all the old geezers of places like Germany.

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