Hunter Biden -- Guilty

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1 hour ago, Vort said:

But, as he did with pretty much everything else in his life*, Obama meant this as a photo op and a talking point. There was no substance behind it.

Dude, just admit that you're mad you didn't get more money for your old car with his Cash for Klunkers program.  I also hear you're still sore that you couldn't sign up for Obamacare from your Obamaphone.

Fun story - I worked a season as a tax guy for one of the big tax chains.  It was the first year of the Affordable Care Act - which forced people to get health insurance, or catch a penalty.  I had to apply that penalty twice.  Both times to healthy fit folks in the lower end of income.  One of the guys was barely above the poverty level, and the penalty was going to cause him a lot of pain.  

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1 hour ago, NeuroTypical said:

One of the guys was barely above the poverty level, and the penalty was going to cause him a lot of pain.  

I hated that period of my life.  I wasn't poor enough to get help. But I wasn't wealthy enough to afford anything.

That's a bad state to be in.

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On 6/11/2024 at 1:15 PM, NeuroTypical said:

I heard some random talking head claim that Pres. Biden said he wouldn't pardon Hunter if he was convicted.  

If that turns out to be true, I will publicly praise Pres. Biden.  That would be a meaningful act of moral leadership.  Gotta wait until his last day in office to tell one way or the other.  

I'll believe that the day hell freezes over. 

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11 hours ago, LDSGator said:

I can't find it now, but I read an interview with Biden where he claimed that he believes in keeping his religious beliefs out of his politics, and I'm sure Catholics would agree that he excels at that. Biden's been a party puppet for his entire his career. He does and says whatever the DNC tells him to, even if it conflicts with his personal religious beliefs. Heck, that might be his one redeeming quality from where I sit. I don't particularly like party puppets, but I'd like a Dem version of Trump quite a bit less.

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On 6/14/2024 at 10:31 AM, NeuroTypical said:

I remember.  Those comments matched the general tone of his administration.  The Obama years in many ways, brought all the racial tensions and anticop stuff into focus, and gave a massive boost to all those people.  It's just that in the middle of all that, Obama made a big deal over having two humans getting together over beer to talk and listen to each other.  

Politics aside, and as stupid as this attempt was, I cannot fault Obama (or anyone) for trying to do "something" / "anything" to say, "I'm sorry."

We can call him stupid for thinking that this was going to smooth everything over after his "cops acted stupidly" remark.  But the fact is that he was (at least superficially) apologizing.  And I've seen many other efforts that were completely inappropriate, and in no way amounted to an apology.  But this was not one of them.

At the end of the day, any apology doesn't do much.  But it is supposed to be taken as an effort to smooth things over anyway.  It's the social order of things.

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