Frustrated and so unsure.

Guest Lexish

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Guest Lexish

Hey all. I haven't posted much, but I do have a blog here now and do post occassionally. Anyway, on to the issue. I'm a senior in high school (less than two months now!) and while I would love to blame my problem on "senioritis" it has been an issue all four years.

Getting up for seminary is the hardest thing. I have to get up at 5. Even when I got to bed around 10 I feel sick and tired by the next morning. I want to go to seminary, I pray before I go to bed and feel optimistic. But by the time the morning comes everything feels hopeless. I just don't know what to do, who to talk to about it, or how to handle myself. Often I can't even hear the alarm clock, although I have two which sometimes wake up other people.


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i would suggest seeing a dr. not sure if you are talking more specificly to physically being exhausted or emotionaly/depression. either way they can affect eachother.

though you are going to bed you may not be entering a deep enough sleep for a long enough period of time to recover from the day before. so even though you think you are getting sleep you are exhausted. exhaustion can lead to depression and feeling hopless.

could be a thyroid disorder, if that is out of balance your body will not be able to function properly leaving you with physical and emotional exhaustion.

if you are not coping with stress properly then you would not be able to sleep sound enough, brain never turns off, and it will leave you exhausted on many levels.

those are a few off the top of my head due to having family with those specific issues. but there are many many more things it could be.

something that could greatly help a dr help you figure out what is going on is to keep a journal just about sleep and other significant events. what time you go to bed, what time you get up, how you felt going to bed, how you felt getting up, did you dream, about what, any stressors going on (big test, fight with a family member or friend), etc. make notes of any other issues you may have (ie if you forget to eat durring the day note what meals you ate and maybe even what it was, if you tend to splurge on sugar or carbs some days, if you exercised or not, etc) there may be a pattern you can't see right now. sometimes we just have to start looking.

i was experianceing some depression at one point that would come and go. i got a small notebook to keep by my bed, at the end of every day i made a one or two sentence note about that day. i commented about how i felt (depressed or not and how sever i felt it was), where i was in my menstral cycle (just started, end, etc), if anything big happened in the family, how much sleep i got, if i had bad dreams, sound sleep, etc. i did this for about 6 months before i went to the dr (not saying you should wait that long). after awhile it was very clear that much of the depression was following my menstal cycle. the intensity however was changed based on other factors in my life. what initially seemed irratic became something i could predict fairly accurately when i was going to have a hard day, there was a huge hormonal componet to it all. knowing when things would be hard i could plan more stressful events or travel plans on the good days and try to limit my schedule when i knew i wouldn't be able to cope as well.

in the mean time you could talk to the bishop or someone you trust about it, maybe even ask for a blessing to help you cope and find the answers you need. i was counseled by my stake pres one time to never forget there is no limit on blessings of comfort. the priesthood is there to bless the children of god, don't take that blessing and gift for granted or let it go to waste.

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Hey all. I haven't posted much, but I do have a blog here now and do post occassionally. Anyway, on to the issue. I'm a senior in high school (less than two months now!) and while I would love to blame my problem on "senioritis" it has been an issue all four years.

Getting up for seminary is the hardest thing. I have to get up at 5. Even when I got to bed around 10 I feel sick and tired by the next morning. I want to go to seminary, I pray before I go to bed and feel optimistic. But by the time the morning comes everything feels hopeless. I just don't know what to do, who to talk to about it, or how to handle myself. Often I can't even hear the alarm clock, although I have two which sometimes wake up other people.


Beside Gwen answer, why is seminary a depression? Curious....

Yes, you are physically beaten and perhaps emotionally drained. At times, I do see my own children with the same issue. A great example is my fourth daughter. My running daughter goes to early morning seminar, then to HS, next 1hr 30min of track training, comes home do house chores, then homework, then family time. Last bedtime.

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As a seminary teacher, I can definitely say I FEEL YOU.

It becomes very difficult to go to bed early enough to really get good sleep, but that is the key. 9:00pm for bed is tough to do for someone in your situation. It's also tough for me. I don't even get off of work until around 8:30 or so. I used to crash right after school when I got home.

I have a Red Bull fridge in my shop where we have class, but not many students ever drink it.

We are in Daniel right now. All the talk about the wars and events leading up to the Second Advent are enough to keep most of us awake.

I struggle the most at mid-day. Headaches, fatigue, it is difficult. The solution is really simple, go to bed! I know, its hard. I am often up until 2:00 in the morning and functioning on 3 or 4 hours of sleep. It's not healthy. We have to just drop everything at bed time, say our prayers, put on our beauty mask, and climb into bed, no matter what demands our attention.


