antimormonism on a catholic site.

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Rather sad to see this coming from a catholic board. I post on that board mainly defending the mormon church. But I am also rather close to the catholic faith. But I don't like to see such things happen. It seems that even catholic apologetic sites are in on the antimormon game. But I also know that such people are a small minority in the catholic community. And I thank god for that fact. I was glad to see such respect for the catholic faith on the thread that mentions the catholic faith in the Gospel Discussion section. Here is the information from the catholic site:

Mormonism Special Report Project

Mormonism Special Report Project - $35 Donation



Catholic Answers is a non-profit, lay-run apostolate dedicated to serving Christ by bringing the fullness of Catholic truth to the world. We help good Catholics become better Catholics, bring former Catholics “home,” and lead non-Catholics into the fullness of the faith. We explain Catholic truth, equip the faithful to live fully the sacramental life, and assist them in spreading the Good News.

With our new special report on Mormonism, we believe we can “inoculate” Catholics from the falsehoods, half-truths, and twisted history presented by the well-intentioned but sorely misled Mormon faithful.

That’s why I’m hoping you’ll be able to send us a special gift of $35 or more to get this project off the ground.

In return for your gift, we’ll send you a set of these special reports to distribute to your friends, family, and Mormon acquaintances.

For $35, we’ll send you 5 copies of our special report.

For $75, we’ll send you 10 copies.

And for $150 or more, we’ll send you 15 copies.

This way, you can be directly involved in this project. First, with your donation, by helping us get tens of thousands of copies distributed nationwide, where they’re needed most. And second, by doing your own distribution in your local area.

Think the Mormons are just a group of nice folks who uphold family values, clean living, and American patriotism?

Think the Mormons are just a strange offshoot of Protestant Christianity?

Think Mormons are actually Christian?

Think again!

The truth is, Mormonism is far different from what most people think it is.

This is just one of the many projects that can be continued only if we receive generous support from people like you.

Thank you for your generous donation that will help continue the apostolic work of Catholic Answers.

No different from another anti-Mormon site that is ran out of Texas called "The Light-House.' Sad, though, they claim to be Christians and everything you read is no more than following the doctrine of Lucifer. Sad to see such from those who beliefs are founded on the works of Savior.

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I was on chat here the other day and a LDS member from Mexico was saying that he takes catholic "Idols" (images of Jesus and the Holy Virgin Mary) and smashes them then spits on them in his backyard, he said he did this in his early days as a missionary, and continues to destroy them today. He did say he quit spitting on them recently -- that's a good thing. He was quite proud of himself for desacrating images of our saviour, said he had done it so many times he couldn't count how many "idols" he'd destroyed. I've also heard LDS members in my Gospel Principles class run down Catholics in much the same manner and propagate the fantasy that Catholics pray 'to' saints and statues. They revere the statues and they ask saints to pray for them not intercede like Jesus would.

Remove the beam in your own?

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I should not have generalized Catholics as criticizing us (LDS). We (here in Denver) have many joint service projects throghout the years that have benefitted the Catholic charities and many catholics volunteer right beside their (us) Mormon friends. I should have isolated the correct splinter group.

Thank you again,


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I think it's sad when MEMBERS of a faith (not the religion at large) spend more time bashing other people's religion then practicing and preaching their own. I hate when I see commercials of businesses who spend the whole time telling me why their competitor's product is bad. If you want me to buy your product tell me why it is GOOD.


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Doctrinally, LDS do seem closer to Catholics than Evangelicals. However, socially and politically, you're probably more evangelical than we evangelicals are. :-)

Catholics are very different from Mormons. They believe the one God is three Persons, and that only this Holy Trinity existed from eternity, not a progression of gods. They do not believe in the pre-existence of souls. They believe that eternal separation from God is the consequence of dying without sanctifying grace. They do not believe men become gods. They do not believe marriage survives death. They believe the bible canon was defined infallibly in 1546 and cannot be altered. They believe the "Great Apostasy" is the Protestant Reformation. They believe that the priesthood is sacrificial in nature, not simply a hierarchy of different levels of authority. They believe the sacrament of baptism does not require a priest to make it efficacious unto salvation.

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Rather sad to see this coming from a catholic board. I post on that board mainly defending the mormon church. But I am also rather close to the catholic faith. But I don't like to see such things happen. It seems that even catholic apologetic sites are in on the antimormon game. But I also know that such people are a small minority in the catholic community. And I thank god for that fact. I was glad to see such respect for the catholic faith on the thread that mentions the catholic faith in the Gospel Discussion section. Here is the information from the catholic site: ....

Actually, the Catholic Church does hold the view that the LDS religion isn't Christian:

Response on the validity of baptism conferred by «Mormons»

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I beg to differ. That is simply stating that the baptism in our church is not regarded as valid according to John Paul II, nothing more. This is understandable as we believe no baptism performed by any church other than our own is valid. One must have the authority to act in God's name and perform the ordinance. We believe this authority is found only in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

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I beg to differ. That is simply stating that the baptism in our church is not regarded as valid according to John Paul II, nothing more. This is understandable as we believe no baptism performed by any church other than our own is valid. One must have the authority to act in God's name and perform the ordinance. We believe this authority is found only in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

You're right about the Catholic Church believing that only its baptism is efficacious just as the LDS Church believes regarding its own baptism. The LDS Church, just as the Catholic Church, believes that only IT is the true church on the face of the earth. It therefore naturally follows that the reason the Pope doesn't hold LDS baptism as efficacious is because LDS theology is considered by the Pope to be other than Christian. It therefore naturally follows that the LDS Church doesn't consider the Catholic Church to have any authority whatsoever to baptize.

