Patriarchal Blessing question


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No it's ok. There is no need to report you to anyone. I've been on several discussion boards and it's the Moderators that set the standard. I can see the standards that you set for the people here. There is no need to report you to anyone. You make your comments and you feel nothing from them. You don't see or care that they may come across and rude or insincere. You know absolutely nothing of me but you feel the need to lash out in a condensending manner. Don't comment on my feelings or how easily they may or may not be hurt, because it's obivious you don't care about them anyhow. Your actions don't have to be reported to a team of moderators because there is a Mediator that sees your comments and knows your harden heart. Your actions on here don't go unnoticed. So you just continue on what ever path you choose. It's none of my concern. Take care and God Bless!!

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Just Miss, when you say you had your name removed from the Church's records, did you actually write a letter to that effect and mail it to SLC?

I wrote a letter to slc. I got a letter back stating that all the eternal workings of my baptism would be voided or undone or something like that.

Thanks for your help and support. I'll write a letter to slc and see what happens.

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John Doe, you are putting me off this website if this attitude is representative of what it stands for. Would the Saviour speak like that?

Do not be put off by JD. He is a nice enough guy (sort of). He does not represent much on this site and definitely does not represent the church (except the narrow-minded ones from Utah).

Unfortunately, I agree with him in this instance. There is a nicer way of expressing sympathy, however. I always feel remorse when someone I know withdraws their name from the church. Usually it is over politics or some political position (like the treatment of homosexuals by the church). I find that immature by the person withdrawing their membership.

The only way to make a change in the church is through prayer and letters and support from within the church maintaining active membership.

Don't worry about ol' JD, the best thing to do is just ignore him (he generally ignores me).

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We have no idea why Just Miss left the church. I too once had my name removed and it wasn't over some political or doctrinal disagreement. Perhaps I was immature by running away from something I couldn't live up to. However, I came back many many years ago and have been stronger since - yet if my tentative steps back had been met with a cold off putting rebuttal I doubt I would be here now.

Surely the desire should be to encourage people who have left to come back again not to reconfirm their reasons for leaving?

We are all at different levels of maturity in the Gospel and sometimes some of us need the milk before we can handle the meat with the nasty big bones in.

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Surely the desire should be to encourage people who have left to come back again not to reconfirm their reasons for leaving?

We are all at different levels of maturity in the Gospel and sometimes some of us need the milk before we can handle the meat with the nasty big bones in.

I agree. I did not mean to speak for you, only those that I know.

It is still sad when someone leaves, but it is great when one comes back. I hope by reading her PB, JustMiss will decide there is a place for her here.

Aaron the Ogre

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Way to generalize there ogre. All of us narrow-minded Utahns appreciate it. I find it funny how all you clowns (and clownettes) are jumping on me for expressing my sadness at the situation, yet you have no problem diagnosing me as vindictive and hurtful and un-Christian. Anyone got a mirror?

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John Doe your first comment could have been misinterpreted but your following comments were clear. Shame on you I know your an adult don't be so mean.

I was inactive on and off most of my adult life and one of the things I refered back to often was my PB that and my testimony of the church (not always the people ) kept me wanting , needing to go back. If it were for some of the people I wouldn't have returned but I know the church is pure and true, the people tho sometimes I don't know what their thinking.

I hope you can get you PB there is a lot of positive support here I have seen it and alot of Puffed UP Guys who don't think before they go to their keyboards or are heartless, one or the other.

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Well if i hurt your tender little feelers, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were so sensitive when it comes to the blessings you gave up.

JD why don't you just dry up and blow away. You are one rude, obnoxious, jerk.
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Way to generalize there ogre. All of us narrow-minded Utahns appreciate it. I find it funny how all you clowns (and clownettes) are jumping on me for expressing my sadness at the situation, yet you have no problem diagnosing me as vindictive and hurtful and un-Christian. Anyone got a mirror?

I'm sorry John Doe but to me it didn't come across as sadness, it came across as mean and just a tad 'holier than thou' especially with the follow up line:

Well if i hurt your tender little feelers, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were so sensitive when it comes to the blessings you gave up.

which just reads as being heavily laden with sarcasm. If that was not how you intended it to be read then I apologise for misinterpreting you.

The Brits amongst us will probably be familiar with Jim Bowen's famous line from 'Bullseye' when someone lost and he said "Well, never mind. But let's look at what you could have won." - but no way do they want to see it really because now they can't have it. There is no opportunity to try again. Once they lose they are out of the game.