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a-train said it best. Barring any health issues, nothing is a good substitute for good ol' fashion sleep. Your body needs to regenerate and rest from the day's stresses and strains. Also make sure you honor the Sabbath. Study the scriptures, go to church, visit family or anyone in need and catch up on your sleep!

One thing that you can never get back as you get older is the time lost from sleep. We can and will always find ways to use up every minute of the day but we need to do the same for sleep. If you don't get at least 7 or 8 hours minimum, your body simply won't operate efficiently. Also, stay away from junk food. No more fast food, candy, pop, etc. Buy a V8 instead of Pepsi and drink water. Stick to fruits, veggies, nuts, raisins, fish, lean meats, etc. Don't eat anything greasy or fatty. Once you begin to treat your body like the high performance machine that it was designed to be (or spiritually put, a temple) you will be functioning at optimal levels. But again, nothing is a good substitute for a proper night's sleep. So eat right and sleep well.

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Guest Lexish

Beside Gwen answer, why is seminary a depression? Curious....

I'm not sure, completely. I know it is supposed to be a strength and help a person study the scriptures and gain a testimony and make friendships. I never have liked seminary except when I studied on my own during the summer with the textbooks. I never have had a teacher who made me interested, and up until this year I never cared much for the scriptures anyway. A lot of it is, of course, in my head. It isn't seminary itself but the people involved.

Thank you everyone for your suggestions, I will implement some of them (I would be hard-pressed to do them all) and keep trying.

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Hey all. I haven't posted much, but I do have a blog here now and do post occassionally. Anyway, on to the issue. I'm a senior in high school (less than two months now!) and while I would love to blame my problem on "senioritis" it has been an issue all four years.

Getting up for seminary is the hardest thing. I have to get up at 5. Even when I got to bed around 10 I feel sick and tired by the next morning. I want to go to seminary, I pray before I go to bed and feel optimistic. But by the time the morning comes everything feels hopeless. I just don't know what to do, who to talk to about it, or how to handle myself. Often I can't even hear the alarm clock, although I have two which sometimes wake up other people.


Just hang in there wonderfull l.d.s sister, time is going to be your messenger of truth, keep working at it, it will come to you, i promise!:)
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I'm not sure, completely. I know it is supposed to be a strength and help a person study the scriptures and gain a testimony and make friendships. I never have liked seminary except when I studied on my own during the summer with the textbooks. I never have had a teacher who made me interested, and up until this year I never cared much for the scriptures anyway. A lot of it is, of course, in my head. It isn't seminary itself but the people involved.

Thank you everyone for your suggestions, I will implement some of them (I would be hard-pressed to do them all) and keep trying.

What is the real reason you don't want to go? Vitamins and all the other health suggestions listed above might benefit you but I'm not so sure that is your problem.

From what I read in the above it is the people that is causing you problems. At one time you might not have been interested in scriptures which may have added to your struggles. That does not seem to be an issue for you at this time because you experience enjoyment during the time when you can read on your own. It sounds from your post that your problems lie in strugglies with other people. What bothers you about them? Being honest with yourself on that question will help you find the strength to take it to Heavenly Father for help and know what others that you may need to go to in order to resolve your issues.

Dealing with other people can be a challenging thing. The church can be a very difficult place at times probably because of the high standards and expectations that are set as a result.

I like C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters, it helps keep me in check.

I hope you can find your way through this difficult time.

In my prayers.. Rosie

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As a seminary teacher, I can definitely say I FEEL YOU.

It becomes very difficult to go to bed early enough to really get good sleep, but that is the key. 9:00pm for bed is tough to do for someone in your situation. It's also tough for me. I don't even get off of work until around 8:30 or so. I used to crash right after school when I got home.

I have a Red Bull fridge in my shop where we have class, but not many students ever drink it.

We are in Daniel right now. All the talk about the wars and events leading up to the Second Advent are enough to keep most of us awake.

I struggle the most at mid-day. Headaches, fatigue, it is difficult. The solution is really simple, go to bed! I know, its hard. I am often up until 2:00 in the morning and functioning on 3 or 4 hours of sleep. It's not healthy. We have to just drop everything at bed time, say our prayers, put on our beauty mask, and climb into bed, no matter what demands our attention.


Atrain, what is happening sounds more like your blood sugar dropping and hitting a real low. Drink a glass of orange juice. That will jolt you awake (leave the red bull alone, it is the worst thing for you), then eat about 2 oz of cheese, fruit, some crackers. The protien and fat will help the sugar get to where it needs to get in a controlled manner.

