The Passion of the Christ


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I watched the Passion of Christ with my at the time 11 year old son. A well made movie, but very graphic and horrifying. My Bishop asked me why I went and why I took my son. Then later I heard the Prophet give a talk and tell us that we should not watch R rated movies. I only watched the shoot em up R rated movies ala Arnold. When I heard the Prophet speak, I realized why I felt the way I did after seeing the Passion. I have not seen an R rated movie since. R rated movies are rated such for a reason. Lots of bad language, nudity, graphic violence. If you can watch them and become desensitized, then why not some porn, after all it's only natural. The Prophet tells us to not watch R rated movies for a reason. He wants to protect us. After all, our bodies are Temples. I try to follow his lead, because I want to be able to have a clean conscience when I meet God.


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In my opinion 'The Passion' gives one a glimpse of the incomprehensible suffering that the Saviour went through for his fallen children such as ourselves. That he suffered physically, mentally and spiritually to such a degree that no man knoweth except his Father.

I will say that the movie depicts the physical suffering more than I could have imagined. With a whip of many thongs laced with metal edges and bone fragments, the scourging scene was unnerving and unbearable but at the same time powerful if you believe this is what actually happened, and you have never seen a movie that has portrayed it like this. Scourging alone took the lives of many, freeing them from the horrors of crucifixtion.

The movie pretty much depicted what I have always thought in my mind more realistically what took place during 'The Passion'

My advice would be if you want to sit around as a family--watch 'Greatest Story Ever Told' or something of that caliber....if you want to watch something that's gut wrenching and powerful and drives home like a sledghammer what was pretty accurate historically as far as the brutality.....then watch 'The Passion'

Kudos to Mel Gibson.

Edited by FlaviusHambonius
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My wife and I saw it pre-active LDS days. Very brutal..but very well done. I remember the theater was completely silent after about the first 15 minutes. My opinion now.....I don't care to watch it again.

I do watch some rated R movies sometimes. I recently watched Apocolypto. Very good. I know that there are often things in R movies that we shouldn't watch..... a weakness I need to improve on I guess.

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It's funny how the jews say this movie is anti-jewish yet they did kill Christ...

The Jews of old in Christ's day had Him crucified. Jesus willingly gave up His life.

John Chapter 10

17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.

18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.

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I love your signature. Linux is great.

Thank you. I am currently dealing with a NVIDIA onboard video that doesn't like Linux and is keeping me from installing a Linux Operating System. Hopefully a new video card I am saving for will help me remedy this problem.

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I've seen it, and I feel like since I come originally from a Catholic upbringing I "get it" in a way a lot of people don't.

Catholicism is filled with images of the Cross and Jesus upon it. The Catholic school I attended from K-8 had crucifixes hanging everywhere, almost always depicting blood from each wound, a very emaciated and tortured looking Jesus on each... We just got used to it and in a way I think that's a problem...

Mel Gibson's movie is telling us the story from a Catholic perspective in that the purpose was to say "Look how much suffering Jesus endured -- willingly -- because he loves each and every one of us!" There's a dash of guilt in there, to be sure, but it's meant to be a sobering reminder of why sin is bad. I've heard it said that the closeup of the hands putting the nails in Jesus' hands were those of Gibson himself, in his own poignant contribution to the imagery.

I find the LDS perspective to be more hopeful, more constructive, but there's no way to quantitatively say which is more useful or spiritual. To each his/her own. What I do know is that this movie is an effort to give an honest and useful portrayal of Christ's sacrifice for us in a time when the media is increasingly working to make us forget. This is therefore a good thing.

Watching the movie is exhausting and difficult, but it does create an appreciation for the Lord that I found to be valuable. If I could lodge one complaint, it would be that there isn't enough of an emotional payoff at the end. I wanted to see more of the Resurrection. I wanted to see Jesus more as He appeared afterward... how He appears today. Alive, vital, strong. I wanted to see the stone rolled back from the tomb. I wanted to see Him in the sun. Alas, this is where the emphasis between Catholicism and LDS differs most dramatically. They emphasize the Crucifixion, we emphasize Jesus Christ as alive and well as He is today. That's my only complaint, but perhaps after such an emotional beating I might have broken down completely after that had they done it that way.

I do recommend seeing it, if for no other reason than to encourage Hollywood to make more movies about Christ, instead of ones that use His name in vain or disregard the Gospel altogether.

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