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I should point out that this difference doesn't mean that the LDS church does not consider the Catholic church a Christian church. But we may have differing opinions of the definition of Christian. We believe that anyone, regardless of faith or religion, who believes in Christ, that He is the Son of God and endeavors to follow his teachings is a Christian.

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I should point out that this difference doesn't mean that the LDS church does not consider the Catholic church a Christian church. But we may have differing opinions of the definition of Christian. We believe that anyone, regardless of faith or religion, who believes in Christ, that He is the Son of God and endeavors to follow his teachings is a Christian.

The Cat-lick Church (said affectionately) doesn't believe as you do.

There's a saying in Catholicism: We know where the Church is, but we don't know where the Church is not. What they mean by that is that someone out there may not be Roman Catholic by label, but they still might be saved unto eternal life and they are therefore Roman Catholic because only Roman Catholics can be saved.

(I'm Evangelical, by the way. I've just known a few Cat-licks friends.)

P.S. Are you more Christian than I am? I mean, I can't be exalted, right?

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That's my point.


I'm unable to be exalted until I "change" a few things, i.e. become a Mormon, right? :-)

Are you more worthy?

We believe that being "saved" or exalted, isn't an event that can be pinpointed. Being exalted is a process that is begun in this life, but cannot be completed here. To be exalted, there are some things that must be done in this life: faith, repentance, baptism, temple ordinances, marriage, then endure to the end(obeying the commandments). And yes, even if we do these things, it is not enough, it takes the grace of our Lord to make it complete.

As to your question of "Are you more worthy?". That is up to the Lord to decide.

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We believe that being "saved" or exalted, isn't an event that can be pinpointed. Being exalted is a process that is begun in this life, but cannot be completed here. To be exalted, there are some things that must be done in this life: faith, repentance, baptism, temple ordinances, marriage, then endure to the end(obeying the commandments). And yes, even if we do these things, it is not enough, it takes the grace of our Lord to make it complete.

Of course. But one still must be Mormon, right?

As to your question of "Are you more worthy?". That is up to the Lord to decide.

Let me see if I have this straight. If you go to the CK and I go to the telestial then you are more worthy than me.

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Of course. But one still must be Mormon, right?

The term "mormon" is a red herring. We claim to be the restored church of Jesus Christ, so "mormon" teachings are not any different that what Jesus Christ set up and taught anciently. If someone did not have the opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ while alive, they will have the opportunity to hear it after death. Then they will either accept it or reject it. If they accept it, then they are candidates for the CK.

Let me see if I have this straight. If you go to the CK and I go to the telestial then you are more worthy than me.

That would be a given. Keep in mind, that being a member of the LDS church does not guarantee the CK for anyone, and not being a member of the LDS church does not guarantee a lower kingdom either. So to say at this point in time: "you are more worthy" or "I am more worthy" is futile.
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But they were just telling me today during Elders Quorum it was okay to cannibalize my kids and burn the flag...wasn't that the lesson you guys got?

Seriously though, the Catholics are ones to talk about family values...

Priest Pedophile Crisis, need I say more?

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As a former Roman Catholic I am saddened to see this blatant ploy to make money and spread possibly misunderstood information about the Mormon religion/people. If I was a Catholic now, I would like to see a copy of what I was sending for before laying out any cash, so that I could try to see if it was a balanced document or not.

I've noticed similarities between the RC church and the LDS church too, which made my transition from Catholicism to Mormonism easier. I'm just saddened that different religious groups can't take the time to find out the real facts about others' religions before dissing them in any way... :(

Recently I worked for seven years in a law office where most of the workers were Catholic and they were extremely respectful of my religion, which is heartening. Also, my sister teaches in a Catholic school for girls, and the people in the administration love her and are very supportive of her religion.

In general, I find that Catholics I meet and befriend are not critical of Mormonism, so that's good news at least, even if there are a few select groups within the faith that go negative on us.

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Seriously though, the Catholics are ones to talk about family values... Priest Pedophile Crisis, need I say more?

I'm sorry to be blunt...but this is wrong. First, the rate of pedophilia amongst Catholics, including their clergy, is no higher than amongst other Christian clergy (including LDS bishops). What brought the Catholic situation to a crisis level was the cover-up--and they are paying quite dearly for it.

It's inappropriate to slam 2.2 billion members of a church for the perceived hostility of one, privately operated organization, that happens to be operated by Catholics, but which is not authorized to represent their church. :(

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That is not entirely correct. There is only two items that is lacking from this mortal world and the next. Those brethren [sisters] who received that 'sure promise' in this mortality will received what is necessary in the next life when united with the mortal frame. They are not waiting for the 'day of judgment' to receive their inheritance or glory. For some, it is already given that sure promise in mortality after their trials and receiving that GODHEAD in person.

There are some will have to wait awhile longer due to the mission or tasking that are required of them even across the veil; the Prophet Joseph Smith is one of them. His work is still not complete in turning it over to Savior. If it was, then he will be exalted.

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