Go to the National Diabetes Assoc. on-line and study up on their diet. Give it a shot for about a month and see if you don't feel better.

Try eating 135 - 150 grams of carbs a day. Break it up into 3 to 5 meals. You have to have protien and fat too. I can't remember the total gram amounts, but it is there at the NDA web site. Don't eat all your carbs without mixing them up with protien and fat. Plus you have to have lots and lots of free foods- fillers. Most raw vegetables, and some fruits.

Once you get the balanced amounts of carbs, fat & protien - you will no longer crash and burn, you will wake up easier and be more alert.

Also eat breakfast- if you are like me and can't stand the sight or smell of eggs every morning, eat some vegetable soup, chili, or even 1/2 serving of lasagna and a tossed salad.

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I also get up at 5am to study seminary with my daughter. It's a long story but the final solution to how she was going to do this class involved me doing it with her. So I know I need 8 hours sleep and I know that going to bed later than 9pm isn't going to get me 8 hours sleep. It's all fine and dandy until we get to Tuesday night when she goes to youth! She doesn't even leave the chapel until after 9pm let alone get home and get to bed - so we ended up not doing seminary on Wednesdays and doing another day instead. As this is home study so long as she attends one class a week it doesn't matter how we fit the rest in so when they don't do Fridays we do.

If I went to bed at 10pm I know I wouldn't be up at 5am and neither would my daughter - or at least if we were up we'd be feeling sluggish as you describe.

Do you have chance of a 'power nap' during the day? Sometimes if I haven't been able to get enough sleep at night that does help.

As for what you get out of the scriptures I find that always relates to what you put in. If I approach study with enthusiasm and a desire to know more then I enjoy the learning. It shouldn't depend on the personality or skills of the teacher. It's the same Holy Ghost who really does the teaching no matter who is running the class.

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I'm not sure, completely. I know it is supposed to be a strength and help a person study the scriptures and gain a testimony and make friendships. I never have liked seminary except when I studied on my own during the summer with the textbooks. I never have had a teacher who made me interested, and up until this year I never cared much for the scriptures anyway. A lot of it is, of course, in my head. It isn't seminary itself but the people involved.

Thank you everyone for your suggestions, I will implement some of them (I would be hard-pressed to do them all) and keep trying.

I appreciate the candor feedback. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont think lexish's problem is health related. I used to work at the airport half a mile from our house. I had to start work at 5am. I felt like Lexish-tired, sluggish-just constantly tired, i never had any energy-i slept when I got in at about 3ish till gone five. So basically my free time I slept. I was up at 4, home from work at 3, and slept till dinner. I may as well have had a 9-5 job. Basically, in my opinion, getting up that early on a regular basis, is just not good for you!!!

Red bulls I would definitely stay away from too. They give you a quick hit then you come crashing down worse afterwards. I used to rely on red bull and coke to get me through nights, and ended up in A&E twice with heart palpitations!

Lexish, try and get as much of a regular sleep pattern as you can. If you are in your senior year and its too much, I would give up seminary. You have your entire life to read and learn from the scriptures-you have one chance to be in high school and graduate for your career. Don't blow it by dragging yourself to seminary. I did seminary when I did have a testimony. I did two years then stopped. best decision I made-I never got anything from seminary other than constant fatigue. I studied my scriptures alone with the manual and got a lot more from it. x

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i am also in high school and i have the hardest time getting up for seminary myself! i have it first period and i catch myself just sleeping through it and just getting up for my second period. about a month ago my seminary teacher told me how many make-ups i had to do and i almost fell out of my chair, so now i've been trying so hard to get up and go. i do have a few things that have helped me. on a days when i have seminary, i tell myself that it is a b day which makes me get out of bed because i cant miss chemistry. i didnt think it would work because i thought i had more common sense, but in the mornings i totally fall for it. haha also, i have 3 different alarms. my first two go off and i turn them off, but when my third one goes off i know that i've already slept through 2 and i need to get up. i dont know why, but its easier for me to wake up to my third alarm than my second or first. after my third alarm goes off i make sure i go turn on my light, put in my contacts and put on my makeup. that way i cant get back in bed or else i'll ruin my makeup. :) i used to shower in the mornings to help me wake up, but i would just get ready really slow and then i'd be atleast 15 minutes late for seminary, which counts as an absence at my school. i like to shower at night so i dont have as much to do in the mornings, which gives me a little more time to sleep. and dont forget, you're not the only person with "senioritis". haha i bet a lot of your friends have the same problem. you could even ask them to call you in the morning and remind you that you have to go to seminary. i hope you find something that works, and let me know when you do! :)

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