Restoration in America - Why?


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I understand the simple one or two sentence response to this question that America was potentially one of the few, maybe the only, place where freedom of religion was a significant enough principle that the Church could be established and survive (though not without persecution). Are there any articles or talks that explain this more in depth? Anybody have any thoughts?

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I think the best explanation is that at the time, America had the religious freedom that allowed many sects and churches to grow. The Restored Church wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb and suddenly be set apart as the strange new sect. Yes, I do know that they were still persecuted, but in the beginning they still fit in enough to be welcoming to interested people. Then, as doctrine continued to be revealed the Church grew and separated itself from the rest.

Here is a great article from Apostle Elder Hales about the preparations in America leading to the restoration.

Robert D. Hales, “Preparations for the Restoration and the Second Coming: ‘My Hand Shall Be over Thee’,” Ensign, Nov 2005, 88

Here it is on

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I understand the simple one or two sentence response to this question that America was potentially one of the few, maybe the only, place where freedom of religion was a significant enough principle that the Church could be established and survive (though not without persecution). Are there any articles or talks that explain this more in depth? Anybody have any thoughts?

There is meaning in the manner in which G-d deals with man. Anciently it was believed that only a man inspired of G-d could convey religious thoughts and part of writing was believed to be the format of the chiasm. Without going into a lot of detail this has to do with two notions. First is the concept that everything has a previous shadow. This is expressed in Ec. chapter 1 about verse 9. When Jesus taught his followers to pray he also taught this concept of for shadow with the notion that what happens on earth first happened in heaven and that the various events of importance have shadow in events that preceded them.

The second part of the ancient enlightenment is the idea of parallelism of repetition in reverse order so that you end up at where you began. Since the beginning of mankind was established in Eden and Eden state when the cycle of man must end such that the last times (Last Days) would be “near Eden” in a state that is the restoration of all needed to return to Eden. The final state, of course would be the Eden state that is represented in scriptures as 1000 years (millennial covenant of peace).

Therefore, it is a prophetic sign from G-d that the restoration is indeed his work and that he is returning his covenant people toward Eden by establishing the restoration in the land and places where the epoch of man (Adam) began.

The Traveler

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The Great Prologue by Mark E. Peterson gives a very in depth study of how the world was prepared for the restoration of the Gospel. It discusses the various events in history which show the Lords hand in preparing for the Church to survive. I explains that the time it was restored was significant to it being able to grow and flurish even in the light of the persecution it received.

We understand that we are not out of the woods yet. Our testimonies will be tested and many of the Latter-Day-Saints will fall away by not being prepared for the trials to come. We are the parable of the ten virgins. Another good book about this is "The Coming of the Lord" by Gerald Lund It explains through prophesy and leaders quotes about the events leading to the return of the Savior. It really makes you think "If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear". :)

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Elgama is right the americas were the promised land of the old testament set aside by the Lord for his own purposes, the book of mormon teaches us this. Religious freedom in the americas is a debateable point however. The church only found true stability in the Salt Lake Desert after much sever persicution from those who supposedly loved the constitution and freedom. The church ended up in outside the US boarders on the otherside of the Indian Territory and in the farthest outbacks of Mexico d so they wold be safe from the majority protestant US and catholic Mexico neither of which were tolerant of the church beacuse unfortuatly when they left the old world on their quest for a better life they brought their prejudices with them like plague rats, they leave one area on a ship but they bring their diseseases with them. Thus the church ended up in the one place on the earth that the saints were most likly to flurish, they without consistant divine intervention there wpold have been constant unrelenting harrasment of the saints and no civilization can last when at constant war with itself or its neighbours, the tragic end to the BoM teaches this also.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I understand the simple one or two sentence response to this question that America was potentially one of the few, maybe the only, place where freedom of religion was a significant enough principle that the Church could be established and survive (though not without persecution). Are there any articles or talks that explain this more in depth? Anybody have any thoughts?

I always think it's important to remember the Nephites & Lamanites didn't live in America. The Golden Plates weren't buried in America. There was no America. There was a land that wasn't Jerusalem - which came to be known as the promised land. That's where the Golden Plates were buried. Then, much later, some Europeans came along - claimed the land as their own and built America.

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It happened in America because thats where the Book of Mormon was buried

I'd rather say the Book of Mormon (the plates) were buried in America because that is where the Restoration will be than the other way around.

... the americas were the promised land of the old testament set aside by the Lord for his own purposes, the book of mormon teaches us this.

Er, what of Israel? >_>

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For a historical context try reading the wiki reference for the Great Awakening: Influence on Political Life. Then read the Second Great Awakening. You can get other google references using the Great Awakening as a search term. I found this a fairly good answer on - why America?

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