Perhaps that's how you see a Patriarchal Blessing in relation to someone who, for whatever reason, has left the Church. But unlike 'Bullseye' this isn't just about what you could have had but lost and have permanently missed your chance. This is about something which you could have had, at present do not have, but still have the opportunity of regaining if you want to try again.

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Way to generalize there ogre. All of us narrow-minded Utahns appreciate it. I find it funny how all you clowns (and clownettes) are jumping on me for expressing my sadness at the situation, yet you have no problem diagnosing me as vindictive and hurtful and un-Christian. Anyone got a mirror?

It is because you did not express sadness. You were sarcastic, rude and unfeeling.
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I'm sorry, but you can call me cynical. You see, the way I look at it, one of the big reasons an ex-member would want anything from the church at a later date is to try to justify their their decision to leave it. I can see a scenario where an ex-member with an axe to grind would get a copy of their patriarchal blessing and post it on an anti-LDS website in an attempt to ridicule and discredit the church. The normal person may laugh at this idea, but it happens all the time. I see anti's come and go all the time. Their tactics are always changing and they are always lookoing at ways to get sympathy from members, it helps the whole wolf-in-sheeps-clothing image.

I really see no reason for an ex-member of the church to dredge up old stuff that no longer applies to them. The blessings, as the original poster noted from the letter she received, are invalid. I see no sense in someone who is truly interested in coming back to have an invalid blessing to remind them of what they gave up. I find it truly sad that you would put yourself through that kind of mental distress. If you are truly interested in coming back, go see your local bishop and see what you have to do to make things right. And after you get baptized again, you can get a new patriarchal blessing with new blessings just for you. I was sincere in my original post that I found it sad that someone would want to dredge up all their old blessings and lay out exactly what they lost. Hell is the realization that you could have done things better, why would you want to deepen your own little hell by having a constant reminder of what you gave up? 'Repent and sin no more' is what the savior said, not 'mope around about what you gave up'.

Again, if your intent was to use it to try to help you repent, I find it sad. And if your intent was to use it to ridicule the church, well that's sad too. Either way, I find it sad.

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Thank you for expanding more on your original post so I can better understand where you are coming from. I have seen a PB posted before, but that thought hadn’t crossed my mind. I don’t need any justification for leaving the church. What happened is between God and I and it is for God and I to work out, if it needs to be worked out. I can see now that you expanded your comments why you think it is sad. However you seem to have former members all lumped in one category and have them all label as wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing. I just recently joined this forum so I don’t know what tactics I have that would be always changing and am I not trying to get sympathy. I asked if someone could direct me on how to get a copy of my PB and am thankful for the assistance I received. It doesn’t matter if my PB is invalid or not I have my reasons for wanting a copy. I disagree with you on saying it would cause mental distress. I disagree with what you believe hell is. I believe hell is a real place not a state of grieving for a place that I could have obtained.

I do have a question for you John Doe if you don’t mind. You stated that if I am interested in coming back to talk to my local bishop. Then you stated that after I got baptized I could get a new PB with new blessings. I thought a PB was a blessing that told a person of the plans that HF had for their life from the pre-existence, why would I need a new PB? Would the blessings change? Your comment is intriguing.

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i know a man that "out lived" his pb and got a second. he had fulfilled everything in it, had prayed and knew he had; he discussed it with the bishop and after a lot of consideration he too was convinced that it had all been compleated. since he wasn't dead he was given a recomend for a second. lol he is now a patriarch himself. it's kinda neat, not sure how old he is but he has an assistant that sets the recorder, transcribes all the blessings, and makes sure all the paperwork is taken care of and sent to salt lake. lol he just does the blessings. neat guy.

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Just my opinion Justmiss, but I think your blessings would change. You broke the original agreemant for your first blessing and I think that you should expect the Lord to change the blessings IF you decided to return to him, or in this case, his church. Just my opinion, best of luck

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I left the church. I returned to the church. I was not advised to apply for a new Patriarchal Blessing. I was told that all my previous blessings would be restored, including my temple marriage.

Was your name removed from the records Willow? I believe that is the difference. If you name is removed from the records, your baptism, temple marriage, and all blessings are also removed from you (my understanding). If you are just inactive, as I was, when you return, everything is as it was. Again, this is my understanding and I could be wrong.
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